
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 17-Okara's Deciding Factor

Crimson was gone for now, as his demon had taken over once again. Inflicting damage to Okara and Hylos with his beast like features.

"He's too strong."

Okara has been fighting against Crimson by himself, while Hylos and co. watched him struggle. The last time Okara fought against this demon like power. Crimson was also fighting, making it easier for him. But this time Crimson hadn't appeared once to weaken himself. Leaving it fully up to Okara.

"Snap out of it you idiot! You're gonna kill me!"

Crimson kept leaping at him slashing left and right. Trying to slaughter him.

"Damn it, it's not working. I guess he won't listen to reasoning."

Crimson was relentless as he jabbed at Okara's head, causing him to lean his head to the right. Before getting slammed down into the ground below, by Crimson's sledgehammer. As he laid in the ground, Crimson came barreling downwards with his claws extended in front of him. His eyes widened as he tried to break from the ground. With no time left, Okara believed it to be over as Crimson got closer, nearly making impact, before. In a flash Crimson is sent flying, breaking through collapsed buildings and metal framing.

"Okara, are you okay?"

Suddenly before his eyes, Cassa had entered the fray. Ready to fight as well.


Okara shouted as she helped him out of the ground.


"You're here?!"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well I mean, it's dangerous and I don't want you-."

Okara had no time to explain as Crimson came barging back at them, driving his feet against Okara's left side, firing him far off past the others watching the fight. As Cassa's eyes widened slowly, Crimson turns his head and drags his left foot back. Connecting his left heel against Cassa's face. Forcing her to turn her head from the collision, allowing Crimson to rotate and slash with his right arm, but before he could get a confirmed slash. Cassa was able to dodge at the cost of hair.

"T-That was close!"

Cassa steps back from the growling Crimson, before hearing a screaming man getting closer. Crimson and Cassa turn their attention towards the direction of the sound with confused looks, Okara appearing with his fists out in front of him. Driving into Crimson's body before completely wrapping around his waist.

"Sorry buddy, but were not gonna let this continue." Okara says as he rips Crimson's feet off the ground and into the air. Okara holds Crimson over his shoulder as he flies higher into the sky.

"He's not gonna! No, Okara! You cant do that again!"

Okara ignored Cassa and continued flying higher.

"I know this'll be risky, but it's the only way."

It was as she thought, Okara had planned on freezing them. Like he did with Arako.

"Which is why I have to do this!"

Crimson struggled every second he had. Before Okara finally put an end to this berserk battle.

Okara vanished from Crimson. Leaving him to float in the air confused. As Okara appears on the ground below before Cassa. She gives him widened eyes.

"Wait! Okara!"

Okara stomped his left leg forward with his right arm pulled back sparking with green lightning.

Hylos and co. eyes glistening with astonishment as they watched Okara prepare his strongest attack.

"Gigantic Clash!"

Okara thrusts his right arm diagonally towards Crimson. Who watches as a medium sized beam came flying at him. Okara began thinking to himself, as he looked over to his left hand which held a glimmer of green.

"He's going to dodge, I know he will."

Right he was, however it wasn't as he expected as Crimson had gathered energy for a Devil's Bane, and used it to move out of the way while in mid air, pressing against it as he slid down the long diagonal stream. Okara's eyes widened for a second, before he felt his real warrior blood boiling.

"Even when you're berserk... You always seem to show me greatness! CRIMSOOOOON!!"

Okara broke connection with his Gigantic Clash and jacked back his left arm, his head leaned inwards. Before launching off towards Crimson. As Okara jacks his head back up, his green eyes are shown glaring with streaks. His left arm creating a giant ball of green Ki above his hand. Distance quickly closing between them, Okara screaming as Crimson roared, and finally as the distance was closed. Time slowed, everyone watching as Crimson pressed off the remains of Okara's wave and shot himself to Okara's left side. As Okara slowly turned his head with his eyes open in shock. Crimson unleashed his Devil's Bane completely consuming Okara and his attack. Okara screamed in pain as the wave engulfed him, however it was also closing in on the invaders who stood and watched it approach them before moving out of it's way, except for Flyro. While Gollin drug Tora's unconscious body; Hylos forced himself to move while he continued to bleed as Pierce forced him and the captive out of the way.

Cassa watching in disbelief at the turn of events. A shockwave forcefully bursting through the area as Crimson's Devil's Bane consumes Flyro. His crew watched with confused shock as the blast devoured him. With a subtle explosion and some forceful winds. Every stood with their guards up, the captives hood even being blown down, revealing her identity, however.

As the explosion settled, and the dust cleared everyone found themselves staring at the same thing. Emerging from the dust was Okara who had his right fist slammed against Flyro's left hand. Okara was frightened at Flyro's power. However all Flyro did was smile evilly back at Okara. Crimson quickly descended besides Cassa, who stood confused.

"W-W-What the hell!"

Crimson grit his teeth as he stared at the conclusion to their attack.

"This bastard... He saw right through it. J-Just what is he! Why is he so damn strong!"

"Quite clever it was actually, seriously I'm impressed by your craftsmanship. Not all warriors have the same smarts you do. So I applaud you. But..."

Flyro's eyes turned serious as he sucked Okara in. Putting them face to face.

"You don't know what you're dealing with." Flyro barks as he releases Okara's fist and quickly rotates counter clockwise around Okara. Before wrapping his right hand around the back of his neck.

"You should've followed the rules of the game! Now you'll pay the price."

Flyro held Okara up by the back of the neck and Crimson and Cassa watched with tension.