
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 6

As dawn's first light gently filters through the curtains, Eden awakens with a renewed sense of purpose. His thoughts have coalesced, his doubts replaced by a determined clarity. Kirei's guidance and Lancer's support have played an instrumental role in his newfound resolve.

Rising from his bed, Eden feels a surge of energy coursing through him. He recalls the conversation with Kirei that led him to embrace the uncertainty of the Grail War as a path of growth and self-discovery.

Minutes later, he finds himself at the edge of the church grounds, where Lancer awaits. Lancer retrieves the sword he had previously given Eden and, with a few fluid motions of his hand, transforms it into a gleaming spear using his projection magecraft.

"Time for some training," Lancer's voice carries an air of camaraderie. "Remember, it's not just about mastering your weapon, but understanding your instincts and the flow of battle."

As the training session unfolds, the sound of clashing metal and Lancer's guidance echo through the clearing. Eden's movements are fluid and purposeful, each swing and thrust a testament to his goal.

As the session draws to a close, Lancer pauses to allow Eden to catch his breath. A rustling in the bushes catches their attention, and they turn to see, Rin Tohsaka standing with an air of aristocratic elegance, her vivid blue eyes sharp and analytical. Her auburn hair cascades gracefully over her shoulders, the tendrils framing her face with an air of confidence. Clad in a finely tailored maroon outfit, she exudes an aura of authority, her every movement calculated and deliberate.

Beside her a man stands with an air of quiet focus. His white hair laid back. Clad in red and black attire that speaks of a blend between classic and contemporary, he carries an aura of experience and introspection.

His eyes, a deep shade of brown, hold a mixture of hidden emotions and steely resolve. There's an air of maturity about him, as if he has weathered the storms of both past and present. His stance is balanced and measured, a reflection of his skill and readiness for whatever challenges may come his way. With weapons at the ready and an unspoken sense of duty in his gaze, ready to heed Rin's commands.

Eden's heart skips a beat, his pulse quickening as he recognizes the danger the figures pose. He tightens his grip on his spear, noting the command spells on his right hand, a reminder of his role as a Master in the Grail War.

Rin's gaze narrows, her eyes catching the command spells on Eden's hand. With a commanding tone, she orders Archer to attack. Eden reacts instinctively, raising his spear to deflect the arrows aimed at him.

Just as the skirmish between Rin and Eden commences, Lancer springs into action. His blue form flashes as he intercepts the arrows, a protective barrier against the onslaught. Lancer's presence, unnoticed until now, becomes a formidable force on the battlefield.

The clearing becomes a battleground of magic and steel, the clash of abilities and wills creating a mesmerizing dance of conflict. Rin's precise incantations meet Eden's determination, while Lancer and Archer engage in a fierce exchange of blows.


The morning air is charged with tension as Lancer and Archer lock eyes across the clearing. The subtle rustle of leaves is drowned out by the echoing clash of their weapons, each strike reverberating through the space. The sun's rays cast long shadows as the duel begins, a reflection of the conflicting motives that drive each combatant.

Lancer's spear arcs through the air with practiced precision, his movements a fluid dance of grace and strength. His blue form seems to blur as he moves, his focus unwavering as he positions himself between Eden and Archer. His intent is clear — he's here to protect.

On the other side of the clearing, Archer's twin swords move with calculated efficiency. His strikes are measured, each movement calculated to conserve energy and maximize impact. He heeds Rin's orders with a sense of detachment, his eyes fixed on his target. His aim is unwavering — to strike down his enemy, a command he obeys without question.

As the battle unfolds, the contrast between Lancer's fierce determination to shield and Archer's methodical obedience to Rin's orders becomes more pronounced. The clash of steel and the exchange of blows create an intricate choreography, a manifestation of their conflicting allegiances.

Amidst the flurry of movements, Eden finds himself in the midst of a battle he never asked for. His instincts kick in, and he takes cover behind a tree, his heart pounding with fear. The command spells on his hand pulse, a constant reminder of the power he wields as a Master.

The clearing becomes a battleground of allegiances, where loyalty and duty clash with the uncertainty of identity. Lancer's every move is a shield, a protector guarding Eden against Archer's calculated strikes. The dance of conflict continues, a visual representation of the complexities inherent in the Grail War.


Amidst the chaos of the battle, Eden's mind races. The memory of his conversation with Kirei surfaces, a beacon of clarity in the midst of uncertainty. Lancer's fierce defense and the clash of magic and steel compel him to act, to embody the newfound purpose he has discovered.

As Rin's spells continue to rain down upon him, Eden takes a deep breath, grounding himself in the present moment. With resolve in his eyes, he takes a step forward, bracing against the onslaught of magical energy.

Drawing upon the strength he found through Kirei's counsel, Eden raises his hand, fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air. A surge of magic courses through him, a reflection of his resolve to fight back. The air around him shimmers, his own incantation taking form.

As Rin's next spell hurtles toward him, Eden's own magic interlaces with it, creating a barrier that absorbs the impact. The clash of their magic echoes through the clearing.

Rin's eyes widen in surprise, a hint of uncertainty flickering across her features. She wasn't expecting this kind of resistance, this defiance from a Master she had perceived as inexperienced. Her incantations become more fervent, her spells intensifying in response.

But Eden stands his ground, his focus unyielding. He recalls Kirei's words — doubt is not weakness, but a facet of his humanity. He embraces the uncertainty, using it as a catalyst to fuel his determination. With each deflected spell, his confidence grows, his belief in himself and his purpose solidifying.

As Rin's barrage of magic continues, Eden's counter-magic becomes more fluid, more refined. The clearing becomes a stage for their clash of wills, the air crackling with energy. His actions are no longer those of a passive participant; they're the embodiment of a Master who has found his footing.

In the midst of the battle, Eden remembers Kirei's counsel — to understand himself and embrace his choices. With Kirei's words echoing in his mind and Lancer's steadfast support as a backdrop, he fights back against Rin's spells with newfound strength and resolve, a testament to the growth that emerges from the crucible of the Grail War.

Eden dashes forward with spear in hand, his footsteps focused and purposeful. Lines unconsciously trace themselves across his body strengthening him, his magic reacting to his will to fight back. The clearing becomes a blur of motion as he closes the distance between himself and Rin, his grip on the spear unwavering.

Rin's eyes widen as she registers Eden's sudden charge. The barrage of spells falters for a moment as surprise replaces her calculated focus. She attempts to counter, but Eden's attack is relentless, his movements driven by a strengh of will that seems to defy his previous uncertainty.

With a swift and practiced motion, Eden swings the spear in a calculated arc, his intent clear. The weapon cuts through the air with precision, aiming for the heart of the conflict itself. Rin raises her arms in a hasty defensive maneuver, a shield of magical energy forming around her.

The impact is explosive, a burst of energy that sends shockwaves through the clearing. Eden's spear clashes against Rin's magical barrier, the collision creating a dazzling display of light and power. The force of the collision sends both of them staggering back, the ground beneath them bearing the marks of their clash.

For a moment, the clearing falls silent, the aftermath of their collision hanging heavy in the air. Eden stands a few paces away from Rin, his chest heaving as he catches his breath. His grip on the spear remains resolute.

Rin, on the other hand, steadies herself with surprise etched across her features. She lowers her arms slowly, her gaze fixed on Eden. Her initial shock has given way to a newfound respect for the Master who, against all odds, has chosen to stand his ground and fight.

In the wake of their clash, Eden's actions speak volumes. He's no longer the uncertain and inexperienced participant he once was. He's embraced his doubts and transformed them into a wellspring of strength. The clearing, once a battlefield of allegiances and uncertainties, becomes a symbol of his growth.


As the tension between Lancer and Archer simmers, threatening to escalate into another clash, Eden's voice pierces the air with an urgency that demands attention. "Enough!"

Both Lancer and Archer turn their gaze toward Eden, his spear still gripped firmly in his hand, his expression a mixture of determination and frustration. He steps forward, placing himself between the two Heroic Spirits, his presence a barrier against the mounting conflict.

"Listen to me!" Eden's voice carries a fervent plea. "We're all participants in this war, but that doesn't mean we have to be prisoners of its rules. I've seen the potential for unity in the chaos, the chance to break free from the cycle."

Archer's skeptical expression remains unchanged, a hint of amusement still lingering. "And what makes you think an alliance between us is anything more than a naive whim?"

Eden's gaze holds unwavering resolve as he addresses both Heroic Spirits. "Because I believe in the power of choice. I believe that even within the constraints of this war, we have the capacity to forge our own destinies."

Lancer's expression softens, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he regards Eden. "He's right, Archer. We're not bound by fate alone. The choices we make can shape the outcome of this war."

Archer's gaze flickers between Eden and Lancer, his arms crossed in an act of defiant skepticism. "An alliance, you say? Against the very system we've been thrust into?"

Eden's voice holds an earnest plea. "Yes. Against the system that seeks to pit us against each other. We're more than pawns in this game. We have the power to define our own roles."

The clearing falls into a moment of suspended tension, the clash of wills silenced by Eden's impassioned appeal. The weight of their decisions hangs heavy in the air, as allegiances and ideals collide in the face of an unexpected proposition.

Amid the charged atmosphere, Lancer's gaze shifts from Eden to Archer, a subtle nod of agreement passing between the two Heroic Spirits. "Very well," Lancer says, agreeing with Eden. "We'll entertain this alliance. But actions will speak louder than words."

Archer's arms remain crossed, his expression a mix of scepticism and begrudging consideration. "I'll humour your optimism for now. But don't expect me to suddenly become your best friend."

Eden's relief is palpable, his chest loosening as he takes in the impact of his proposition being accepted. He nods, his voice carrying a note of gratitude. "Thank you. This alliance isn't about friendship but about transcending the constraints of this war."

Lancer's blue form shimmers slightly as he turns to address Eden. "We'll meet again tomorrow, same time, same place. Until then, prepare yourself. This alliance won't be without its challenges."

As Lancer and Archer's forms begin to fade, Eden's gaze remains fixed ahead, a sense of purpose and anticipation welling within him. Rin's voice cuts through the stillness, her tone reflecting a mixture of irritation and begrudging respect. "Well, it seems the show's over for now."

Archer's presence shimmers, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance. "A temporary ceasefire, then. Until next time, Master."

With that, Rin and Archer begin to depart, their figures fading into the distance as they head back to where they came from. The clearing, once a battleground of allegiances and uncertainties, now stands as a place where a pivotal decision has been made — an alliance forged in the crucible of the Grail War's complex

As the clearing returns to a state of calm, Eden's gaze remains fixed on the horizon, a sense of anticipation building within him. The next day's meeting holds the promise of change, a chance for unity in a war defined by conflict. With newfound allies by his side, Eden stands on the precipice of a path that defies the boundaries of fate and challenges the very nature of the Grail War.

Didn't have power. I just got back and wrote this up quickly. Here it is.

Pandapastacreators' thoughts