
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 3-Heroes Of Earth, And Baseball?!

Now as we appear back on earth we meet up with earth's heroes to discover what they've been doing all this time.


An umpire shouts as Crimson stands before him holding a bat.

"Do you have to shout so loud? Kal?"

"Gotta make sure everyone knows."

Kal's old face makes a mocking pucker face.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just do this."

Crimson pulls the bat back and bends his knees staring directly at the pitcher. Who appears to be none other than Okara himself.

"I hope you're ready! Because I'm about to strike you out, Crimson!"

Okara with his black baseball cap sitting on his head backward. He pulls his right-handed glove up to his face. Holding the ball firmly. Keeping eye contact with Crimson. Crimson didn't wear a batting helmet, but did he really need one? Spread out in the field was Rose, Cassa, Bell, and Lily. The teams were small three on three. But it didn't matter to them.

Green started appearing in Okara's eyes as he raised his left leg keeping himself positioned sideways towards Crimson.

"It's time to strike you...(Okara ejected his left leg forward along with rotating his body as he stomped it down. His right arm cocked back driving forward.) Out!!"

Finally, Okara launched the ball with incredible power and speed. As Crimson watched it leave his fingers. His eyes sharpened and he instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"Hey! No Fair!! That's cheating, Crimson!"

Okara watched as Crimson swung his bat with force connecting with the ball instantly. The ball was given severe whiplash as it changed direction and fired into space. As everyone watched it and the smoke steamed off the now dented metal bat. Crimson smirked and deformed as he ran his homerun.

"That so not fair!!!"

Okara was furious, but Crimson's team was happily jumping and cheering for Crimson. Both Rose and Lily laughed and screamed as he ran first, second, third, and home base.

"Game over!! Crimson's win!!"

Okara had veins popping out of his neck and head from the strain he was putting on his body as he grit his teeth.

Thirty minutes pass and everyone is sitting at a wooden bench eating lunch in their baseball outfits.

"Oh come on, Okara. You still can't be mad about that."

"Of course I am! We agreed with no Super Saiyan and you went and transformed!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry for being clever."

Crimson chuckled at his sarcasm along with everyone else, but Okara. However, something did give Okara a good laugh. Suddenly a stream of water is shot against the back of Crimson's head. His eyes widen as he turns around to see Ru holding a water gun and shooting him with it.

"Why you lit-."

Ru fires it again this time hitting Crimson in the face. Then with a childish smile, Ru turned and ran as fast as he could.

"Get back here you!!"

Crimson got up and chased after him as everyone continued to laugh.

"Okay, now I feel better."

As the laugh simmered down Kal spoke above everyone to learn something.

"Say, Okara. Have you and Crimson been practicing that technique we discovered?"

"Technique? Oh, you mean the combined bodies thing?"

"Fusion would be an easier term, but yes."

Suddenly Crimson stopped near the table holding a running Ru.

"I mean we've attempted it multiple times, but we can never seem to get it."

"Are you sure you've met the requirements?"

"I'm pretty sure we have, match our power levels, and postures."

"Then if you're pretty sure, why don't you give us a demonstration?"

"Oh yes! Please show us this fusion technique!"

Cassa's eyes brightened with stars at the idea of this technique. Rose's was peaked with interest as well.

Okara and Crimson look at each other with worried smiles. However, soon enough they found themselves side by side. Some distance between them.

"Alright! First step gentlemen! What is it!"

Okara and Crimson responded in sync.

"Equal our power levels."

"Good! Commence!"

Okara and Crimson's aura's erupted around them adjusting till they were felt their powers perfectly matched.

"Now commence the fusion dance!"

"Oh!! A dance!"

Cassa's eyes widened even more as Rose was a bit disappointed.

Suddenly Okara and Crimson's movements were matched as they slowly moved towards each other. As they bend towards each other their fingers touch. However Kal instantly saw something wrong, however, their bodies changed into streams of red and green energy swirling like a tornado and merging into one. As it shoots down into the ground it bursts away from the being. We are shown a chubby fusion.

"Aw yeah!! Maximum power!!"

Quickly Cassa and Rose's faces were filled with bitterness and disgust at the sight of their fused husbands.

"This is an incomplete fusion! We'll try again another time. But for now, Okara! Your finger was off it didn't fully connect with Crimsons. However, he wasn't the only issue. Crimson you're posture was bent too far, it's supposed to be ninety degrees. You were close to a ninety-six. As of now this technique is incomplete and should only be used in drastic situations. As you only have... Thirty minutes."

Soon enough thirty minutes passed allowing Crimson and Okara to unfuse.

"Man I can't believe we still can't fuse properly." Okara sighed as he got into Bell's truck. Crimson standing outside the window about to get in Rose's car.

"We'll get it eventually, for now, we keep practicing and getting stronger."

"You aren't wrong there, there's no telling what's coming next. So we should prepare as much as we can."


Crimson smiles as he puts his fist in the car window. Okara smiled back as he placed his fist against Crimsons.

"Well, see you tomorrow for training."

"Well actually, Crimson. Tomorrow is when we're celebrating Ru's fourth birthday. So we won't be able to do much there. But you should come anyway."

"I'll think about it, alright?"

"Okay! See you soon."

Crimson backed away from Bell's truck and watched as they drove off. However, something was bugging him as he looked up into the blue sky with a serious face.

"Hey! Are you okay, Crimson?"

"H-Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Are you ready to leave, Rose?"

"Yup, we've got everything packed. Just waiting on you."

"Alright then, let's get going."

Rose gets into the driver's seat as Crimson looks up at the sky once more. Before getting into the passenger seat.