
Magical camera Short film: Romantic , fantasy fan art loren yg Author: Morn kunthea

Today is the day this group of witches come to the Museum of Magic. in the museum of magic contains many amazing artifacts, unlike the general human museum. It's as if the books are a record of the origin of the universe, the real world, and the warped realm, which is largely invisible to human beings. Like the land of magic that lies between the time center of the earth's rotation. A magical schoolgirl who just woke up with her magical spell after completing a successful mission in the human world with her teammates. The girl chose another girl's shell to look to the future of the human world to send a signal to the two world leaders to defend their global catastrophe. In fact, the weird thing the clock is stuck in causes a deep curse that haunts people and confuses people with their mutual friendship and anger against the witch society. Because an older witch created a flow of spiritual energy by absorbing the spiritual thoughts of people from both worlds. To free a black witch imprisoned for a long time. then the witch principle sent a girl to destroy these evil spirits. With the cooperation of senior and junior students and wizarding tribes who lived as mixed human beings. Girls are also protected by human leaders. In the human world, she will live normally. But the play and spiritual strength in the Spirit Realm, which is between the Magic Realm and the Human Realm, begins when a baby born in the Human Realm counts to zero. Then the first competition interval is 9 years, which is the greatest number in both worlds equal to 9 days in the spirit realm.

A girl, a newborn baby in a wealthy family, is hunted every second by a group of wicked witches. In the spirit world, she was nine. She has to unlock boxes and play all kinds of man-made games, especially M video games that require her to jump face to face to find the evil witch's soul. In her real body, shells in both territories copy data while she sleeps and fall in deep amenia. In the images created in War she can create free weapons and shapes that each character has to play. If she was seriously injured, scars may appear on the body and effectively on her memory. In this world full of ghosts and beasts created by human thought. Those who can enter the world have to go through and shoot the special wizarding world camera to get rid of their spirits and enter year 0. She was a complete puzzle in the spirit world and remodeled on humans what 'she did. So she needs to fight the children , adults who control by the evil witch's mind that their souls exchange with the power of darkness . But she was better than her enemy thought. As her friends also hid the amount of his enemy to find their treat and refuse the wicked witch too. Sometimes her friends hidden in the animal or natural spirit. After winning the first compilation she again lost memories at the age of 10 for charge energy and level 1 mediation and she returns in the zero years. That this time it was photos and stacked by both sides of the leader. When she starts the second compilation between 10 and 19 years old. Her mind age over 9 in spirit world as before. She was completely fighting in the education and real social life that created by humans and in the spirit world, there is a big monster and many dangerous places, she needs to find treasure under the sea to save the two worlds that treasures was under control from the wicked witch. These times the seniors and juniors came to ride the same bus that we know each other by the eyes and signs of our members who come from four main schools of the magic school. We have to perform and throw the trick net to cut the tails of the connected wicked witches. Sometimes we are clowns and heroes at the same time under the pressure of human society which illuminates the darkness too much. So the puzzle on this time we have to find the sword and the armor to protect our future.

The girl is under increasing pressure from the wicked witch who use their instincts on the people around her. In particular, her friend was also detained by a wicked witch. she needs find them by sign of animal languages. like, cat, dog or bird, etc. As a result, the girl must unlock the power of the red spirit, which is fire to burn against evil spirits, to save her friends in the spirit realm and protect themselves in the human world. Her eyes turn red when she is very angry which can burn all evil spirits. It's time for her to find the fourth element of the more spiritual codes to protect her shell body. The magic group needs to shoot the darkness hidden in another human body to allow humans true freedom. The fourth person she needs to find, people are good at singing. Second, there are butterfly scars on the shoulders. Third, women are more attracted, the last brave person. They are in the same school, in the human school. They have to go through friendships, which are human traps created by misunderstandings, anger and jealousy. As if they needed to find a way out into the lost garden where she was in the middle. They need to walk, help each other and protect themselves from behind. They all went to the spirit ceremony and crossed the line of change in the same country J. Only she who crossed in a triangle of clock signs, that she was from the wizarding world to do the mission. And they are successful mission, her friends in humans world can living happiness in normal times and forget her. Because she need to return back real home with her magical friends. Her magical friends also travel the search theirs spiritual strength in each country too. Through the signs of the moon and the sun. Because she has a lot of ancestral blood, she is under a lot of pressure to change those evil spirits in her phone's magic camera or on any other technology. Since the members of the magic school have to do the same. At that time, the wicked witch took a black mirror to capture the soul and uploaded a photo from their camera, it is a photo that was their record in their daily life or when they went on a mission. The wicked witch to do this to create a darker spirit that looks and feels like them, to fight and hunt them. Due to her very different character and strong mind, she broke the black mirror and pulled the soul of her friend who turned into a butterfly to fly freely. Her friends also find that the key to fate succeeds, they can write a story against the wicked witch. In particular, she also met from the past and the future. she took off to meet her real life partner who saw her future children as another friend of hers. So those who wake up quickly will meet their partner in real life after recovery back their memories. When she travel into the past and the future with her team, creating stories and beating bad guys without the need show they real names and faces. Her team, after going through a lot of hardships, are still able to hold hands and become stronger than ever when they've had a lot of failures and keep going through the toughest times. They always use both of minds and the auditory cues and the connected eyes. Some members also have tattoos on their bodies. For the older generations, they are always harder to support us as one nation. everyone crossed paths in yin and yang meditation for contributing white and black souls together.

Once she has solved the second misson. It was the last time for complete mission she was in a suit, shattering her dreams with her emotions and thoughts. Her future spirit met the present spirit again. She must go to the Forest of Spirits and walk through volcanoes and the Ice Lake, in search of her Soul Gems. Therefore, she had to walk in the 16th is the anniversary of her human life. this number added together will be 7. And the date of birth on the magic number 25 which is also equal to 7. So two years old she had to find her true soul. Is an incremental number plus 2 will be 9. It is her body is different from the other members because it is the key to heaven and hell which from the 1st to the 26th was crossed with the sign number 999 or in face 666 with 7 souls. It was as if she needed 18 character retrieval memories stories that need to be 9 again to complete the mission before 6:30 p.m. Therefore, her members also have two red and blue lenses in their body like her after the complete mission. Because she is always very emotional and a direct bet of everyone's hope. Her eyes turn orange like a nine-tailed fox and purple represents the entire galaxy as her loyalty and communicates with her teammates. Her team managed to find a cure for the virus ending in this year 2020, that the year number 4 to end all bad situations, they can solve economic problems and prevent human war with rapid techniques and protect animals and the environment. In particular, they hope more than everyone in the two future-changing worlds become better than no one can beat them. Their bodies are immune to various diseases and illnesses, most of which contain vitamins C and E. And those who have been in despair in life are beginning to regain hope. When they use their swords to kill the wicked witch who uses transfer like a three-headed fire dragon, bringing back the time of peace and happiness. They celebrate the feast for the girl with the leader behind them. before a few days of Christmas, the girls have been picked up from her magical family and go to the party with her members. She met her real partner who throws off his mask after successfully defeating the wicked witch. They all go home, live a happy life, have it all and go anywhere in freedom. and it's time for the next-generation global leader to find better ways. The girl returned to the museum of her magic school, took out the memories of the film that she had photographed while working with her team. She kept them in a special file, a file of all the magical arts. And she also gets lots of rewards for completing successful missions. Her friends can also receive what they want and celebrate winners together under purple lights.