
Farming in the Apocalypse

Returning back 3 days before the Apocalypse occur, and obtaining the power to cultivate plants in the Apocalypse? living with her 2 siblings Eunhee Jung swear to pay those who inflicted them a 100 times the pain and agony they suffer from their hands, " I won't show them no mercy.."

Shing_MigumeXD3 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Pain and Rebirthing back

"Raw, Roar.."

11th day April 2032, City of Mokpo South Korea, big and tall building, some of it are still burning and some are no where to be recognized as one, cars are everywhere, broken window and glass shard are scattered, blood, human flesh, dry blood, and human bones.

horde of thousands of zombies are hording in one direction, circling and clawing the piled up 5 cars for a chance to reach the one lone human on top the cars.

the woman is laying down exhausted, full of bloody scratches, bandages and visible patch of blood from her stomach due to the excessive movements the still fresh wound open.

" ha ha..is this the end!?"


the woman ask to herself and took a crumpled picture of her 2 siblings and she taking a picture happily in the beach from boracy Phillipines, the woman then smile upon seeing it her face became full of vigor and resulutness she stand up from her laying position and shout from the top of her lungs that made the surrounding zombie agitated from the sound,

"Ah!!!!!!....I'll kill you all with me"

' Mio and Jin, big sister Eunhee is coming...'

she then activated self destruct releasing a massive explosion that kill thousands of zombie and destroy half of the Mokpo City.

'I see your monster, I see your pain tell me your problem, I'll chase them away~

I'll be....'

after Eunhee Jung initiated self destruct of her core Eunhee Jung then see herself in the darkness, floating in the endless road of nowhere, she then see light ahead of her and decided to move forward, stretching her arms to reach the light upon reaching, massive light then engulf her whole being.

feeling the unknown surroundings and warm atmosphere, even if her eyes are still close she can still size her surroundings due to her high senses, Eunhee Jung abruptly open her eyes and rise from laying down that made her head throb painfully and her vision blurry, Eunhee Jung massage her aching forehead and close her eyes again to lessen the pain.

Eunhee Jung look around her surroundings the familiar furniture and design inside the room, the sunny light and green trees outside the window, birds chirping, dogs are barking, busy roads full of cars some are beeping because of to much trafects and people walking by.

' where am I? I know I died from activating self destruct' she contemplating, looking around the inside seems familiar, or maybe this is just her imagination of the once peaceful world, then small drops of tears sip through her almond eyes, reminiscing the past.

"I see your monster, I see your pain tell me your problem, I'll chase them away~

I'll be...." hearing the song coming from the table Eunhee Jung then took the cellphone beside the lamp and look at the screen, suddenly her eyes turn big and red, drop by drop of tears fall that turn to sob,

" oh god..."

she can't believe It all this time, the familliar room, the warm feeling, and the bustling outside world it all makes sense, the time in the phone is set in the 12th day of February 2021, 3 days before the start of the apocalypse and gives her 2 days to prepare foods, weapons and necessities.

Mio Jung Pov.

I'm in the kitchen now cooking congee for my Unnie, she was having a high fever last night and keep on mumbling something its late at night that I cant buy any medicine from the medicine store and also because we don't have enough money and we can barely buy some rise to eat, because when our parents died from car accident she was still 5 at that time her unnie was 16 and her brother is 3 years old.

some of our distant relative came to visited us after the funeral and said that they will take us in their home to live with them but Unnie decline and said that she cant leave the house where their parents leave happy memories when they were still alive, and so they stayed here for 11 years.

" Mio I'll go outside in a sec. to buy

medicine" Jin said in the other side of the house, maybe his still in the door way, Mio upon hearing her brother said that she put the bowl of congee on the table and run straight to where her brother was sitting down to wear his shoes preparing to go outside,

" Jin! where did you get the money to buy Unnie medicine?"

Mio asked, waiting for her brother to answer,

" this is the money Nonna give to me yesterday "

Jin answer, bowing slightly and finishing the last pair of his shoes to put on, standing up and dusted off his back, and head straight to the door, holding the door knob, Mio then sadly asked

" Jin are you not going to the school field trip?" Jin skinny back face Mio and his head lower down a bit sighing deeply and turned around to face Mio he then answered her with a serious face " it doesn't matter, I can still join another school field trip in the next month, so its OK, unnie need the money for her medicine more than I do.." Jin said after his last statement he smile, opening the door he then go out, Mio still standing where she look at his brother back walking further and the door slowly closed.


' I better go and give Unnie her food so that when Jin arrive unnie can then drink her medicines'

getting back inside the kitchen to take the bowl of congee, when was almost at the door Mio hear sobs inside her sister room, she then hurriedly open the door for the thought of her sister having another nightmare and preparing to waking her up from the bad dreams.

" unnie? your awake, thank god"

Eunhee Jung Pov.

Realizing that she rebirth back in time she was happy that it made her cry, she didn't notice that someone opened her door until she heard the familiar voice of her younger sister Mio,

" unnie? your awake, thank god"

the excited in her voice can be heard, and concern expression can be seen,

' Mio? its really her younger sister..'

and she cry again trying to get up, Mio panicky came towards her to stop her from getting up and to just stay on the bed, Eunhee Jung could help it and hug her little sister, she cry again and Mio also started to cry,

" Your here, your alive..sniff~sniff~" Eunhee Jung sillily said and just buried her head on her sister shoulder,

" unnie, of course im alive ~sniff..sniff.." Mio answer sniffing in her sobs,

" you've been in coma for almost 2 days from high fever....sniff..I thought, we thought you'll leave as both Jin and I..sniff.."

Mio complain like a kid while sobbing,

Eunhee Jung upon the hearing her other sibling and looking around in the hope she could see her little brother silhouette, she became nervous because before the start of the apocalypse her little brother was in the school field trip and after the said date of the apocalypse she didn't hear any news from her little brother again.

" Jin? where is Jin? Mio where is Jin?"

Eunhee Jung hurriedly asked,

" Jin just left a while ago.."

Mio still didn't finish her sentence when Eunhee Jung start to get agitated and tried to get off the bed, she then check her body condition and her ability and contemplate if she can still catch up the bus in time, Eunhee Jung feel her Consciousness and detict her ice and fire ability and another ability she still didnt know.

in the apocalypse, zombies are not the only one who evolved from normal human to zombie and still keep on evolving but also those people who are gifted by some abilities such as water, fire, earth, ice, thunder, telekinesis, woods and healing are the rare abilities and the other sub abilities are strength, speed, invisibility, cloning, and sound wave.