
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 20-Mastered Super Saiyan Arako Vs Super Saiyan Four Hylos

"Come, and face my Super Saiyan Four!" Hylos screamed as he unleashed his massive yellow aura. Arako stood ready fists clench, aura flowing calmly around his body, Eyes glowing yellow as his hair flows with the breeze.

"Tch!" Arako slides his right foot and with a break into the ground, he's gone. Vanishing from everyone's eyes. Streaks of his aura trailing his distance as he appears before Hylos. Face to face with him, before beginning an all out brawl.

Hylos and Arako ascend into the air slowly spiraling each other, then in a swift breath. Arako delivers the first attack. Driving a swift fist at Hylos's head; Hylos leans his head left, dodging Arako's left jab. Eying it before distributing his own attack.

As he sweeps his own left hook; Arako raises his right arm and catches Hylos's fist. Instantly throwing it aside to open Hylos's up for a tackle, Wrapping around Hylos's body, dragging them towards the ground. However, Hylos quickly generates a yellow ki blast and presses it against Arako's head, causing him to release. Giving him an opportunity to change stances and take the offensive. Hylos vanishes and quickly appears behind the stunned Arako, grasping the back of his head with his right hand. Ripping him into a backwards motion, while simultaneously pressing a ki blast against his face with his right. Then releasing him, sending him flying off from the fight.

Arako flew backwards reaching over forty feet before stopping himself, using the pressure from his ki. As he leaned forward he took a moment to breath as his body was slowly losing it's power.

"This is incredible..."

Arako was shaking as he struggled to clenched his right hand.

"One more time, just one more time."

As he closes his eyes, he hears Hylos screaming for him, while he's charging towards him. Slowly he blocks out the noise and slowly inhales a deep breath. Holding it for just a second until, his aura expands drastically. Golden flowing light surrounding his body. No one could see it but him, he could feel the pressure it emitted as the clouds burst away. Then with a sluggish eye opening, Arako finds Hylos's right fist about to collide with his face. As he eyes open fully, Arako swiftly brings his left hand down upon Hylos's fist, guiding it downwards leaving him open, to press his right hand upon Hylos's face, throwing him off balance.

With a muffed voice, Hylos's questions Arako's abilities.

"Why is he suddenly so swift!"

Arako quickly leans back bringing his right foot upwards, connecting against Hylos's chin. Shooting his head back while Arako's body completes his rotating motion. As he adjusts properly he floats before the staggered Hylos, with a serious look on his face.

"You fight like a brute, all of your motions are heavy. Lacking speed and agility. It has nothing to do with me, it's all you."

"Why you, all this cockiness from someone who obtained this power from his allies!"

"It might be borrowed power, but that doesn't mean anything. If it's enough to defeat you, then I'm all in!!" Arako powers up once more, using the aura's pressure to press against Hylos as he comes flying in for another attack. Delivering a right hook against Hylos's face, then and swift left knee into his gut.

Hylos was so disoriented, as Arako continued whaling on him. His disorientation slowly cleared, until. With one last blow, Arako's yellow iris's change to green. His fist pulling back without him noticing, but as he goes in for another attack, Hylos counters. Grappling his incoming attack and holding him in place.

"What's wrong? That felt weaker then the last ones! Could it be you've lost your power?!"

Arako's eyes widened as Hylos's sucked him in, and delivered a devastating blow to his sternum. Knocking the life out of him instantly. His iris's vanishing from his whites, breathing stopped as he leaned over Hylos's fist. With a smirk on his face, Hylos rips his fist back letting Arako deform and descend to the ground.

From below Cassa, Crimson, and Okara watched with widened worried eyes. As Arako's body collides against the ground, Hylos floats as the victor, his victory cry heard amongst the land and sky.

"N-No!" Crimson screamed as he slammed his left fist against the ground.

"I-It can't be... He can't be down!" Cassa whined as she felt Okara struggle to stand.

He forced his drained body to stand breaking free of Cassa's hold.


Crimson turned to see Okara standing with his hair shading his eyes.

"Okara? What are you doing?"

He didn't speak, all he did was stand there. Until! Crimson and Cassa eyes sparked with hope as Okara raised his right fist to the sky, and opened it. Revealing the past reward he was given.

Flyro and co. watched Hylos continue celebrating his victory.

"What a fool..." Pierce said as he closed his eyes and continued meditating.

"You should get behind me, the upcoming events are going to be overwhelming even for a beast like you, Parfa."

Parfa pulled her hood back over her head as she stumbled behind Flyro. Still positioned to watch the fight.

"Okara! Do it!"

Hylos heard Crimson scream, quickly snapping his attention towards Okara shooting his head back. Consuming the bean in no time. His power returns, his body feeling refreshed and revived and swiftly he aims his hands at Cassa, and Crimson. Shooting off some of his energy to give them some structure. Quickly Cassa and Crimson stand. From above Hylos's aura erupts in anger, as his sweet victory was turned into a bitter continuation.

"You were defeated! You were done for, how! How are you still standing!"

"Come on now, Hylos. You should know that very well! After all you turned down your own second life!" Crimson said with a smirk.

Slowly he realized what he meant, and looked over at Flyro.

"Quickly! Give it to me! Give me the bean, Flyro!"

Flyro just looked at Hylos.

"What! Don't be dumb give it to me Flyro!"



"That's not how this works, I offered it to you at the beginning, you turned it down. So you set your own standards and you will follow those stands. No assistance from your fellow team, or me. Fight with your own power."

"Tch! Whatever, I don't need it! I'm still more then enough to handle you three by myself!"

Okara and Crimson powered up transforming into Super Saiyan, however before they could fly off. Cassa stops them.

"Wait, I have an idea."