
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 2

"Quite the place you've summoned me at, isn't it Master?" said a smooth and deep voice. I looked at the handsome man in front of me in clear and apparent confusion.'Where the heck did this dude come from?'I asked myself. I quickly came back to reality as the wolves started to make their way in the shack we were in.

"Oh? what do we have here?"asked the blue haired man to no one in particular.

"Can you help me out here, dude. You can clearly fight judging by that red spear in your hand, " I told him, trying to look anywhere else but not at the spear. It felt dangerous that I couldn't quite place how, but it just did. He looked at me for a bit as if searching for something, then looked away.

He raised his spear and lowered his body, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving a broken floor in his wake.A red blur could be seen decapiting each wolf with ease and then he was back standing in front of me with no blood on his person. 'Wow, that was hella cool!hope he doesn't kill me, though.'

"Now Master since that's now out of the way, why did you pick this place to summon me?". He asked with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I had no idea I would be summoning you. It was either that stupid chant or death, and here you are."Being honest was the best option. There's no point in lying since I can't remember most about my past anyway.

"That doesn't matter anyway. You're fine. We should be heading to the site of the war instead of standing around. Let's go, " He told me as he walked away.

"Oi, where're you going? wait up!"I yelled as I tried to catch up."Now, what's this Grail war you mentioned, and where is it happening?"He stopped walking and looked at me inquisively."You don't know about the Grail war?"

"Am I? look, I just woke up here with a pair of earrings, a letter, and this tattoo with most of my memory hazy. Could you tell me what's going on if you know."

"Well, this is troublesome."He sighed ."The Grail war is a battle fought by seven Servants namely: Lancer servant of the spear, Archer servant of the bow, Assassin servant of Shadows, berserker servant of madness, Rider servant of the Mount, Caster servant of magic and Saber servant of the sword. Are you with me so far?"I bobbed my head to his question as he went on." The seven Servants face of against each other and the sole servant remaining gains a chance to ask a wish from the Grail.To win most masters will attack the enemy Master as its easier to kill the master with their servants than vice versa and with the master dead the servant dissipates without the mana supply."

"So this Grail is a wish granting device you all want?"I asked him

"Pretty much though, it's you, Mages, who want it more, you've been trying to get the Grail for centuries."

"I'm not a mage, though,"I told him, confused as to why he would include me with these mages.He turned to me and said seriously "you are a mage I can tell from all that Od you have and by concenssus i can tell you have high quality magic circuits. A magic circuit is like a parallel network that takes in mana from the air for you to use." he told me as i tried to imagine how it was in my head . "I can finally fight without having to worry about depleting my masters Mana."He said quite relieved, it seems

"How much mana do Servants usually use "cause it can't be that much, really can it?

"Well, your average servant won't use that much normally if they don't use their Noble Phantasm but for high class Servants a bit more mana will be used to assume astral form and fight at full strength. With you, I have nothing to worry about. I can use my Noble Phantasm 20 times, and you'd still have more than half."

"Wow, I'm that amazing, huh?"I said with pride in myself. "But you don't know any spells, do you?"He said with a sarcastic tone."You just had to ruin what I had going, didn't you?Dude won't let me be happy. Tsk first, I wake up in the middle of nowhere chased by wolves and now have to deal with a sarcastic dude."

"Let's just get out of here first Master then you can go back to whining."He said as he lift me in the air and dashed in one direction. Never in my life had I ever felt so gay as I do now His arms are quite comfortable. But I ain't telling him that no way.

After a few minutes, I started to see the city lights and what a site it was. Now, it is a matter of survival in this war and finding that damned zetretch dude. Couldn't he have put me in a city at least.

"I forgot to ask if u have a wish to ask of the Grail Lancer?I can call you Lancer, right?"I could tell he was thinking about answering, but the only thing he said was "yes you can." As he kept on going through the forest.

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