
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 11-We'll Prevail!

"W-Why... Your eyes! Why are they red now!"

Crimson raised his right hand and placed it over his eyes.

"Oh... Do they scare you?" Then with a fanged smirk his opened the splits of his fingers revealing his left eye. While he held the rest of his face.

Tora was physically shaking the fear was getting to him, because he had never seen such abilities before.

"You should be scared... After all you pushed this." Crimson's aura began wildly flaring around him. However something was different. The aura wasn't normal, it was almost demonic like as black smoke emitted within his Super Saiyan aura. Then before Tora noticed it, Crimson was gone. Appearing right beside him standing above Okara.

"Man he banged you up badly, huh."

"Y-Yeah, ha, ha." Okara painfully laughed as Crimson placed his hand onto his back.

"Just sit still for a moment."

Crimson's hand began emitting his golden Ki, and suddenly Okara's aura appeared around him. His eyes widening and his body became responsive. As Okara slowly got up, Crimson took his time staring down Tora, who was standing right behind them.

"I hope you're ready for this. Because we will prevail."

Tora grit his teeth as he swung a heavy left hook. As it barreled towards Crimson, Okara quickly got between them, stopping Tora's attack and giving him a cold death stare. Okara shoved Tora's arm back, and Crimson followed it up with a left straight kick. Sending Tora to drag his feet as he slid backwards. Soon enough they had some distance between them. As they stood side by side Crimson looked at Okara.

"Seems our clothes didn't survive."

"Expected honestly..."

Okara looked down at his shredded undershirt that still remained.

"Well, guess it's done for anyway."

He gripped the right shoulder, and pulled with ease to rip the rest of his top off.

"Crimson, I'm gonna be serious for a moment... I don't think we can fight all of them one after another."

"I don't either, we're struggling with the weakest one, but look I get you want to use it now. But we wouldn't be able to stop them all with it."

"But we could at least try."

"Okara no, we just have to do what we can, for now at least. The time will come."

Suddenly a Ki blast flies between Okara and Crimson, causing them to cut their conversation short.

"Are you done ignoring me!"

"Man, you really are childish! I mean can't you see two adults talkin here." Crimson smirked cockily.

Tora grits his teeth as he gets into a brawler fighting stance.

"Let's put an end to this fight, Okara!"

"Ha! Wouldn't have said it any better myself."

Okara and Crimson's aura's flare as they are brought out. Crimson's golden aura layering over his aura of black smoke, along with Okara's who had bursts of black smoke. However only pieces reside within his golden aura. As Tora closes in, he attacks with a heavy right punch, colliding against Crimson's guard, as Crimson holds Tora's attention, Okara appears with his right leg extended upwards.

"Roaring Axe Kick!!"

Okara drops his leg like an axe against Tora's right shoulder. Throwing him off Crimson's guard and opening him up for Crimson's follow up. Crimson quickly puts Tora into a headlock and begins digging his right knee into Tora's chest repeatedly. Pushing Tora back as he tries to free himself. But to his surprise Crimson releases his head and he quickly reacts with another attack, a swift right jab.

Which is stopped by Crimson's left arm; Crimson proceeds to strike Tora across the face with his right fist. Tora attacks again this time from a different angle, striking diagonally with his right knee; allowing Crimson to catch it in his left hand and push it back to the ground following a slam from his right elbow into Tora's nose. As Tora's eyes shut, Crimson begins his barrage; Left strike to Tora's right cheek; leading into a right uppercut into Tora's sternum; Tora leans forward allowing Crimson to step back and backflip kick Tora in the chin.

As he flips backwards his right foot connects, causing Tora's head to shoot back. Quickly he lands on his feet; and finally Crimson closes in leaning forward like a boxer. Tora opens his right eye, to see Crimson's glowing red eyes, before he delivers a powerful left hook. Sending Tora into a three sixty spin before hitting the ground hard.

"Look at you now, another face in the dirt..."

Crimson turned and walked to Okara who was watching the whole thing. As they stood side by side, they watched Tora for his next move. But he didn't move. Everything was still, and quiet. Even the wind, however Flyro had other plans.

"Tora... I'm disappointed, I thought you had much more in you. But it seems I was wrong. I'm sorry, but It seems our deal is off."

Suddenly Tora's eyes opened and his aura activated, the area around them began shaking like an earthquake had begun. Without struggle Tora stood up and his iris's were gone leaving just his whites remaining.


Lightning begins shooting around Tora, bolts after bolts, a circle rotated around him sparking wildly. The ground broke at each strike of lightning. Thunder roaring through the skies as Tora pushed his arms out in front of him. His hands open and aimed at Okara and Crimson. Streaks of lightning trailed to them, but never reached. However the ground was demolished before them. Suddenly a spark of lightning appeared before his hands, then a tiny circle slowly started to grow.

Okara turns to look back at Flyro who was smirking evilly.

"He planned this... He had a back up if Tora lost..."

"Of course he did! Damn it!!" Crimson grit his fanged teeth, before looking at his left hand, with an idea.

"Okara, how much energy do you have to spare?"

"Depends on what were doing."

"A shield... A Ki shield at that."

"Oh! I get it! Yes I can do that!"

"Look there is no guarantee it'll work."

Okara smiled at Crimson with pure intent.

"We have to try! Don't we, I mean we are the heroes of earth after all."

Crimson took a minute surprised at the fact Okara smiled at the face of danger, but so did he.

"You're right!"

Crimson pulled back his left hand as Okara pulled back his right. Both creating spheres of Ki. Their opposite hands gripping their wrists.

"No matter how bad it gets... We must push it back!" Crimson shouted as he felt his new form draining him heavily.

"Crimson, if we manage to deflect it. Should we really hit him with it! I mean he's just being used after all."

"We do what we can! If it hits, it hits! But he isn't stopping right now, so we aren't either!!"

Crimson and Okara look back at Tora who had giant ring of purple lightning in front of his hands.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YOU PROMISED ME!!" Tora screamed as he lifted the ring above his head and jumped into the air, spinning a fully three sixty before putting it back in front of him and firing it at Okara and Crimson.

"Now or never, Okara!!"

Okara and Crimson slam their Ki spheres together creating one giant Ki sphere. As they thrust it forward a giant shield of gold Ki appears before them transparent, but there. Immediately colliding with their shield. The pressure kicks in and they feel the intensity thrown into the attack.

"Damn, he packs a punch!"

Still holding their wrists to secure the shields durability. However Tora's Godspeed was becoming to much for them. Especially Crimson, who was draining of energy quick... His breathing was heavy and his sweat, mixing with his blood.

"O-Okara, keep going we can... Do this."

The form was straining his Ki and Crimson couldn't hold it much longer.

"Crimson! Deform now and let me handle this! If you can break his connection from the attack, we can win!"

"A-Are you insane!"

"Y-Yes! I am! But it's the only option I can think of right now! So, Do it!"

Crimson looked at Okara for a minute longer before lending the power all to him. Okara released his wrist and used both hands to hold Tora's Godspeed in place with his Ki shield. As Crimson stood back, he quickly deformed back to normal Super Saiyan. His eyes returning to green, his teeth and nail's also changing back along with his aura.

"Okay, just hold on Okara!"

Okara felt the power Tora possessed even more. As his feet began sinking into the ground, his body shaking wildly as he continued holding on for dear life.

Crimson quickly jumped up into the air, ascending as he pulls back his right arm. Slowly he takes a deep breath as small black and red ki orbs merge into one spot in front of his palm. As a small Ki blast is created Crimson closes his hand and grips it. His fist encasing in black and red, quickly he charges towards Tora ready to finish this fight. He flies past Tora, and maneuvers by catching the ground and sliding back a bit. Dragging up dirt with his left hand, and as Tora turned his head to look back at him, Crimson starts with a dead sprint, before he levitates into the air. Charging at super speed, his right Ki fist extended in front of him. As his eyes widen in determination, Crimson Instantly connected with Tora's back breaking his connection with his Godspeed. But Crimson had other plans as he opened his right hand and pressed his body towards Okara.

"Okara! Here I come!"

Okara's eyes widened as he felt Crimson shove Tora into his own attack. Sandwiching him between Crimson's right hand and his own attack. Okara could see the pain on Tora's face as he screamed and whaled, and being the good willed fighter he is. He releases the shield and moves out of the way. Crimson's eyes widen as Tora shoots from his hand. Watching Tora bounce multiple times, before ending up at Flyro's feet deformed and unconscious.

"You did your best kid... Sorry I had to fool you like that."

Crimson lands beside the kneeling Okara.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what..."

"Don't play dumb, Okara. Why did you release the shield!"

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Okara! He was almost finished for good! Why did you let him go!"

"Because I didn't sign up to kill him! He's just a kid Crimson!"

"He's a psychopath! He was going to kill us if we didn't kill him first!"

"Whatever, he's done. We won. Get over it."