
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 25-Say My Name

Among the disastrously destroyed city, laid the remains of many who have perished during this confrontation of rivalry between the heroes and royals. As we find ourselves in a further region of the destroyed city. We see one of our heroes still unconscious from the battle, however he's continues fighting his own battles as well.

In a forest, standing in a slight opening with ray of sunlight pouring down on them.

"Where am- Wait, how did I get here? Wasn't I on earth a minute ago!"

As they franticly looked around, the rays of sunlight began dimming then a voice filled the air behind him.

"About time you woke up." The voice says causing a sudden reaction from the hero.

With no one in sight they continue looking around.

"I was beginning to think you kicked the bucket."


"You know, you'd stand a better chance if you just... Say my name." With one last turn the hero finds themselves facing a mirror.

"Say it, Arako. Say my name."

Arako stared at his reflection in the mirror, thinking.

"I don't know who you are."

The reflection snickers at him.

"Yes you do. You just have to think, come on! Say my name! Say it!"

The mirror slightly cracked from the anger the reflection released, causing Arako to step back.

"Who are you..."

The mirror began shaking from rage as Arako continued ignoring its request.


Suddenly the trees near them were ripped from their roots and shot away from a raging shockwave. Leaving only Arako and the mirror in a giant deforested area.

"W-What power..."

The mirror continued shaking, it's glass cracking as fingers start reaching through. Arako's eyes widened as a giant green glow awoke from his chest. Bleeding the sky green and wiping the clouds away, as the hand reached closer towards him. The top half of a being emerged it's hair white and spiky, almost like Okara's. As the top half gripped the ground and forcefully continued ripping himself from the cracked mirror. The world continued to shake, causing Arako to look around wondering and worried about what was happening.

"Arako! Arako! Wake up!"

The forest vanished instantly with the mirror, like a giant flash of white and black, and suddenly Arako finds himself slowly waking up.

"Come on, you got to wake up."

Arako's eyes slowly opened to Okara's voice.


"Y-Yeah it's me, you alright?"

Okara helped Arako sit up so he could breathe better.

"You took a pretty bad loss, so just gotta make sure you're still in there."

Arako quickly looked around trying to find something.

"It's not here..."



Arako looked down trying to think of some explanation for his recent dream.

"I-It's nothing, mind helping me stand?"

"O-Oh yeah, no problem."

With some support Arako was able to stand, but the moment Okara removed his help, he instantly went back down.


"M-My bad!"

"It's fine, I just don't have the energy to keep myself up right now."

Okara helped Arako stand once again this time keeping his support.

"So, what happened while I was out?"

"Well I'm not sure myself, I kinda woke up a bit ago as well."

"Oh yeah? How'd you manage that?"

Okara smirked a little thinking about Asha.

"I got help from a brave hero."

Arako looked a bit confused.


"A hero? A brave hero at that? Did you hit your head hard or somethin?"

"Hey, who's holding who up right now?!"

"Okay, okay... What about everyone else? How are they doing?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't found Cassa yet, and Crimson... I think he's out for the count as well."

"So we basically got wiped out."

"It was bound to happen, these guys are really strong. I'm surprised we even made it as far as we did."

"Tsk... Damn it."

"What is it? Arako?"

"For a moment when everyone gave me their energy, I felt something awaken within me. But I... I don't feel it anymore."

"Do you mean like a surge of power? Or... What?"

"I'm not sure, I just know it felt good. It was... Protecting almost, like a shield... Like a godly presence."

Okara snickered as Arako mumbles his thoughts.

"Shut up..."

"Oh, I'm just messin with you. If anything we should hurry and get back into the battle."

"Are you crazy! We wouldn't be able to do anything against them. We're exhausted, our bodies are to worn and we have no way of actually winning."

"We can't just give up, countless lives have been lost, the city is destroyed and it's all because we couldn't do a damn thing to stop them. We need to go back and continue what we started!"

"No! That's suicide and you know it!"

"I can't... I can't just ran away, I have to go back!"

"Okara, listen to me. The cities already gone, there's no one left here to save. If we retreat we can come back stronger. It's the only way!"

Okara stared at the ground his eyes dim of hope.

"No, I can't... I won't! Crimson and I we have to do this! We won't stop till we do this!"

Suddenly it hit him, a way to win.

"We need to find Crimson, he and I have a way to win."

"What?! Seriously how?"

Okara's eyes lit up as a giant smirk on his face appeared.


"Fu, sion?"

"Yes, Crimson and I we're going to use it when things got dicey or when we got to Flyro. But things got out of hand and we weren't able to pull it off. But if we can get back with everyone, Crimson and I can pull off the fusion technique and end this battle!"

Arako looked concerned with Okara's plan.

"You sure are putting a lot onto this plan. Are you sure it'll work?"

"It has to! Or else earth... Will be lost for good."

Arako looked Okara with worry.

The gears were being placed for a big event. One that could decide the fate of planet earth, and our heroes success. If this so called fusion technique was to succeed then earth would be safe, however if it fails, earth will become nothing, but a desolate planet ruled by nothing. But the ones who destroyed it. All they need to do now, is find Crimson and Cassa, and pull off the fusion technique before all is lost.