

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Prelude to battle

- So, are you going to answer me?

- I don't think I have to answer your question.

Though the pressure was gone, the blond girl did not lower her guard. And watched intently the actions of the young man in front of her.

Strange... Skills that do me no direct harm should dissipate. So, how did she know I was lying... Maybe she was just bluffing? No. She's definitely not lying, you can see it in her eyes. She could hardly lie to anyone.

I looked into her clear amethyst eyes... There wasn't an ounce of lying in them. Still, I need to know how she knew I wasn't who I said I was.

- Okay. - He paused for a moment, then smiled harmlessly and continued. - Let's make a deal.

Jeanne's eyes widened a little in surprise.

- What kind of deal?

- I think there's no point in fighting between us. So, lower your banner, O holy maiden. - Ciel said, pointing a finger at her standard.

- I suppose you're right.

- Now that we're not both going to kill each other. I'll make a condition of our bargain. - He took a slow breath in his lungs. - You, tell me how you found out about my lies. And, in return, you can ask me anything you want, except... information about me.

Jeanne looked into Ciel's eyes, and it was obvious that she was contemplating his offer. It was as if she was not looking at him, but at something else.

- I agree. - After a little time of deliberation, she said. - But, first you, answer my question.

- As you wish.

- Tell me about the red faction.

- The red faction... As you know, they have seven servants... Well, six already, since the red berserker was forced to sign a contract with the black faction... And they have strange dealings with the masters.

- What do you mean?

- I've only been able to meet with one of them, and who was called a master by two servants. - He sat down on a nearby rock and waited for her reaction.

- You mean that one of the masters took control of the others? But how could he do that? - the holy maiden was perplexed.

- *Sigh* All because of his servant... The wise Queen of Assyria, Semiramis, or aka.

- Ancient Poisoner. - Jeanne finished his words. - Then it really does add up. She could have drugged their minds with poison, and she could have drugged her master, using him as her puppet.

I had already given her all the information on a platter, and she was able to chew it up. So all I have to do is nod at her to confirm her speculation.

- And now I think it's your turn to answer my question. - Ciel said, sitting down on the nearest piece of rock.

- Yes, of course I'll keep my word. - Jeanne replied with a beaming smile.

- If I'm not mistaken, you wanted to know how I could recognize your lies about myself? - She looked at Ciel, waiting for confirmation of her question. And receiving an approving sign, she continued.

- It's because of my skill, Revelation. With it, I hear the voice of heaven. The voice that tells me God's will.

- Wait, so with it you can see the most optimal actions?

- Yes, you could call it that, too.

- This one doesn't explain how you know about me.

- "Revelation isn't just a skill that shows me the best actions to take, it also shows me people... their destinies... It showed me you, with another servant. A white-haired little girl. That's how I knew you weren't who you said you were. The sixteenth summoned servant of the Great War for the Holy Grail...

After Jeanne's words, there was silence. Ciel sat with his eyes closed, apparently pondering her words.

So her revelation is like a sign from God to her... Basically, I understand his basic capabilities, and it means I haven't made any mistakes yet.


Inside the church, which was located on a hill. There was a priest sitting in a pew with his eyes closed.

Also in the church was a young man with white uncoordinated hair, and a red stone in his chest that radiated a mesmerizing glow. He was wearing a set of gold armor that seemed to blend in with him.

- We are here. - said the red rider as he emerged from his spiritual body, along with the archer.

- Welcome back. - Shiro greeted them with a smile.

Except that Atalanta wasn't happy about something. She looked at the priest as if she were about to drill a hole in him, her eyes burning with fire. In an instant, the atmosphere filled, a heavy pressure.

- Is something wrong, Archer? - Shiro asked quietly.

- Where are our masters?

- As I said earlier, they want to stay in the shadows, so I can't tell you that.

The priest's words had no effect, and Atalanta did not stop demanding a meeting with her master. She took out her bow and drew her bowstring and pointed it at Shiro.

- I want to meet my master! - Her voice was soaked with rage.

- How dare you!

Another servant appeared in the hall, clad in a black dress that matched her black hair. She summoned the chains that attacked the archer, but Achilles quickly repelled all her spears.

When the assassin wanted to summon more chains. The priest stopped her, telling her that she didn't need a weapon to solve this dilemma.

- Let's calm down. - All the servants turned their attention to Shiro. - Atalanta, you want to meet your master, don't you?

- Yes." Atalanta said, quieting down a little.

- You see, I don't decide if you meet him or not. It's up to them. I'm just telling you what they said.

- Shiro spoke with a sincere face that was hard not to believe. - Have you come to meet your master because of that servant's words?

Atalanta, lowered her bow pondering in her mind Shiro's words.

- Maybe that servant wanted to turn you against your own? Maybe he wanted to find your masters that way? - Shiro's questions made the servants think even more. - The only thing we know now is that we must act together. For the sake of defeating the black faction...

Finishing his words, Shiro closed his eyes, waiting for the consequences of his words. And they weren't long in coming.

- Okay. - Atalanta put her weapon away. - Except, if you lied to us, you will pay for it, with your blood.

After her words, Atalanta shifted into her spiritual form, and left with Achilles. It didn't take long for Karna to decide to change into his spiritual form as well.

Only Shiro and Semiramis remained in the hall. The hall was filled with silence, where all that could be heard was the draught that passed through the window.

- We are not to be trusted, Archer. - Semiramis spoke with irritation.

- This one doesn't matter anymore, the battle between the factions is about to begin. She probably won't give us any trouble. And yet...

- That servant, huh?

- Exactly, he's far more dangerous than we thought. Not only does he gather information, but also well, he directs people to their own allies.

- Once we finish building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, no one will be able to resist us.

Shiro stood in front of the iconostasis and folded his hands in prayer, clearing his thoughts.


A fair-haired girl with amethyst eyes stood outside the village. She was looking at the young man who was a homunculus.

- I lied. - She spoke in a whisper that could not be heard if a human were near her. - You have to take part in this war... But I'll make sure you don't get blood on your hands. I'll do it myself, because that's what heroes do.

Her clear eyes, were filled with a flame of determination. Her countenance was ready for battle, a holy aura framing her body.

Suddenly, she froze, her eyes widening in surprise, as if she had seen something terrible.

- He... The battle ahead will be filled with blood, and pain. Many will die, and that will only be the beginning. At the center of these corpses, there are only two figures, white and black. - Her eyes filled with sadness, and she turned her gaze to the sky.


At night, when everyone had already turned off the lights in their houses. In one apartment, a young man in black pants and a white shirt sat on the couch. On his lap, resting his head on it, slept a little girl with a scar on her face.

The apartment was modest, but very cozy. The lights were turned off so that the little girl could get a good night's sleep. In this dark room, where the only light was the light from the moon. The young man's eyes, stared at the moon... His golden eyes were filled with coldness, and anticipation.

- Soon... Soon the first battle would begin. - His voice was calm, like a snake waiting for its prey. - I will get the Grail, no matter what. For the fulfillment of my... No, our desire. My hatred, it will never fade. - His eyes burned with the flames of hatred, and his voice had changed from its original serenity. It was replaced by hatred, like a raging sea.

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