
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 15-Take A Stand

"Do you understand now." Arako said with an evil smirk on his face. As Sabi laid against broken trees.

"I'll say it again, and again. You are me, I am you! That body you hold was mine, and I will gladly take it back from you!"

Arako pulled back his right arm and began creating a ball of red energy, then immediately launched it towards Sabi. It flew with haste before splitting into multiple tiny balls of red energy. Sabi's body lit up with red as they shined on him. Before finally connecting and causing an explosion. That blew away more trees and debris from the earth around him.

"Come on! Accept me, I can show you how it feels to be stronger, faster! Just let me in! It feels so good to destroy!" Arako held out welcoming arms towards Sabi. Who was still covered by dust and dirt from the explosion.

Little did he know, Sabi's memories were beginning to spark as he fought. Which is what lead to his aura fiercely blowing the explosion away from him.

"Listen to me, Arako! You bastard! I will not let someone like you exist, not now, not ever again! Its horrible what you did with this body! But your time is over!"

Arako's welcoming arms quickly dissolved as Sabi's words got under his skin.

"You irritating brat... You don't know shit, I only lost because of this stupid gem! It took my only chance from me, it ruined me! So now, I'm gonna ruin you, and take back my body!"

"I won't let you!"

Arako instantly step dashed towards Sabi, his arms pulled back and loaded. Sabi followed through and charged towards Arako; his guard up and ready. As they met in the medium, they clashed. Arako quickly gripped Sabi's guard and spun him around, before launching him into the air. Arako watched as he ascended higher and higher. With a calm anger in his eyes. He darts upwards at Sabi; his right fist connects, pressed against his gut forcing Sabi to mold over Arako's fist. Before being shot even higher.

"Roaring Dragon Shot!"

Arako shouts with his right fist extended upwards. Before landing quickly to look up and watch Sabi vanish from his sight. Rustling through the trees and soaring high into the sky.

"So the victor is decided. I will take my body back and continue what I started!" Arako laughed maniacally as he waited for Sabi to come bulleting down before him.

He continues to laugh, his head leaned back with his arms out. It was getting dry as Sabi's body was taking forever to return.

"W-Where is he! He should have landed by now!"

However, what Arako didn't realize was the light shining through the leaves wasn't sunlight, and within no time a streak of gold shot down before him. Rock shooting up around Sabi as he slowly stands. His hair golden, aura flaring wildly.

"Don't count me out yet! Arako!"

Sabi proceeds with a tackle. As he wraps around Arako he attempts to push him back. However Arako kept his feet planted and resisted against Sabi.

"Is that all you've got, Sabi." Arako snarls as he drives his right elbow against Sabi's back.

But Sabi stood strong taking multiple blows from Arako.

"You won't win this, Arako."

Sabi began putting his back into it, and suddenly with blazing force Sabi lifted Arako off his feet and into the air, then barreling backwards slamming Arako onto his head, then back. Sabi releasing him and getting out of his reach.

"D-Did you just suplex me."

"Damn straight."

Slightly Arako laughed, gaining some respect for Sabi.

"You fight almost like me."

Sabi's smirk faded as Arako got up and applauded him.

"Honestly, you're gonna go far kid."

Sabi was confused from Arako's actions.

"But lets see just how far, you'll go!"

Instantly Arako's aura changed along with his hair. Instantly encasing himself in Gold, his eyes a glistening green.

"Lets see you handle my Super Saiyan power!"

Sabi looked scared, this was all new to him and he didn't know what to do. Arako took a step forward and Sabi stepped back.

"What is it, do you not remember how to transform?"


"Yes, transform."

"What are you talking about!"

Arako's face was filled with disappointment, as he got closer to Sabi.

"Whatever, I'll just end this here."

Arako drives a swift left fist into Sabi's gut. Causing his eyes to widen, and lungs to lose it's oxygen. As he fell to his knees Arako held his right hand aimed at Sabi. Slowly generating a blast from his palm.

"Say goodbye, Sabi."

As Arako's energy shaded Sabi's face, his eyes widened as he feels his life coming to an end. However, not until past memories finally start filling his head. Like nails being driven into his mind as each one comes back.

"Kill Okara, Seven Lyrx gemstones, Rose, Earth, Cassa, Crimson, me, me, me..."

Sabi's mind goes numb as he studies one last image.


Slowly Arako's blast vanished and his heart began racing.

"What did you just say."

Sabi didn't look up at Arako, instead a sudden shockwave shot from him. Pushing Arako back and destroying the ground around them.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Sabi slowly begins lifting off the ground, still in the same position.

"What about Bell! Damn it speak!"

"You fell for her! You fell for her, but didn't get a chance to tell her."

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"You liked how strong she was for an earthling. You admired her and you wanted her. But now you're gone!"

"What did you say?!"

Sabi looked up and screamed in anger.

"You're gone!!!"

Another shockwave shot through the area. Pushing Arako back even more, along with trees, rocks, and the ground.

Arako was standing in shock from what he saw.

Sabi's crazy long hair, was wavy. Surrounded by a new aura. A black aura, with a steaming purple aura from his body. His eyes glowing a golden yellow, and his hair a light brown.

"What in the hell is this form! I've never unleashed something like that!"

Sabi didn't speak, he just stared at Arako. Who was also standing, but in shock.