
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 36-Outer World Part One

Cold, a winter land filled with giants of ice and mountains of snow. Yet the planet thrived on its own prey and predator system. The strong survived, and the weak die. Most of the time, other times something unexpected would happen, random hail storms, rain that melted snow and shifted it into an icy atmosphere. That could freeze anyone standing in it for long. Yet a civilization walked among this planet, living everyday differently. Changing with the planets change. This harsh planet was called Yivis(Yi-vus), and the colony that settles within is known as the Icory(Ick-ory). Made of many races, they all have one goal in common to survive. But with so many races, you'd expect to learn about the many that live here, however that is not the case. We're only here for one person, a singular Saiyan that was deported and turned into royalty. That Saiyan's name is none other than.

"Kytel! Are you done yet! Could you get out here already!"

An agitated blue skinned man yelled, who's orange hair puffed down to his back and over his shoulders. Soon enough a Saiyan with a strong build; spiky black hair with a singular bang; a scar on his left eye, and an actual tail appeared.

"About time, Kytel. If you were in there any longer, I might have busted the door down."

Kytel chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, Harmen I just couldn't hold in all that water I drank earlier."

"Uh huh, I don't need to know that. Now move so I can use the bathroom!"

Kytel stepped aside letting Harmen enter the bathroom.

"Man, he doesn't seem happy today... Oh well! All I know, is now I'm hungry! That toilet was a formidable foe!"

"Already talking about eating at a time like this, tsk, tsk. No restraint at all."

Kytel turned his head to see a female with orange hair, and blue skin as well. Except her orange hair curled in multiple directions.

"Oh! Yoppa! You're back!"

Kytel open his arms wide and attempted to hug Yoppa. But as he got close, she held her arm out and pressed him back by his face.

"What did I tell you about physical contact!"

"But, Yoppaaa!!"

"No! Stop it! Stop it!! Kytel damn it I said stop!!"

Yoppa was on the ground Kytel looming over her.

"Ha, got you!"

In an instant Yoppa began growling at Kytel, before.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!!"

Kytel got up quickly and bolted from the angry Yoppa. Who was chasing after him angerly.

"Please Yoppa! I sorry!!!"

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it! You broke rule two! Now you'll suffer the consequence's!"

"Yoppa!! Please!! Don't!!"

As Kytel turns the corner, he bumps into a robed person. They were tall, and slim. The color of their skin different from Harmen and Yoppa. A dark red tone with white slicked back hair.

"Huh! What the hells going on!"

"OH! Dola, thank god you're here. You see Yoppa's trying to."

From down the hall, Yoppa screams for Kytel with a blood thirsty tone in her voice. Instantly telling Dola everything.

"Well, Kytel. You better keep running."

"W-W-What! You aren't gonna help me?!"

Dola stepped aside and watched as Kytel burst off from him, then Yoppa appearing right after. Still in pursuit of Kytel.

They ran for another ten minutes, before finally. Kytel turns a sharp corner and finds himself stuck by a lock door. As he turns around to try and reroute, Yoppa appears, her eyes glaring a bright red flare.

"You made me chase you! For so long! You're so dead! Kytel!"

Kytel stood his ground, ready for Yoppa to attack. As he positioned himself for battle, Yoppa leaped forward, causing Kytel to jab with his right fist. But miss, due to Yoppa's speed. As she crashes against him, she forces both of them onto the ground, then grabs hold of Kytel's face.

"Time for your punishment!"

Then it happened, Yoppa kissed Kytel!

Pressing him against the ground as he tried to resist.

"Mmmm, mmm."

Kytel mumbled as he tried to break free of Yoppa's kiss, and with a little bit of force he was able to free himself to breathe.

"What the hell! I said no!"

"You broke rule number two, I had to show you the consequence."

Kytel narrowed his eyes, as he turned his head blushing.

"Not much of a punishment if I like it." He whispered as Yoppa got off of him.

"What was that?"

"Huh? I haven't said anything!"

"That's what I thought." Yoppa said with a smirk as she turned and began walking away.

"Oh, that reminds me. My father wants to see you in the dining hall. Wouldn't wanna keep him waiting any longer now." Yoppa waved Kytel off as she vanished around the corner.

"Ohhhhhh, I love my life."

Kytel quickly retreated to the dining hall, but as he enters, a portal opens beside him. With a person appearing through it in seconds.

"Oh, there you are Kytel. Glad you came."

"Hey! Carden, Yoppa told me you wanted to talk to me. But it seems I wasn't late."

"You aren't at all, which is a good thing, if you were you wouldn't have ate tonight."

"W-What! That wouldn't have been fair!"

"Sure it is, anyway come. Sit, we must discuss the future."

"The future?"

As Carden slowly walked to his dining chair, he unleashed a harsh yet slight cough.

"Carden, are you okay?"

"Yes child, I am fine now sit, sit!"

Kytel quickly sat in the closest chair to Carden. Anxious about the news he wishes to discuss.

"Now, as you know I am getting older and closer to death. As all things do, yet there is much I must tell you, but so little time."

"What... Do you mean, Carden?"

"For now, just listen Kytel. It's very important you do nothing, but listen."


Kytel sat silently as Carden began speaking.

"As you know we hold a powerful gemstone, one that allows us to teleport between our world and a subspace of our own. With it we've been able to survive harsh times on Yivis, along with hold those who wish to harm us imprisoned. Keeping this place as safe as possible, but that isn't all there is to it."

Carden began harshly coughing again.

"The gem isn't normal, it's power comes from a feral beast, one that mustn't be unleashed. Or else chaos will corrupt our planet."


"Shhh, but that won't be possible if the carrier of the heirloom, is strong and determined. Does that sound like anyone you know?"

Kytel sits and thinks for a moment, trying to picture a person who is strong and determined, then it clicks.

"You mean Yoppa!"

Carden looks at him in disbelief.

"No, try again."

"Hmmm, Dola then!"

"No, wait Kytel are you taking this seriously?"

"Well, yeah? Why? Do you think I'm not?"

Carden inhales slowly then exhales.

"Kytel, I want you to be the protector and wielder of our families heirloom. Only you, have the power to do such."

"Wait, wait. Carden you want me to do it?"

"Of course."

"But it's a family heirloom, and I'm-."

"Apart of this family, whether you like it or not. We chose you over hundreds of them. It wasn't an easy choice at first, you were clumsy, weak, you had no light in your eyes. Yet, I knew with time you would show promise, and you did. You became the second best thing I've ever created."

"Only second best?"

"Yes, Yoppa got you beat."

Carden and Kytel look each other in the eyes, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Y-Yeah I agree, she can be very strong and scary."

"Sometimes I forget she's my daughter, ha, ha!"

Carden burst out coughing again. Alerting Kytel to his issues.

"Kytel... Time is of the essence, I can only give you a day before you have to decline or accept, whatever choice you make. Will effect things no matter what. So don't worry about the consequences, just worry about... The future."