
Farming in the Apocalypse

Returning back 3 days before the Apocalypse occur, and obtaining the power to cultivate plants in the Apocalypse? living with her 2 siblings Eunhee Jung swear to pay those who inflicted them a 100 times the pain and agony they suffer from their hands, " I won't show them no mercy.."

Shing_MigumeXD3 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Preparation Part 2.c

Early in the morning the three of them prepared to go out and buy everything they needed for the upcoming apocalypse, Eunhee Jung getting outside their house , she can see the green trees, birds, and dogs they dont have much neighbors and they live in the remote village and their house is located on the far side of the village, because of her high senses she can comprehend and ditect the sound of the bustling road full of still normal people, Eunhee Jung give the other Card to Mio and Jin so that they can buy foods and other necessities, and after that they left to their destination.

They only have 2 days to prepare everything, she then started to walk to where she can buy some seedlings and planting equipment, seedlings are not useful in the last day because all the soil's are being contaminated by the virus and plants, and animals are also evolved in a man eating plants and animals, but for her to buy seedlings is a must, last night she didn't tell her siblings that she have another abilities but its a little weird at that time she didn't know what her third abilitys were but upon inspecting the stone in her room it suddenly turned to liquid and sip into her palm, she was shocked and then get off her bed and want to go in the bathroom to wash her face but then it change to a plain field, with a small bench and a 5 meter fountain int the middle, on the top is a water lily flower and inside the tiled fountain is a blue water ' should the water color supposed to be clear?.." even when she scoop some its still blue, she then try to drink a little, the water give off this sweet and fresh fragrance and taste is also very fresh and cool,also she can feel that her fatigueness is gone completely and full of vigor to do anything, after that she roam around her eyesight the inside of the space is very sunny but not hot.

she speculate that this is her third ability,

" wow..with this they can eat fresh vegetables and fruits in the future this is great.." she was really amazed because when she was in the past there are no news of someone having this kind of ability because if it does she will know if there are fresh vegetables and fruits being sold, sure there are other people having space ability in the apocalypse but not planting space, " hmm...last time I read in some books about having a little system inside to manage the space for planting, where is it?"

after she said that, Eunhee Jung didn't notice that on the top of the fountain the water lily flower open and a small human with wings came out.


" after the little creature yawn it flap its wings toward where Eunhee Jung standing,

" master!master!.."

Eunhee Jung still emersed in her thoughts was given a fright when she suddenly heard a small voice in her face, she then see a little creature flapping its wings and keep on chanting the word master.

Enhee Jung look at the little creature and poke it a little " what are you?"

"master, master I'm a fairy of this space, master I was born when master absorb the stone of life and then here I am master.."

the fairy said " so you will be the one to manage this place in the future?" Eunhee Jung asked, " Yes master..i can plant, harvest and water but there's nothing inside what should I do master, don't throw me away..."

the little fairy said, " what is your name?"

Eunhee Jung asked because its too troublesome to always refer the fairy as little fairy, she also didn't know its gender.

" I don't have a name, you can give me a name master.."

said the fairy cutely, thinking of what name should be given to the fairy she then choose the name of a little cute kid in the book she read in the past

" hmm..I'll name you Jiao jiao..from now own, do you like it?"

Eunhee Jung said, Jiao jiao then circle around Eunhee Jung happily,

" master, Jiao jiao i like it..thank you master.." Jiao jiao said,

" alright I'll buy seeds tomorrow for planting.."

Eunhee Jung said "ill go for now,"

" alright master...Jiao jiao will wait here.."

so now she need to find different seeds, walking in the street she find the store for seedlings and planting equipment, she walked towards the door and open it, inside the store is very gloomy, is it because no one are coming here to buy? she then roam around the store and took a basket, she first came in the fruits section and picked 10 pieces of different fruit seeds next is the vegetables section and also picked 10 pieces of different vegetables so all in all she buy, watermelon, strawberries, berries, mangos, apple, orange, grapes, banana, Mangosteen, cabbage, carrots,potatoes and etc. she also buy planting equipment, next she need to go in the weapon store or the blade maker ( blacksmith).

after getting inside the store she then roam to picked a best weapon for long range and short range, she spotted a long blade, double edge katana, a pistol and sniper all the guns that she picked have a silencer so that the zombie wont be attracted to the sound she won't be having a problem in buying a weapon because all the weapons has been checked by the bureau.

after that she then meet up with her siblings, tomorrow all the materials will be delivered in there house, they need to enforce around there house, the truck that carry the foods and other things has already came in there house a minute after they arrive from home they then carry everything inside and put it in the basement.

" Unnie, so all we need is to put the metal and wires around the house..do we not look weird?" Mio said awkwardly,

" Noona.. are we not to going to warned the others about the upcoming apocalypse?"

Jin asked uneasiness evident on his face, ' she know that no one would believe them, and its not her job to also save everyone, she exists and came back for her siblings, not to become a saint to save others,

" Jin and Mio I know you guys are afraid because the apocalypse are coming and you want to warned others but will they believe you if you'll tell them that it will be the apocalypse 2 days from now? they won't.."

looking at her siblings bowing their head she then ease her voice and gently said again,

"but if you really want to, its OK at least you did warned them" Eunhee Jung said and smile, she felt heartache seeing her siblings like that, she wants them to be happy and safe from the apocalypse.



early in the morning the 3 siblings start in installing metal and wires they became busy like a real construction worker, and its OK for them to make noises because they live in the far part of the village so no one would be annoy to them being so noisy in the early day.

'Bang~' " Mio hand me the hammer~" Jin said, the sweat is evident on his shirt, but thinking about the past event were she was alone now she has her siblings that will accompany her through the days that'll come, she'll do anything to make her love once safe, Jin is hammering the metal to attach it to the wall, Mio Is assisting and also sorting out the materials needed, they need to finish this before the time, now its February 14, and tomorrow is the start there'll be an eclipse at 9 Am and rain for 2 hours so right now they need to finish this fast.

they should be out there in the city to relax because its valentines day but its not important for now, Eunhee Jung thinks that this day would be last day people enjoy and express their love because when the apocalypse time its very hard to go outside the house without being notice by the zombie, roaming every corner of the street, so people in the past tends to stay at home and wait for the government to command the military and to rescue them, but the military at time freeze because the spread of the virus is not just here in Korea but also all over the world, and Eunhee Jung can breath a little where they live at because there are less people living in the mountain side, so they'll be safe and have a good spot for a safer based.

after the last one being tuck installed they then break for a little and Mio then volunter to cook for dinner, they ate and now they are in their rooms ready to rest, Eunhee jung then flash inside her space bringing the things she bought yesterday, " Master~master~ your here..."

jiao jiao happily greeted her, the little fairy flapping her wings towards her and after shes in front of her the fairy then became exited and circle around the recycle bag she's carrying " Master, is that the seeds? " jiao jiao asked her " yes its in here, should we start planting now?" .

"alright master~"