
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 12-Refining

"..." Okara stands silent as he and Crimson stare at each other harshly.

"Impressive work, really..." Flyro said as he stepped forward clapping with applauses.

A breeze swept through as he put his hands down, causing the two heroes to put their dispute away for another time.

"Now for your first reward!"

"...Reward?" Crimson stared Flyro down with a suspicious glare.

"Of course! This wouldn't be a fun game if it didn't have payment for hard work! Now you have choices, so think hard about them. The first choice is a days rest, where you get to walk away as damaged as you are and recover. However the consequence to this choice is we're free to continue our destruction and overthrowing of this planet. Or your second choice..."

Flyro pulls out a white cloth sack, quickly untying the tiny rope around it's opening. As he reached into it, he slowly pulled out small white beans.

"Eat one of these and continue fighting."

"What the hell are those..."

"A one way ticket to continue at full power." Flyro smirked as he held the beans out to them.

...Without hesitation Crimson walked up to Flyro and took the beans.

"Is this your choice?"



"Shut it, Okara!"

Okara grit his teeth as he kept quiet.

Crimson walked back over to Okara and forcefully handed him a bean.

"Eat it, now."

Crimson's red eyes fiery with anger.

"The choice is made, and the game will continue!"

Okara looked at the white bean with disgust.

"Eat it or don't, not my problem. Just don't get in my way."

Crimson leaned his head back and downed the bean. Instantly feeling a burst of energy and health. Easily he begins loosing up his shoulders and neck.

"Who's next, Flyro."

Flyro turned to look at the remaining of his team.

"Hm, Hylos you ready to go?"

"Ha, ha, ha... This is going to be fun." Hylos's stepped forward his arms still crossed.

"I can't wait to tear you apart, scum!"

Crimson steps forward equally ready, while Okara hangs back.

"Oh, will you be the only one fighting? How disappointing. I was hoping you'd both be fighting."

"Trust me, you won't last against me. I don't need him to fight by my side."

Okara felt his heart sank as Crimson continued staring down Hylos. Hylos sighed as he uncrossed his arms.

"What an evil friend... Guess I'll just bathe in your blood first!"

Hylos held his arms out as he waiting for Crimson to attack.

"Come on, give me the first blow! I wanna know how hard you can hit!"

"You sure, I don't wanna bust that pretty boy face of yours."

Hylos grit his teeth as a vein popped from his forehead.

"I'm gonna enjoy this even more now!"

Hylos cocks back his left arm, ready to drive Crimson into the ground. So as he locks eyes with Crimson, he feels a fist press against his face for a minute, before flying back. Darting past all of his comrades and into building debris.

Flyro and everyone seemly calm with the situation. Turning their attention back towards Crimson, who begins emitting black steam.

"Well this is an interesting development."

Gollin, Pierce, and Flyro are stunned by this demonic presence. Along with the hooded female.

Crimson's iris's begin to slit vertically, his mouth open as he screams from his fangs growing. Falling to his knees as his fingernails burn as they forcefully grow. Sweat dripping from his face as the ground around him breaks away as he screams. Putting him in a divot in the ground. While still changing, Hylos shoots from the debris and appears hovering before Crimson, his right arm cocked back, body completely shadowed from the front. With no reaction, Crimson takes a heavy blow to the back of his head. Instantly shooting his head into the ground. Creating another divot. This time for his head; Hylos holds Crimson's head between his fist and the ground; however something was off and Hylos instantly noticed it; but didn't react as Crimson began challenging his fist. Using his head to force it back, both were in a tug of war as they squirmed for victory. Crimson growling as he pushed harder and harder; until finally Crimson managed and forced Hylos to step back. Leaving his arm in Crimson's reach; his slit eyes pulsing red as he reached forward with his right arm and latched on; yanking Hylos close to his fanged mouth and instantly biting into his arm. Blood streaming from Crimson's mouth and dripping from Hylos's arm.

Everyone shocked from Crimson's behavior even Okara. But he continued sitting back and letting Crimson do what he wants.

"Stupid... Idiot. You really let it take over."

Hylos wrapped his left hand around Crimson's throat and tried to force him off. But he couldn't rip him from his arm.

"Hylos what are you doing! Quit playing with him!"

"Shut up!!"

Hylos starting beating against Crimson's head. Over and over until Crimson opened his mouth releasing red mist, and instantly catching his incoming attack with his left arm. Stunned by his reaction time, Hylos's eyes widen. As Crimson slowly tugs his caught fist out of his face, to stare Hylos one on one.


Crimson raised his right arm to Hylos's chest and aimed his first two fingers to his chest. As he slowly looks down at Crimson's fingers, with sweat dripping from his face. He felt a piercing burn shoot through his chest. As his arm is freed, Crimson begins aiming his fingers in different places. His left shoulder; his left hip; his right foot; then into his left knee. Putting Hylos onto his knee instantly. Bleeding insanely from his open wounds, along with his arm which bleed from a removed divot.

"Just you wait! I'll kill you! I'll bathe in your blood!!"

Crimson with his fingers still aiming, steps up to Hylos his fingers placed against his forehead.

"That's enough, Crimson." Okara says as he appears with his hand placed on his left shoulder.

Crimson turning his head to glare at Okara with his evil glowing eye. His breathe visibly red as he exhausts a breath as a warning to Okara.

"If you continue I will step in and stop-." Okara's eye widen as a burning sensation masks his chest.

As he stares at his chest and stumbles back he looks up to see Crimson in a slashing pose with his right arm swiped to the other side of his body. His glare locked onto Okara. Then Okara feels the coolness of his blood drooling from his chest. As three slash wounds open up.