
Fate/Lust break

System, System, System, System, System, now a day everyone want's one, from the gamer system to the templet system, I really lapp at that, why because I find it funny, I thought if I had a system what will it be, behold my shock when I got, and it is harem system who gave to me, I didn't need to think she came to my room, kissed and said she's now mine, what is my life, anyway now I am stuck with a goddess and this system ---- Don't ask why I am doing this, I was too bored and started to write this so yeah enjoy, also no NTR in this story, I hate NTR wait a passion MC: Ritsuka Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · ゲーム
41 Chs

System rewords

Ritsuka woke and the first thing he saw was the System blasting to his hears With celebrations music, as it was only him who heard Kama and Morgan, were still asleep hugging him, Ritsuka just looked at the system annoyed

Ritsuka eyes looked at the System. "What do you want that made you wake me up so rudely".

[ Will host you have completed the missions

Complete Mission: Have Sex with 2/2 of your harness member, you can't have sex with Kama before you have sex with one other member of your harem, doing this will give you a lot of level up Exp and a new skill

Not only that but you completed a hidden quest tited to it ]

Ritsuka just blinked and looked at the system. "Yeah I shouldn't even be shocked you have hidden quest, just show them to me, you really are like those other system I have read about"

[ Oh host you show funny

Hidden Quest: Have one of your harem member say something that you are not comfortable with by accident, promise to another harem member that there time will come sooner then later ]

Ritsuka sighed as he read the notifications from the System. He was already used to its antics but waking up to this was a bit much.

"Alright, System, just show me the rewards," Ritsuka said, trying to be quiet so as not to wake Kama and Morgan, who were still peacefully sleeping beside him.

[ **Hidden Quest Completed:**

**Reward 1:** 5000 EXP

**Reward 2:** New Skill - "Intimate Synchronization" (Allows the user to synchronize physical and emotional states with their partner during intimate moments, increasing pleasure and bonding)

**Reward 3:** New Item - "Harem Token" (Grants a special favor from any harem member of your choice, to be redeemed at any time) ]

Ritsuka blinked at the rewards, especially at the new skill. "Intimate Synchronization, huh? Sounds... useful," he muttered to himself, trying not to think too hard about what the System was planning next.

[ **Level Up!** ]

[ **New Stats Unlocked:**

Strength: +3

Endurance: +4

Charisma: +5

Lust: +10 ]

Ritsuka shook his head, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden influx of information. He was trying to focus, but it was hard with two beautiful women still curled up against him.

"System, you never fail to surprise me," he whispered. "But let's not make a habit of waking me up like this."

The System, of course, said nothing in response, but Ritsuka could almost feel its amusement. He glanced at Kama and Morgan, grateful they were still asleep. He could use a few more moments of peace before diving back into whatever the System had in store for him next.

Ritsuka just looked at the system. "So what is my current stats and level".

[ Your new level is 26, congratulations on leveling up 10times host ]

Ritsuka was a bit taken aback by the sudden jump in his level. "Level 26 already, huh? That's quite a leap."

He then focused on the System again. "Alright, show me my current stats."

The System quickly displayed his updated stats:

[ **Current Stats:**

- **Level:** 26

- **Strength:** 153

- **Endurance:** 144

- **Agility:** 149

- **Mana:** 170

- **Luck:** 130

- **Charisma:** 160

- **Wisdom:** 155


- **Harem Points:** 500 (Redeemable for skills, items, or special abilities) ]

Ritsuka examined the stats, feeling a bit more confident. "Not bad," he mused. "That Lust stat is getting pretty high though... I guess that's expected considering the kind of System I have."

He leaned back, careful not to disturb Kama and Morgan. "With these stats, I should be more than capable of handling whatever the System throws at me next."

Ritsuka then focused on the Harem Points. "500 Harem Points... I should probably save those for something useful. The System always seems to have surprises up its sleeve."

With that thought, he decided to close the System interface and lay back down, trying to get a bit more rest before the day fully began.

Ritsuka's eyes widened as he realized the presence of the new feature. "Wait a minute, what are Harem Points? That's new."

The System responded promptly, as if anticipating his curiosity:

[ **Harem Points Explanation:**

- **Harem Points** are a new currency introduced to the System as a reward for significant milestones in your harem's development.

- **Usage:** You can redeem Harem Points for various things, including:

- **Special Skills:** Enhance or gain new abilities related to your interactions with harem members.

- **Items:** Obtain rare and unique items that can help in various situations.

- **Special Abilities:** Unlock exclusive abilities that can benefit you in battle, or in your relationships.

- **Bond Strengthening:** Use points to increase the bond levels with specific harem members, unlocking new scenes, skills, or benefits.

- **Accumulation:** Earn Harem Points by completing specific missions, achieving hidden quests, or deepening relationships with your harem members. ]

Ritsuka leaned back, considering the possibilities. "So, it's basically a way to tailor my abilities or relationships more precisely... Interesting." He smirked. "This could be really useful, especially if I can strengthen bonds or gain new skills."

He made a mental note to explore the Harem Points store later. For now, he decided to let the new information settle as he glanced at Kama and Morgan, still asleep beside him. "I'll have to be strategic about this," he thought.

Ritsuka reviewed the detailed system updates with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction. "So, my level's up to 26, and the new abilities and skills are quite something. Let's break it down."

**Updated Stats:**

- **Level:** 26

- **Strength:** 153

- **Endurance:** 144

- **Agility:** 149

- **Mana:** 170

- **Luck:** 130

- **Charisma:** 160

- **Wisdom:** 155

- **Lust:** 86

- **Harem Points:** 500


1. **Fire of the Hearth** - Mastery over blue fire magecraft.

2. **Soul Link** - Deep connection with Mash Kyrielight.

3. **Harem Bond** - Enhances connections with harem members.

4. **Flame Manipulation** - Control of flames.

5. **Mystic Eyes** - Perception of magical phenomena.

6. **Shadow Step** - Stealth movement through shadows.

7. **Enhanced Reflexes** - Increased reaction speed.


1. **Combat Training (Intermediate)**

2. **Magecraft Mastery (Advanced)**

3. **Leadership (Intermediate)**

4. **Charismatic Presence**

5. **Tactical Mind (Advanced)**

**Harem Given Skills:**

- **Arrow of the Heart:** Bow with Kama's fire-based powers.

- **Fire of the Heart:** Blue flames with varying effects.

- **Heartless Hole:** Summon heart-shaped objects for damage.

- **Authority of the Beast:** Nega desire.

- **Seduction Aura:** Enhances charm and persuasion.

- **Charm of Lust:** Evokes desire in others.

- **Emotional Manipulation:** Control over emotions.

- **Illusion Creation:** Creates realistic illusions.

- **Love's Touch:** Heals physical and emotional wounds.

- **Goddess's Blessing:** Boosts abilities temporarily.

- **Desire Detection:** Senses others' desires.

- **Temptation's Whisper:** Plants suggestions in minds.

- **Divine Presence:** Increases attractiveness and minor protection.

- **Lover's Bind:** Binds opponents with ethereal chains.

**Special Notes:**

- **Divine Connection:** Powers grow stronger with Kama's affection.

**New Abilities from Morgan:**

- **Enchanted Aura (Passive):** Boosts morale, confounds enemies.

- **Mystical Confluence (Skill):** Heals, boosts NP generation, cleanses debuffs.

- **King of the Fairy:** Access to Morgan's fae magic for 30 seconds.

- **The Holy Lance Rhongomynaid:** Summons Morgan's weapon for holy spells.

Ritsuka nodded, feeling more prepared and powerful with these updates. "This will definitely come in handy for the challenges ahead. Time to strategize and make the most of these new abilities."

[ May I ask why are you checking your skill, even do you have memories then all ]

The system's notification made sense now. Ritsuka appreciated having a tangible way to see his progress and capabilities. "I find it useful to review my stats and skills periodically," he explained. "It helps me track my growth and plan my next steps effectively."

It was part of his method to ensure he was always at his best for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The sheep them spoke again, as this made Ritsuka lap a bit

[ You know host I am thankful to every god in exgistion that you are not a pervert ]

Ritsuka chuckled at the system's comment. "I suppose it's a good thing you can appreciate that. I just prefer to focus on meaningful connections and personal growth."

The system's ability to provide such insights into Ritsuka's character added a bit of humor to his day, making him appreciate the balance he strived for between his responsibilities and personal desires.

Kama then woke, as she saw Ritsuka as he day was happy then she looked at the system she created and her happy day was destroyed, before she saw Ritsuka um everything. "Will take about being stronger by the day, especially more lust full".

Kama, still processing the system's updates, looked at Ritsuka with a mix of curiosity and concern. "So, it seems you're growing stronger, and the system's influence is becoming more pronounced. But this focus on 'lust'—it's a bit unsettling, isn't it?"

Ritsuka, noticing the change in her demeanor, replied, "I understand why you're concerned. It's not just about physical strength or skills; it's about how these aspects affect our relationships and dynamics within the harem."

Kama sighed, her eyes softening as she approached him. "Yes, it's about balance. The system seems to emphasize lust and pleasure as markers of progress, but we need to remember why we started this journey. It's about our connection, trust, and love."

Ritsuka nodded, appreciating her perspective. "I agree. The skills and points are just tools. What matters most is how we use them to strengthen our bond and ensure our happiness."

Kama placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch comforting. "We need to keep the focus on what's truly important. Let's make sure that as we grow stronger, we also nurture our relationships and keep our values intact."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics as Kama and Ritsuka talked about their plans for the day. Kama's earlier worry began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. They decided to enjoy their time together and plan ways to integrate their new skills into their daily lives positively and constructively.

The system then spoke. [ If you wanna know the lust stats is just a bit of a joke ]

Kama just looked at the system. "Oh I really do hate you sometimes".

[ Creators (kama), aren't you the one who created me not just that aren't you the goddess of love and Lust ]

Kama rolled her eyes at the system's comment. "Yes, I created you, but that doesn't mean I enjoy every aspect of your programming, especially when it involves teasing or trivializing serious matters."

The system's response was light-hearted. [ Oh, come on. It's all in good fun. Besides, you know how complex feelings and relationships can be. A little humor never hurts, right? ]

Ritsuka, sensing the tension, decided to step in. "Kama, let's not get too worked up about this. We know the system can be a bit cheeky, but its main goal is to help us, even if its methods are sometimes unconventional."

Kama gave a small smile, acknowledging Ritsuka's attempt to ease the situation. "I suppose you're right. It's just that when it comes to matters of the heart, I prefer a bit more seriousness."

The system interjected again, [ If you want, I can adjust the tone of my messages to better fit your preferences. Just let me know! ]

Kama sighed. "Maybe that's a good idea. Just try to keep things a bit more respectful and focused on what really matters."

[ Understood, creator. I'll do my best. ]

With that, Kama and Ritsuka continued their day, their focus shifting back to their plans and their relationship. The system's attempt at humor, while a bit annoying, was ultimately a reminder of the challenges and rewards that came with their journey.

Ritsuka then looked at the system. "Hey system do you have a name".

[ No, Host No 2, 46, 4, 66, 88, 43, 12 and 99 tyre and Failed, mostly because I am picky and they sucked at naming ]

Ritsuka then thought for a bit. "I got a name for you, how does Chamuel sound".

Kama then looked at the name. "Chamuel, the angel of love from the Bible, not bad darling".

Ritsuka nodded. "Exactly. I thought it would be fitting, given the role Chamuel plays in helping with our progress and the connections we build."

Kama smiled. "It does seem fitting. And it's nice to have a name for something that's been such a significant part of our journey."

Chamuel, now named, responded with a hint of satisfaction.

[ Name accepted. I will now be referred to as Chamuel. How may I assist you further, Host? ]

Ritsuka glanced at Kama and then back at the system. "Chamuel, show me any new features or updates that might have come with the name change."

[ Certainly, Host. Updating with new features. ]

The system's interface shifted slightly, displaying new options.

[ **New Features:**

1. **Affinity Boost:** Enhanced connection with named entities increases effectiveness of related skills and abilities.

2. **Emotional Resonance:** Allows for deeper understanding and synchronization with harem members' emotions and desires.

3. **Relationship Enhancements:** Improved interactions and benefits from relationship dynamics.

Kama raised an eyebrow. "Those sound intriguing. Do they offer any new benefits?"

Chamuel responded promptly.

[ Yes, Host. Affinity Boost improves skill effectiveness related to the named entities. Emotional Resonance enhances your bond and empathy with your partners. Relationship Enhancements offer bonuses and support based on the strength of your connections. ]

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully. "These seem quite useful. Let's put them to the test."

Kama smiled, her eyes twinkling with interest. "And while we're exploring these new features, let's not forget to enjoy each other's company."

Ritsuka chuckled. "Of course. We'll find the perfect balance between strengthening our bonds and having a good time."

Morgan finally woke as she looked at Ritsuka and kama. "Husband, fellow wife, why are you two talking so early in the morning".

Ritsuka just looked at Morgan and then Kama. "I have questions you two don't really need to sleep, Morgan is a servant and Kama is goddess, so why do you two sleep, it is because of me?".

Morgan stretched and looked at Ritsuka with a gentle smile. "It's not just about needing sleep; it's about the comfort and connection we share with you. Even as a goddess or a servant, we find solace and joy in being close to you."

Kama nodded in agreement. "Exactly. While I don't need sleep in the mortal sense, I enjoy these moments with you and Morgan. It's not just about necessity; it's about the bond we share."

Ritsuka nodded, understanding their perspective. "I appreciate that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't imposing any unnecessary constraints on you both."

Morgan leaned closer, her eyes softening. "You could never impose on us. Your presence and affection are what we cherish."

Kama added with a teasing tone, "Besides, who could resist enjoying a bit of sleep when it's wrapped in comfort and love?"

Ritsuka smiled, feeling reassured. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Let's make the most of our time together, whether it's enjoying each other's company or facing whatever challenges come our way."

The three shared a moment of mutual understanding and affection, ready to embrace the day ahead with strengthened bonds and renewed energy.

To be continued

This is the Volume 1, Volume 2 will be the Fgo story