
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 27-Crisma

While Okara and Arako help Cassa recover, Crisma's battle rages onwards. While he fights with his fatality beaten body. Against Gollin in his transformed Legendary Super Saiyan form, while Pierce appears in Super Saiyan three, but his Super Saiyan three was different his hair was slicked back and spiked downwards. Not reached down his back. Yet his power was out of this world. Crisma felt his bodies toll and soon enough he finds himself being pushed back. Gollin stomping towards him with a gigantic sized body due to his transformation. Shaking the ground and causing Crisma to stumble around before getting stomped on. As Gollin crushes Crisma's heated body under his foot, Crisma's life starts appearing before his eyes.

"Listen up! The prince has ordered a raid on Amethyst Kingdom, and will not tolerate failure! Is that understood! We will commence instantly on his command."

An army of demons stood in rows of hundreds, equaling up to thousands of soldiers. Ready to march on command.

"The prince will now appear to give his speech and orders! All salute as Prince Merlot takes his place!"

Suddenly the thousands of soldiers took a knee and placed their right arm across their chests, their heads bowed down. Remaining in this position until the prince takes his place.

"All rise, and receive my speech with the most receiving of hearing!"

The thousands of soldiers stand and look up at the prince as he flaunts his arms with his ruby encrusted robe.

"By the rule of the Ruby Kingdom! You will show strength and determination in slaying our neighboring Kingdom the Amethysts! They plague our world with their entitled lifestyles. They believe they are the superior beings out of the seven kingdoms! But no longer, will we let this stand. This preposterous idea of uniting the seven kingdoms of hell. We will not stand for this! We shall show them, we can not be united! Shall not be united! For we are the strongest! So with this, I salute you brave soldiers, and send you on your way to end this horrid idea! So go, and make our king proud!"

As the thousands of ruby soldiers advance in their march towards Amethyst Kingdom we stray onto one soldier in particular.

"Hey! You okay Crisma?" A soldier jabs Crisma in the arm, snapping him out of a blank stare.

"Huh? Yeah, sorry. Got lost in thought, Scar."

"Why are you apologizing? What the hell are you a kid?"

Crisma chuckled within the crowd of marching soldiers.

"I heard you got a special talk from the King himself, what was it about?"

"...I can't tell you that."

"Ah, come on I know you want to."

"No, bite it!"

"Damn, okay. Hell calm down I was just kidding."

"Yeah, sure you were Scar."

"Hey, some guys heard something about an ambush. But the commander isn't buying it. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well, what do you think? Do you think it's true?"

"How the hell would I know. It's not like we'd know just because-."


Everyone readied themselves as they marched closer into view of the Amethyst Kingdom.

"Whoa! It's huge!"

"Is this really the time Scar! Get ready for anything."

"Oh come on, you said it yourself how the hell would we know-!"

Suddenly a purple crystalized arrow lodges into Scar's neck and he instantly falls lifelessly.


Suddenly soldiers started falling as projectiles flew at them. Some blocked the incoming attack, but others were most unfortunate. However that was the least of their worries as a loud war cries could be heard from a mile away. An army of Amethyst warriors were charging towards the ruby soldiers.

"Men! Don't just stand there! CHARGE!!"

The commander demanded causing a raging fight to commence as thousands of soldiers rushed at each other for battle! The moment the two sides collided many began to fall. Heads were removed from bodies, others lost multiple limbs. Some even slayed their foe with a missing limb. Blood began filling the battlefield with the corpses of both sides. As Crisma dodged and attacked with his hands, he grappled multiple Amethyst soldiers, and tore them to pieces. Each soldier fought with their claws, fangs, and fists. Tearing each other to pieces and drinking each others blood. It was a grotesque sight to see the same race devouring each other. Over a simple thing such as power.

Crisma however was relentless, as he ran and slashed through soldiers like it was nothing, as he got closer to the castle the reinforcements got stronger, and soon enough he started having trouble. He jumped and pounced from enemy to enemy with his claws. Trying to kill as many as he could before the juggernaut arrived, after kill a hundred and four soldiers. His match had arrived, the juggernaut appeared a giant demonic brute. With four eyes, and three arms. It was strong and Crisma knew he stood no chance.

"Come on!! You ugly son of a bastard!!!"

Crisma roared with determination and charged at the raging brute. With hundreds of Amethyst soldiers attacking at him from every angle. He leaped recklessly and received a nasty blow to the back. A crystalized arrow lodged into his spine, causing him to lose all feeling in his body. As his unresponsive body reached the juggernaut, it grappled him and launched him into the ground. Swarmed by enemies and being beaten by the juggernaut. Crisma was dying and the battle of Ruby vs Amethyst was coming to an end.

"N-No... I can't die here. I-I have to go back and... Reclaim my place... As king."

Crisma began remembering his special talk with the king.

"Crisma, as you know... I do not have much time left. My body is fading fast and I will no longer cease to exist."

"My lord..."

"As my dying wish, I have a request for you"

"What is it my king?"

"Return from this pointless war alive, and claim my spot as king."

Crisma's eyes widened.

"Claim your spot?! Why... Me? Why do you want me to-."

"Because you're the last one I can trust, my son. Merlot is blinded by power. All he believes in is power. He'll sooner or later drive this Kingdom into the ground. But you, you have a relentless spark within you. I can see it, you hold a power greater then the rest. But it is untapped and you are not yet ready."

"Then... If I'm not ready, why do you want me to claim it now?"

"Because with experience comes ability, understanding. I believe if you were to rule this kingdom, you'd learn how to brighten that spark within and turn it into a raging fire..."

Suddenly the king begins bursting out into a painful cough, trying to speak.

"Please, Crisma... You are our last hope. If Merlot gets a hold of this kingdom. I'm afraid, we will all perish."

"I-I... I'll do it, I'll return and claim my spot as king!"

Crisma reached out towards the fiery sky peering through the horde of enemies surrounding him, until an amethyst soldier delivered... The fatal blow. Piercing through Crisma's head and killing him instantly.

The remains of the battle were apparent as some of the amethyst soldiers were finishing off the remaining ruby soldiers. The battlefield was littered with bodies, while the survivors turned back and headed home. The amethyst kingdom had won and once again, the ruby kingdom takes another defeat.