
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 13-Learning

"Now go fetch!" Sabi shouts as he launches a massive bone away from the village. Suddenly in excitement a hasty beast chases. It's tongue out as it pants from it's hasty running.

"That's incredible, you've managed to fully tame it. No one has ever done that before!" Abel feeling peppy gave Sabi a smack on his back, but Sabi didn't feel it.

"Say..." Sabi starts as he watches his pet feast on the bone.

"Is there any possible way I could learn more about me? Like who I was or what I am?"

Abel stood in a thinking state his hand under his circle shaped head.

"Well there is something, but no ones gotten it to work for years."

Sabi crotched down to match him in height.

"What is it?! Please I need to know!"

"Well it's dangerous to get too. As well, and it'd probably take you a few mokins(days)..."

Vite slowly appeared behind his father and with a curious face he began listening.

"There's ancient ruins, within the deep forest. The journey is dangerous and extremely tasking. Every Mokuzen that has ever been into the forest... Has never returned. No ones brave enough to go searching for them either. We've all accepted it. But you, I believe you could make it through and find what you're looking for. But you know I always ask the most important questions... Sabi are you sure you're ready to learn about yourself? What if it's not what you expect? What if it's more then you can handle?"

Sabi places his right hand onto Abel's left shoulder.

"Abel, the only thing I can do is continue with what I have now. If what I was in the past is really that bad. Then I'll be happy life gave me a second chance. So I'm ready, to take it on. To push my body and get through this."

Abel's eyes were watery as he listened to Sabi's speech.

"A-Are you crying?"

"N-No, it's just you've been hurting my shoulder this entire time, and it really, really hurts."

Sabi lifted his hand off Abel and began franticly apologizing.

As Abel wipes his tears away he grins.

"What are you grinning about?!"

"You being so innocent, really you're to much." Abel begins laughing as Sabi stares in confusion.

Abel slowly stumbles up to him and places his right hand onto Sabi's left shoulder. As he wipes his tears of joy from his eye with his left hand.

"Sabi, you have a good heart. You care for others at the cost of your own life. You are a good... thing. Yeah I still have no clue what you are. Anyway. Where was I?"

"Good thing, with a good heart..."

"Oh yeah, yeah! You are pure. No matter what the ruins show you. Learn that you are now a light in this world."

Abel slowly took his hand of Sabi's shoulder and began clocking it back.

"Abel, now? Of all time!"

"Oh, Sabi. You'll understand later."

Abel finally locked his right arm in place and like a trap, set it off. Coming in for a fast open hand attack. Slapping Sabi across the face within seconds. As he reaches the other side with his right hand. Abel smirks and slowly turns back towards Sabi. Who's still sitting there waiting for something to happen.

A stream of tears ran down Abel's eyes.

"Oh? Did you hurt yourself?"

"NO!... Only my pride..."

Sabi uncrotched and turned towards the forest.

"A journey to learn who I am..." He clenched his right hand and turned towards the forest completely.

"Here I come!"

As he begins walking towards it he's instantly stopped by Vite.

"What is it little buddy?"

Vite holds up a makeshift bag.

"For me?"

He nods his head as he holds it up to him.

"Wow, thanks a lot." Sabi says with a smile on his face as he looks through it.

"You gave me food, water, and even... Sabinito?! Are you sure?"

Abel slowly walks up behind Sabi with a soft smile on his face.

"Of course! You're gonna need it. Especially that Viono." Sabi pulled out a violet flower.

"What does this one do?"

"That's only to be used when your get poisoned. The forest is dangerous and is known for it's toxic poison and dangerous beasts."

"Thanks for the heads up. I really appreciate it."

"Well, for the time we've known each other I would like to say. We appreciate everything you've done for the village, and showing us we can survive if we work together. So please... Come back safe!"

Sabi smiled as he turned and continued walking towards the forest. Before getting stopped once again. This time by his pet who he has yet to still name. The beast stands in front of him with a sad look in his eyes and a soft growl.

"I'm sorry, but I must go alone. This is a journey for me. I don't want you getting hurt, better yet. This village they actually need you to be their protect. So please do it for me. Stay here and keep them safe."

Sabi placed his hand against the beasts soft head.

"I can't believe I haven't given you a name yet... So how about as a goodbye gift, I give you one now."

Sabi turned back looking at his surroundings along with the entire village who appeared to watch his departure.

"Monu... You're name is Monu."

Everything was quiet as Monu growled softly in sad happiness.

"I know buddy. But please do this for me. Let them be your new family and protect them like I would."

Monu stared at the Mokuzen's as they looked slightly scared of him, until.


Sabi's eyes widened along with Abel's. As they stared at Vite who spoke for the first time ever. He had a happy boy voice. As he began chanting for Monu.

"Monu, Monu!"

Monu slowly walked over to Vite who stood fearless. As they lock eyes Monu sits before Vite and lets him pet him. This begins spreading throughout the rest of the Mokuzen's as the kids started petting him as well. Instantly he fell over on his back as they rubbed his belly. With a smile on his face Sabi signaled a good bye with two fingers from his forehead and walked into the forest ready to begin his journey.