
There is a cat town in my father’s ears by morn kunthea Short film: Fantasy, comedy , romantic Author: Morn kunthea

* People who live in rural areas like to adopt dogs and cats to protect their homes. A family from the city had just moved to live in a vineyard in the southeast of the city. The family has three members. Husband, wife and son. This family also decided to move immediately. Because, after the death of their grandfather, he wrote in the will that he had given the wine to his son to succeed him at the head of a family business. Their family business consists of extracting wine and grapes for sale in markets that can supply local markets and some urban markets in the city. And this farm also supports many families who have worked in their vineyards since the French colonial period. Today the boy went to visit the house of the villagers near the vineyard. The boy saw that every house had pets, in particular he liked cats. He used to ask his father to adopt cats, but his father always refused and always said that living in the city was very difficult to raise animals. So far, even though they have moved to a rural area, his father still refuses to raise them. he thought all of these reasons only complained about his father's refusal to allow him to adopt them. On the way back, he saw a cat fall into a pond. Therefore, he took a wooden stick and tied it to the cat's leash to pull it to the ground. The cat stared at his face with bright blue eyes for a moment, he bowed his head gratefully and fled. He wonders a lot about the character of the cat. He also took the bell cat's leash from the stick and put it in his pants pocket to find the cat and return it to its owner later. then he came back with wet pants. because he was afraid his mother was worried, he went out longer. The boy is still stubborn towards his father in raising cats, which makes him very tired and exhausted from work and the grapes are not as productive as before. because the crowd of worms comes out and eats a lot of grape leaves. During dinner, he discussed work with his wife, and his son listened and ate in silence. once the discussion was over, her son was ready to tell the cat story again. Knowing in advance, he tries not to respond to his son. so he looked at the clock on the wall, and said to his son: "It is seven o'clock. I want to take a break and you can tell me your stories the next day. Then he carrying a lantern, went to the spa bath behind his house They don't use that electricity much because they want to live as naturally sealed as their childhood. In rural areas everyone goes to bed at 9 pm and wakes up early in the morning when the rooster crows.

* on the other hand, his mother was preparing a cotton mattress for sleeping. The boy took the cat's leash over his sleeping head. Her father slept on the mattress next to her mother. the boy was sleeping next to a paper door that was open for ventilation. In the middle of the night, the bell, the cat's leash were blinking. And a group of cats, smaller than ants, came out of the bell. They carry rotating lanterns, carts, wrapped clothes like people moving to new places. In front of the herd was an old cat holding a stick in his hand, as if the village chief had told another cat to go to the boy's father's left ear. Because the boy's ears are a bit small, and the boy's mother's ears are covered with her hair. When the herd of cats almost moves in the ears. Suddenly, a cat slipped a cart, fruit rolled into the eyes of a boy who was sleeping with his eyes not fully closed. The fruit looked like dust flying around the corner of the boy's eyes. But that makes the boy start to itch and he starts to move his eyelids up and down. The cats were terrified and watched as the cat slipped the cart, clinging to the boy's eyelashes. It is lucky that the boy blinks his eye without waking up. Once they reach a place deep enough that they stay. They also took the piece of paper from their suitcase and spread it out in buildings, houses and streets that turned into a small town in the ears of the boy's father. And they took the green strings, which were hanging down like electric wires, and plugged the earplugs into the lights that lit up their city.

* Cats' cities are different from human cities, as they work from 11pm to 3am. The chief of the cat village told all cats not to make noise and to go out without his orders. And live hygienically because it infects the ears of the boy's father. However, every time they acted, it always made him itchy. For several days, the boy has seen his father always put his finger in his ears to crack where he itches at night. and his father said that some time he had heard the sound of the wind passing from ear to ear. Seeing this, the boy's mother went to the market to buy earbuds cotton for his father to use for cotton swabs is to clean the ear canal by removing earwax. When his father swabs his ears after taking a shower. All the cats were hiding in the house and hanging on to their things so they wouldn't fall outside or get caught by cotton swabs. And their homes and streets were also broken in part by barely swabs from the itchy areas. But the results are always the same. So his father thought he was going to see a doctor this weekend. A group of cats in a village policeman saw a text messaging device recording various information about the boy's father's thoughts and conversations about the doctor's appointment. The cats were terrified of the news as they were about to reveal their secrets. Therefore, that night, the village chief and two other members of the leadership will come out to negotiate with the boy's father. The time has come for the village chief to take the spirit of the boy's father with a stick. then the village chief clings to his father's face and walks straight to the area of ​​his forehead to pull his spirits out with a stick. his father's body is a smaller physical form than theirs. Then the other cats took a towel and covered his father's mouth and took him with them. The boy's father tried to run away. Escape and watch his body sleeping normally. The boy seemed to have an unusual thirst and heard his father screaming, so he immediately opened his eyes and stood up to drink. he saw all the actions the cat did to his father. he can see the little cat clearly because he touched the bell and the cat was saved. With the boy trying to scream to warn the cats, the village chief uses the smoke to knock the boy unconscious, then also takes the boy's spirit into his father's ears.

* Father and son are shocked at what they see. They consider the city of cats to be like a human city, but cats are nicer to each other than humans. The chief of the village of cats ordered his daughter to bring tea to his guest and he started a negotiation to exchange them. He said this because your son rescued our sorcerer lord cat who had an accident halfway through before heading to the jungle lord and bringing his leash home with him . so we cannot become a normal cat for when we are not in the lord of the jungle. the bells are where we live, these are the vehicles that take us to the lord of the jungle. when the bell of the leash is not on the neck of our sorcerer cat lord, we must be in a hurry to move to a place similar to the concentration of spiritual energy that can keep our bodies safe. This place is in the human brain, so we decided to move around the ear near this area. And we don't have bad intentions, just temporary accommodation. I also hope you can find my lord and deliver the bell to him. Dad after listening to their explanations and felt very relieved and felt cats and have no bad intentions. Therefore, he accepted the cat's request. On the other hand, his son also shook his hand and begged him to help these cats. The chief of the village of cats is very happy and he orders the cat, whose son-in-law to take them on a tour of their city. the son saw the cat couple holding hands are so sweet in front of them while introducing them to an important place in their city. they said his father's ears had injuries when he showered and water got into his ears. therefore they help to heal at the site of the wounds. they keep talking and laughing over the memories of such times as the floods fleeing the city, everyone trying to threw water outside . His dad smiles a little ashamed as he is always carefree after taking a shower without ever drying off directly with towels. He always had ear problems and caught the flu.

* After visiting the village of cats, the village chief's cat took them outside and thanked them for helping to cooperate with the cats. the next morning, when they wake up, it seems like a dream for him. But when his son told the stories with the address paper on his hand that the village chief's cat wrote and let him go to find their owner cat, he realized that it was all true. he told his staff he wouldn't be able to make it to the office today. and he told his son that they would find this cat by address after breakfast. when they travel in the forest and arrive at the old temple that people once came to prey. but everyone abandons this temple after the war. the temple looks so old and is covered in ivy. that made them a little scary. he remembered that this temple is so beautiful before the abandonment that he had already seen the temple festival in his father's photo. when checking out outside the temple, the white cat suddenly came up to them and told them why you can find ways to get to my house. it makes them shocked that the cat can talk and wear a robe like a monk. then they told all the stories of their meeting to the monk cat. the monk cat seems to understand, it was whispered as a sign to call the owner of the cat's leash bell outside. the cat comes out behind the trees and it is so much bigger than humans. the son remembered the cat he had helped before approaching him without fear and carefully taught him his fur. then the cat becomes small as usual, the son again holds the bell on a leash tight against his neck. then the cat returned to the forest. after completing the mission, they return home safe and sound. his wife has found notebooks under the pillow that will help him succeed in his business and find solutions with worms destroying their vineyards. they were surprised by this gift and their family went through difficult times and incredibly successful businesses. on his son's birthday, his father gave him cute kittens and allowed him to adopt them as he pleased. because he began to understand now that these animals are purer and closer best friends than any other human. above all he was closer to his son and his wife who understand what they needed. every weekend, he will always clean and bring fruit for his prey to the temple for the villager and his family to meet good things, be healthy. The villager start to believe in the temple and protect the forest and the environment around them again. after that in their village always have fun festivities and share each other's kindness and live simple life with happy smile.