
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 4-One Missing Piece

"I-I have to save her!"

"If you go out there you'll die! Along with her!"

"Well either way she's going to die if I don't do anything!"

Quickly Sabi perched through the window and landed quickly outside of Abel's home. Hastily he stood up and turned towards the beast who was over the poor frail female Mokuzen. Drool flowed from its wide-open mouth, showing it jagged rows of monstrous teeth. The female Mokuzen crying loudly with the beasts growling. Other Mokuzen's were watching from their windows some holding hands over their kid's eyes. Some just watching and feeling sorrow for the poor female Mokuzen till...

"Hey! Ugly."

The beast's mouth closes as it looks up at Sabi. Its growls getting even more intense than a few seconds ago. The female Mokuzen cries dampening as she held her right arm between her and the beast. As it started crawling over her and towards Sabi, Sabi's face was slightly worried as it takes a few steps more towards him. Then within seconds, it charges.

The beast rushes at Sabi on all fours, its back legs pushing it forward with every stomping step. Then as it positions within the range of Sabi. It changed into a bipedal and hovers over Sabi, masking him within its shadow. The beast was massive, its dark black fur blended with the night. its eyes glowing hungrily, Sabi was frozen as it towers over him, then with a fierce slam downwards Sabi was smashed into the ground. His body was placed into a crater with the beast's giant left paw pressed against his body. The pressure squeezing what little breath he had left in his system. His bones cracking as it pushes harder on him with more of its weight. Sabi's eyes were squinted and blurred. As he looked to make sure the girl got away, with no one in sight he smirked slightly.

"At least I saved someone..."

Slowly the red-eyed beast's darkened drool flowed from its jaws. As its mouth held open leaning in with its sharp and rugged teeth. Perfect for ripping its prey apart without resistance.

"I have... No regrets."

The shadow of the beast's mouth hovered over, Sabi's head. It's moist and heated breath brushing his face. Sabi slowly closed his squinted eyes ready for it to be all over, a brisk brush of cool air slapped his face and as he opened his eyes. He saw the beast's attention on someone else. Quickly observing to see the female Mokuzen standing with a brownstone in her hand.

"Leave him alone!" She screamed as she threw the rock as hard as she could. Pelting the beast in the right eye. Causing it to stumble back off of Sabi.

Within an instant, Sabi gained a massive breath and his eyes shot open. Immediately getting up to face the beast.

"Get out of here! It's not safe!"

Suddenly as Sabi turned he saw the other Mokuzen villagers gathering with green light torches and black stone-sharpened daggers. Listening as they shout at the beast and wave their torches in the sky. "Get out of our village, beast!", "You are not welcome here!" "Get! Get!"

Sabi felt something hurting from within even though he knew they weren't talking to him. He still felt the pain. He turned his head back to the beast who was angered and slowly stepped closer to them.

"I understand you... You were born on this harsh planet. You had to do what you needed to survive. You had to toughen up in order to find your place..."

Suddenly Sabi's chest started emitting emerald green light, and its glow brightened instantly. Giving shape to a demon light figure. The villagers were in shock, as they watched the green muscular spirit stand before them and Sabi.

"W-Who are you?"

It spoke nothing, it's only action was to approach the red-eyed beast. It slowly walked towards it, causing it to stand guard, and growled even more. Its rage increased as it continued.

"Obluh."[Obey] It held out his right hand and held it palm facing its face. Suddenly the raging beast's attitude changed and it quickly became calm. As the green spirit placed its hand against the beast's head, it stood for a moment. Before dissolving into nothing. As Sabi watched the beast, he slowly noticed its attitude towards him and the villagers.

"Bu Haro! It's not possible!"[By God!] Abel said with an awed look on his face. As he appeared behind Sabi.

"What? What's not possible?"

"Sabi, you tamed the beast! Look at its eyes." Sabi quickly glimpsed over the beast's eyes. They were a calm yellow.

"They're yellow now?!"


"So wait? Does that mean he's mine?"

"I-I couldn't tell you. But It's tame now. It could be thanks to that spirit you summoned."

Sabi looked at his chest in awe, slightly rubbing the protruding emerald.

"Thing is, I don't really know how I did it. It kind've just happened."

Suddenly the sitting beast stood up and walked towards them. Sabi brushes Abel back, as they don't know what to expect. As it approached it sat before Sabi and stuck its tough out. Panting like a dog.


"I think he wants you to pet him." Vite shouted as he appeared behind Abel and Sabi.

Sabi looked at the excited Vite for a moment before looking back at the beast.

"H-Here goes nothing."

Slowly and carefully Sabi sticks his left arm out, placing his left hand onto the beast's forehead. Then with a slight rub, Sabi felt the friendliness of the beast and gave him more of a playful rub.

"Wow! He really is tamed!"

The beast falls onto his side as he leaves his tongue out to pant in happiness. Soon enough the Mokuzen children started swarming him to pet him as well. Surprisingly enough the beast was calm with them and let them make him happy. With the nighttime calmed, Sabi looks up into the starry sky. Smiling as he sees five shooting stars pass by.

"Sabi, you did a great thing. Just know that."

"It... It felt right to do it. I don't want to let others die if I can do something to prevent it."

"Well said, my friend... Well said."