
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 37-Outer Worlds Part Two

"The... Future?" Kytel was confused on what Carden was saying.

"Brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you..." Carden reaches into his red robes pockets, and pulls out the purple heirloom.

"There is a being, who wishes to destroy this very gem and anything that concedes with it. That even means, us."

"Why would they want to do that! What's wrong with the gem?!"

"In their eyes its to powerful, it holds power to potentially rival even the beings above if used correctly." Carden inhaled a slow breath.

Before exhaling through his noses.

"I'm giving it to you, I'm no longer strong enough to keep hold of this powerful artifact, this gemstone that belonged to..."

Carden suddenly began coughing even worse, so much that it stopped all action and words he was commencing. Bringing him down to his knees, forcing him to hold his chest in pain. Kytel began to panic as he watched Carden falling ill.

"Guards! Guards! Get in here!"

Two guards burst into the room and see Carden down on the ground.

"Help him! Please!"

With their orders, the guards rush over to check on Carden. While others started filling the doors into the room.

"He's breathing, but barely." Said one of the guards, as he began slowly and carefully checking Carden's body.

The other guard kept others out of the room while they examined him, however in no time at all. Yoppa appeared and push through the guard.

"Miss Yoppa, you shouldn't."

But it was too late, as she saw her father on the ground in a dying state.

"Father!" Yoppa shouts as she rushes over to the king.

"What's wrong with my father?! Kytel?"

"I-I don't know he just pulled out the heirloom and..."

Then it hit him, slowly Kytel was piecing together Carden's words.

"C-Check his body, look for any wound, or blemishes."

"W-What?! Why Kytel?"

"Just trust me, I need to know if my hunch is correct."

The guard looked worried as he watched Yoppa's expression.

"Well! Go on!" Yoppa commanded.

The guard began moving Carden's clothing off his chest, and in no time at all everyone's eyes widened. This caused Yoppa to stand.

"You guard, leave with the other and keep anyone from entering the room. Understood!"

The guard covered something up and stared at Yoppa.


"What you just saw, stays in here! Nothing comes from out of your mouth or you will be punished severely!" Yoppa's eyes were sharp and fierce, making sure her point was clear.

"U-Understood! Miss Yoppa!"

The guard quickly fled with the other closing the doors behind them.

"T-That can't be real..."

Kytel was shocked as he thought about the imagine.

"Kytel... What did my father tell you before he collapsed?"

"H-He, was talking about the future, how we should get ready for something dangerous and powerful and how things weren't ever gonna be... The same."

Kytel's eyes widened.

"You think he was telling me he was gonna..."

"Quiet! I don't wanna think like that! So just stop! Please."

"Y-Yoppa, I'm sorry."

Kytel watched Carden as his bodies faint movement was fading. So for one good measure, Kytel pulled his robes apart one last time. To see it once again. As he pulled them apart and Carden's chest viewed visible. He was in shock, a pulsing black mass was protruding from Carden's chest, with roots stretching towards each limb. Yet in the center of it all, it pulsed with a purple glow. A feint and evil looking glow.

"What in hell's gates is happening here?!"

Harmen appeared with a book and his ragged robes.

"Harmen, how did you?" Yoppa was confused by Harmen's appearance.

"What, you never use the secret door?"

Yoppa looked confused as Harmen approached to see the dreadful sight.

"Oh my, friend what have you gotten yourself into?"

Harmen kneeled and explored the infection.

"Fascinating, this blemish or rather parasitic parasite is quite big. I wonder how long you've been hiding it from us old friend."

"Wait, you mean he's had this for a while now?" Yoppa questioned

"Well by the looks of it, months maybe years."

"W-Why didn't he mention anything about it? Why hide it?"

"Why do you think?" Harmen said as he looked coldly at Yoppa.

Yoppa had a distasteful look on her face, one that nearly tears took hold of.

"Why would he hide it from me... His only family..."

"...That's exactly why." Kytel said softly, causing Yoppa to jerk her head and look at him.

"...No, oh god no."


The room was filled with Yoppa's whining. Cries so desperate, so much despair, tension flooded like gates of a dam breaking open.

"Please child, breath, just breath. Your father isn't out for the count yet."

Harmen searches his hands and sees the glowing heirloom.

"I wonder..."

Harmen reaches for the gemstone, but stops immediately.

"W-What the."

Kytel held Harmen's old wrist.

"Don't touch it, Harmen or you'll suffer the same fate."

Harmen looked worried and confused.

"How do you know? What could you possibility not be telling us."

Kytel bit his lip as he tried to bring up a false explanation.

"The glowing from his parasite and the gemstone are the same color. So if I had to say it was apparent, It would be the thing causing it."

Harmen examined the similarities then looked back at Kytel.

"Could you let go of my wrist."

Kytel let go instantly and stepped back.


"It's fine you damn gorilla." Harmen said as he shook his old wrist to relief some pain.

Harmen stood up, but kept his eye on the gemstone.

"Kytel, you and Yoppa need to-."

Suddenly a strong pillar of light beamed into the room. So dense, and so powerful. Pressure filled the room making it hard to breathe. Their bodies shaking as two beings slowly emerged from it.

"Lord Kessa, we've arrived."

A tall blue woman, with a giant blue ring around her neck; long white hair, godly looking clothes, and a staff that had a hovering black ball with it's own tiny ring around it. Stood beside a thick green lizard like reptile with a black tail that had a green underside. With his own godly outfit he looked towards the three standing in the room.

Kessa yawned as he slowly woke up.

"What a boring travel, why couldn't you go any faster Cinthea."

"You know why my Lord."

"Yeah, yeah. Because I'm getting old. I get it."

"Certainly lord."

"You weren't suppose to agree with that!" Kessa growled angerly as he threw his attention back to the three in the room.

"You three, I've come in search of a gem, an amethyst. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Kessa grinned as he watched their reactions begin to burst.