
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 19-Fragments

Cassa's eyes widened in disbelief as Arako stood before Hylos. While Crimson and Okara were out for the count. Cassa, the only one to witness the visual before her. As Arako took a step towards Hylos, Hylos responded and stepped towards him. They walked until they stood face to face. Hylos towering Arako slightly, both giving evil glares. Trying to intimidate each other. As they grit their teeth. Smirking ever so slightly, Hylos pulls his right arm back diagonally and quickly drives it against Arako's left shoulder. As he lets his body move into it's motion. Arako kept visual on Hylos. Seemingly unaffected by his attack.

Without word, Arako reached for Hylos's arm wrapping his right hand around his bicep, before rotating counter-clock wise into Hylos's body, then as his shoulder was free, he grabbed hold of Hylos's wrist with his left hand, and lifted Hylos onto his shoulder. Hylos laid pressed onto Arako's shoulder, Arako hunching inwards, judo throwing Hylos over and onto his back. Hylos laid before Arako in complete confusion. His facial expression breathless, and as he looked up at Arako, he sees his right hand aimed at his head with a charged Ki blast. With no reaction Arako unleashes a medium sized blast that devours Hylos and the ground around them. As the smoke from the blast blows away, Arako is shown the only one visible. Standing before a deep crater.

He continued looking at it expecting Hylos to come back up, however a Ki blast collided against Arako's back sending him over the crater onto the other side. Landing on his front side, as he pushed himself up, he quickly turned to see Hylos standing with his left arm held up.

"Damn, guess I expected too much." Hylos said as he ascended in the air.

Arako didn't speak as he pushed himself up with a smirk.

"What's so funny?" Hylos scuffed.

"Nothing, it's just weird fighting in a body that wanted to destroy this very planet."

"Destroy? Why the change of heart then, you can continue were you left off with us!"

Arako stood with his back facing Hylos, looking at Cassa who held Okara tightly.

"No thanks, I'm not that person anymore. If anything I want to destroy the very people making the same mistake I made."

Arako slides his left foot, turning towards Hylos.

Hylos floated with a frown on his face, and the bitter taste of disappointment.

"It's a shame, I was looking for someone to become my pupil. Someone I could teach my ways of destruction and death to. But it seems you've got your mind made up. Too bad."

"Ha, screw your morals, your ways. I'm not going back nor will I let you(Arako's aura erupts around him as he begins powering up.) Destroy this world!!"

Arako's aura flares wildly as he pushes himself.

"Remember that feeling, remember it well. Awaken once again, take his strength and mold it into good. Seek out the dark and snuff it like a dying ember. Do it Arako! Push yourself to the edge!"

Arako grit his teeth as he turned to look at the voice behind him. To his surprise Crimson stood behind him, holding his gut. Also noticing Okara laying on his front, holding his head up to watch the new Arako's stand. Then with a surprised look in his eye. He saw them hold a hand to him. Hylos realized instantly, but let it continue. Streams of energy were sent into Arako as he continue powering up.

"That's right, while we still don't know if we can trust you. We're going to give you our support." Cassa said as she continued pouring energy into Arako.

"I remember my fight against the old Arako. He was ruthless, blood thirsty. But you, you aren't him anymore, at least from what I can tell." Okara smirked weakly as he struggled to hold his arm up.

"Do you hear us, Arako! We believe in you. So don't let us down!" Crimson lastly shown holding his arm up, pouring all he recovered into Arako.

Finally he felt it, his aura began bursting and flaring as his power increased sufficiently. His hair flashed golden along with his aura, his iris's pulsing green as the ground around him shook. Breaking piece by piece as his aura pulled it from the ground.

"Hylos, what are you waiting for! Fight him!" Gollin shouted in frustration.

"Shut up, I'm fighting not you. So don't tell me what to do."

"Why you little!"

"Enough, this is his fight! Let him handle it his way, Gollin." Flyro demanded leaving Gollin to scuff.

Arako's green iris's quickly bled yellow. Along with his hair and aura. Lightning crackled as Cassa, Crimson, and Okara broke from their energy giving and fell exhausted. As they laid watching Arako, they noticed his power had skyrocketed immensely. By accident Cassa, Okara, and Crimson. Had gave Arako a completely Mastered Super Saiyan state.

"How interesting, it seems you're allies have given you a boost in power. How courteous of them, too bad. It won't change the fact I'm going to break you in half!"

In no time at all, Hylos began ascending through Super Saiyan forms. The ground blow him cratering in as he ascends each level. Ascending into two, then breaking into three. As he leans forward more, he inhales a deep breath before screaming. Pushing himself to his limits. As his aura towers high. A swoosh is heard amongst the air, giving his team a sudden burst of excitement.

"He's finally doing it, isn't he.. Flyro."

Pierce turns to watch with a calm look on his face. While Flyro stands with a big grin, along with Gollin.

"That's it, Hylos. Show them, show them primal power!"

Hylos's tail waggled as he felt his body pulse. Veins popping from his muscles as his top burst from his torso. His hair growing out over his shoulders, and lastly his body unleashing red fur. Leaving only his pectorals, and abdomen furless. It was done, as he floated with a yellow aura, a slight red tone inside of it. His eyes a fierce green as he floats readily for Arako.

"Come, and face my Super Saiyan Four!"