
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · アニメ·コミックス
97 Chs


"You didn't attend your own party." said my mom with a serious expression.

"Yes, you know how I hate parties, besides I did something more useful in the meantime so it doesn't matter." I reply.

"Connections are important. Those connections are formed in this type of parties." said my uncle.

"Yeah I know, but I get along fine with the director so that's good enough for now." I answer.

"While it is true that getting along with the director is more important, you shouldn't treat others to carelessly either." said my grandfather.

"Yes yes, I will keep it in mind from now on."

"Good. Be careful over there, we from Atlas don't get along perfectly with the clocktower." continued my grandfather.

"I will keep it in mind and be careful." I answer with a small smile.


[ 1 month later ]

"And with this we finish the tour of the botanic department where I work. I know it took me too long to show it to you but we were both busy." said my dad as we finished navigating the corridors.

"Yeah I know. I have also been reviewing the books of the library so it was more convenient to do this tour now." I answer him.

"Well you already have everything you need, tell me if you need anything else. In the meantime I will return to my investigations."

"Sure. Oh right before I forget, I need some money." I say while looking at my dad.


[ 3 months later ]


"Damn it get back here you rat!" I yell while running after the rat that just escaped my grip.

"Do you wish for my help, young master?"

"No! Get back and don't come anywhere near it, its blood is poisonous and it has several cuts on it body!" I tell him while maintaining my pursuit. So far this is the first one to survive my attempts of making a new spell for my magic crest. 'Tlaloc', the Aztec god of rain, I made the spell to be able of turning blood into poison, I figured it would be a good thing if I needed to bring someone who wounded me down by surprise.

Out of all the rats I have tried it on, this one finally is immune to the poison of its blood.



[ 13 years old ]

"Are you sure about this young master?"

"Yes I am, besides there is no need to worry, no one cares about this guys so it doesn't matter." I tell my butler while looking at the rest of the prisoners that are currently dinning.

"Anything else you need sir?" asks the hypnotised prison guard.

"Yeah, do you mind going down there with the rest of the guards?"

"Of course sir, right away." he answers me before calling the rest of the prison guards.

"We should at least take cover don't you think young master?"

"No, there is no need for that. We are perfectly safe here. I already did some experiments back in Atlas so there is no reason for anything to go wrong now." I say while waiting for the guards to finish arriving.

Some are a bit confused about the situation, but I hypnotised most of them over the last three weeks that I have been coming, so there is no trouble.

"Go and destroy all recordings you find." I tell my butler.

"Very well young master." he replies while politely bowing and leaves to the room the security guards use.

We already have this prison memorised so there is no need to worry about anything.

I clap my hand together, making the circles painted on my gloves glow and create sparks before lowering both of them and placing them on the floor. The drawings on the floor start to glow, causing the inmates and a few guards to get scared and confused. As the glow intensifies, even the hypnotised guards start showing reactions.

Suddenly, their bodies start melting down and merging with each other, creating a very grotesque scene. While their screams fill the room and their blood moves across the lines of the circle, my butler returned.

"It is done young master. Are you sure you want to stay watching this?" he asks.

"Yes, I am already melting them alive while merging their souls, the least I can do is look at them don't you think?"

"I think it is unnecessary for you to see this scene even if you are the one causing it young master." he answers me.

"Hmm... even then, I need to make sure nothing goes wrong so I would stay anyway."

"I understand."

Eventually their screams cease and all that remains are some weird, dried up, slightly burned and bloody corpses. Right on the centre of the circle there is a small glowing red rock.

I smile forms on my face as I make my way down to get it. Picking it up I can sense the absurd amount of energy to contains and can't help but be excited at this. There were around three hundred people here, from prisoners to security guards and staff members, all now in this stone.

"Let's get out of here." I say looking at my butler.

As we make our way through the corridors, I constantly use my explosion alchemy to destroy everything. There is no need for there to be any traces of this so I might as well destroy it.

Once we are outside, we turn back to look at the destroyed prison.

"Hmmm, better to be safe than sorry." I say while changing one of my gloves and grabbing a lighter.

As I snap my fingers over and over again, I can't help but think of what I just did. Around three hundred people dead just so that I can perfect my research...

"Do you wish for me to book a flight back to the clocktower, young master?"

"Hmm, not yet. We are going to Ireland first." I say while smiling.



[ 14 years old ]

"Do you have the money mom sent me?" I ask my butler.

"Yes, young master. Should I take it out now?"

"Yes, grab also what dad gave me. We are about to go shopping." I say while smiling.

Someone just called me... someone very important. Apparently, he has finally found what I was looking for and has some other interesting things as well.

As we make our way towards the car, I can't help but be excited. Finally I will have the most important thing for the war.

We enter a small shop filled with antiques and see a man on the counter.

"Nice to see you again, sir." he says looking at me.

"Let's skip the pleasantries, neither one of us is fond of them after all. Do you have what I want?" I say.

"I do." he says with a smile on his face. "I also got my hands on something else that might interest you..."

"Tell me what it is then."

"Well first of all, here is the lance that belonged to the Irish hero as you requested, and here... here is..."