
City without gravity * Short film: Romantic , fantasy * Author: Morn kunthea

* Behind the mirror, a group of 🧚‍♀️ fairy lives. Their world is made up of glass surfaces that are contrary to human time and have pink moons and blue suns. And in their world, there is only one city that lives without gravity. The world is spread out like a cucumber. And there are ice poles with purple ice, at the West Pole and the East Pole. After flying out of the clouds, it is the space universe like the real human world. The strange thing about their house and other buildings floats about 1 km above the ground and cannot be built on the ground. Even their people float. But their land has mountains, seas and rivers, like the heavens. So they built four heavy magical light poles and placed them deep in the ground. A large light pole was built to the west, east, north and one to the south, surrounding a circle for hanging houses and buildings. It's like hanging people's clothes under the sunshine. Their people do not use vehicles like ordinary people. Because they have wings that can fly and their people are mixed with many species of animals. And some look like humans.

* In a restaurant, all tables and chairs are tied with ropes on the roof of the restaurant because their restaurant has no gravity. There is a belt on the chair and on the dining table there is a sticky pad which can hold the plate and glass on the table. As for food and water, it only floats 1 cm from the plate and the glass. food that the order puts in baskets and raffle baskets for delivery to guest dining tables. Theirs daily life is similar to that of astronauts living in spaceships. A man whose son of a restaurateur has just slept, his father was shaking the rope to pull from his bed to wake him from the first floor. because he wants his son to help him receive many guests who come to their restaurant. His son had only slept three hours. Because he had just returned from a party with his girlfriend, Miss Butterfly, at dawn. When he woke up and heard his father's call several times, he sat down with a tired face and looked out of his restaurant's window. Suddenly he saw planes from the human world lost way enter their world. He thought he was still dreaming, but the plane was flying forward to restaurants. Fortunately , the plane was struck by the line pole hanging from the building. The line above the city looks like a spider's net.

* The boy's father and other guests in the restaurant and the townspeople flew out to see where the plane was stuck in the town's net. They wonder why the plane got lost in their world like this. They also rescued the unconscious people on the plane and sent them to town hall for their prime minister to deal with.

* All the people were not injured, they just fainted in the crash when the plane was stuck in the city net. They looked at the fairy with fear and shocked when they realized they were not in the human world. The Fairy Premier asked the pilot why he had ventured into our territory. The pilot said that when he was flying close to the landing site, Smoke swelled around the plane and cleared the radar signal as he continued to fly until he saw a blue light enter his cockpit. Then the mist melted and his plane hit something. After listening to the pilot's story. The Prime Minister thought for a moment, then remembered that perhaps the rays of the sun of their world were shining with the rays of the human moon, forming a gravity haze, pulling planes flying towards their land. It is a very rare miracle. The Fairy Premier continued, "You don't have to be afraid of me because we are the honor and kindness of a bunch of fairies in our galaxy. Now you can live in the hotel room we have arranged for you, "our engineers will be repaired to help your plane and find a way to bring your plane back to your world. My secretary will explain to you how to living in our world. The son restaurateurs owner join crowds to listen to their primary announcements to help find solutions. He has secretly investigated this case before and he experimented by transporting the object from the human world to their world by used purple ice from the west pole. He keeps saying that in the next few days there will be a full moon. So we need to hurry to complete the mission to collect purple ice at the West Pole. because I need a big chunk of ice, so I can't do this mission by myself. I need shark saws and hammers to help me cut purple icebergs. The Prime Minister allowed his team to complete the mission and promised to reward them when the mission was successful. He returned to his restaurant with his father and he prepared a package of food and supplies needed to complete the mission. He said goodbye, hugged and kissed his butterfly girlfriend outside the restaurant. he asked his girlfriend to take care of his father while he was on a mission with his team. They must have flown to the ground floor of the town building and headed west, the closest iceberg to the east. While flying over the sea, he saw a group of turtles catching jellyfish in the sea. Jellyfish are a group of foods similar to algae and can live in water. Turtles cannot use their wings to fly in water. So they tied themselves to a flight skateboard, with a rope around their waists jumping from the air into the sea, using a net to catch the jellyfish . They use high speech to catch jellyfish. It seems humans use wooden slingshot for shoot somethings. After flying over the turtles, they arrived at their destination. They took out a tent bag and clicked the key to transform their tent into a giant ball-shaped tent that has a door and can fly with air on wheels that let it fly off the ground. the Sharks fly to check the areas of their iceberg cut tomorrow. they are members of the city's architecture. after drawing the color of the iceberg, they return to the tents. the night was so cold under -100 ° C that all of their tents have hot machines to withstand the temperatures as usual. suddenly the tent boy crashes into a piece of iceberg stone which has melted the ice and hit his tent. he wakes up because he felt colder. he rushed to ask his team for help by clicking the emergency button and Saran woke his members. sharks flying with a wear coat outside his tent and use his hammer face to strike destroy the stone that hit the wall of the tanks. then he used the glue gun to fix the hole that had crashed. After the sharks fixed the boy's tent, they said goodbye and returned to their tents. In the morning, they hurried and took their hammers and their saw faces to cut the ice stone they had draw from last night. Then they took a fishing line to tie the ice cube to their bodies and returned to their town.

* Their team brought the ice back to their city on the day of the full moon. the city's engineering also repaired plane already. The fairy people helped pull the plane over the city net, and another group flew to took ice cube to where it can receive moonlight. They waited over half an hour and still did not see any reaction from the ice cube as the plane flew under the ice cube several times. Everyone looked down in despair. Suddenly the moonlight shone and the ice formed heat and make smoke. The boys' team made a light signal in the air for the pilot to rush into the smoke. The plane flew in the smoke and disappeared from the air with the smoke. the fairy premier takes his mirror which can see the situation a human world are showing the news the plane who lost back to airport safety. they start to aplause and howl with joy. the fairy premier gave the golden hero medai to the boy group and prepared his wedding with miss butterfly. people on planes go home and live normally and they don't remember anything that happened. they feel asleep on the plane and fly over the air like the day their plane lost. but for many people around the world there was fantasy stories and mysteries that the Sicentists try find the evidence to explain.