
Fantasy Sex World

In an unexpected twist, twelve teenagers find themselves thrust into a new galaxy through a mysterious wormhole. What they thought would be a thrilling escape into a world of mythical wonders turns into a perilous journey. As they settle into a realm where Goblins, Elves, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Wizards exist, their fantasies become terrifying realities. Yet, this newfound paradise harbors dark secrets, pushing the boys to forge strength to protect their cherished bonds, while the girls must empower themselves against the advances of lustful beasts. Brace yourself for a gripping tale where the line between fantasy and danger blurs, and be warned – this novel is not for the faint of heart. Dive into a gory adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Hunter789 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Walking Dead 2


About a quarter of an hour earlier...

A guttural groan, laden with unimaginable pain, echoed through the silent expanse of the forest. In an eerie display, Lorzark's lifeless eyes snapped open, a testament to an uncanny resurgence. Cracks resonated through the stillness as broken bones mended, fingers and appendages regenerated, and the visage, once ravaged by Phil's brutality, seamlessly healed under the luminous embrace of the full moon. Rising, Lorzark's body mirrored its former vitality, his pupils aglow with an ominous blue light. An icy expression etched across his face, fueled by contemplation of Heidi, Isabelle, and Phil, each thought deepening the chill emanating from him. His fist emitted ominous cracks as he strode purposefully toward his dwelling.


Back to the present...

Liam and Sophia, standing before the door, were frozen, contemplating the enigma that lay beyond. The footsteps, meticulously traced by Liam, guided them to this moment, revealing not only the entry into the house but the absence of the intruder. Rushing inside, relief swept over them as they discovered their companions slumbering in the living room. A collective sigh escaped their lips.

*Thud* *creak*

Tension gripped their bodies as an audible disturbance emanated from the next room. With a tree branch clutched tightly in his hands, Liam advanced cautiously, attempting to mask his fear, yet his trembling limbs betrayed his facade. After all, what teenager wouldn't be apprehensive in the presence of what seemed like the reanimated dead? Gripping the door handle, Liam kicked it open, rushing in with a forceful determination.


The tree branch fell from Liam's hand as his jaw hung agape, flaggerbasted by the surreal tableau before him. Eloise assumed a doggy position, facing Liam, while Ethan relentlessly pounded away. Their labored breaths echoed like the panting of dogs in heat. The sight of Eloise's undulating breast left Liam nervously swallowing his saliva.

Sophia, witnessing the scene, shared Liam's bewildered expression. What astonished them wasn't merely the boldness of Eloise and Ethan's actions but the trance-like state they seemed to be in. Unfazed by the intruders' presence, the two lovers continued their intimate sex as if possessed by an insatiable force.

"Cut it off, guys! There are more pressing matters to attend to!" Sophia shouted, her plea met with an eerie silence. The couple neither acknowledged nor showed any signs of stopping their fervent liaison. "Okay, fine! We'll do this the hard way, then!"

Striding forward, Sophia seized Ethan's hand, disentangling it from Eloise's hair. Only now did Ethan register her presence, and it was in this moment that both Sophia and Liam noticed the crimson tint in their eyes, an unmistakable sign of exhaustion.

"SOPHIA, STEP BACK!" Liam's warning came too late. Ethan swiftly seized Sophia's hand, drawing her toward him in a rapid motion.

Dashing forward, Liam extended his hand to Sophia, but Ethan's superior speed and strength prevailed. In a swift motion, Ethan seized Liam's hand and delivered a powerful punch. Liam crumpled from the impact, his condition now unknown.


Returning his attention to the struggling Sophia, Ethan unleashed a backhanded slap, the force doubled under the influence of the mysterious substance coursing through his veins.


A few minutes earlier, Ethan collapsed onto Eloise's naked body gasping for air after an intense bout of passion. Regaining his composure, he rose and made his way to the bathroom. Emerging after a quick three-minute bath, he found Eloise engaged with a small bottle, sniffing its contents with a peculiar expression.

"Come and check this out, Ethan... Why are you standing there? Hurry!"

Nonchalant, Ethan approached her suspiciously. Taking the bottle from her hand, he inhaled the substance and was astounded by the immediate effects—a surge in strength and stamina. Before he could express his amazement, Eloise swiftly took back the bottle, taking a sip herself.

"Woah, hahahaha... I feel vitalized, I feel new!" Eloise exuberantly sprang to life, showcasing her revitalized stamina with uninhibited enthusiasm.

Grabbing the bottle, Ethan gulped down its contents. While Eloise had consumed only a fraction, the effects differed for the two. A surge of vitality coursed through Ethan's veins, his strength and senses heightened fivefold. A newfound energy pulsed within him, transforming his perception of Eloise. His eyes, now a deep crimson, locked onto her, and he pulled her towards him with an irresistible force.