
Fantasy Sex World

In an unexpected twist, twelve teenagers find themselves thrust into a new galaxy through a mysterious wormhole. What they thought would be a thrilling escape into a world of mythical wonders turns into a perilous journey. As they settle into a realm where Goblins, Elves, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Wizards exist, their fantasies become terrifying realities. Yet, this newfound paradise harbors dark secrets, pushing the boys to forge strength to protect their cherished bonds, while the girls must empower themselves against the advances of lustful beasts. Brace yourself for a gripping tale where the line between fantasy and danger blurs, and be warned – this novel is not for the faint of heart. Dive into a gory adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Hunter789 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Walking dead 3

Sophia battled mightily to escape Ethan's jail, but her efforts were in vain. Ethan was stronger at first, but after the substance's added effect, he was considerably stronger.

At last, her efforts paid off when Ethan made a mistake, allowing her to flee. She rolled off the bed quickly and ran to the door. However, Ethan moved more quickly than she did, so he ultimately caught up to her and knocked her down.

"Leave me alone you bastard!"

Ethan violently covered Sophia's lips with his hand. "Recall what I told you during our argument last year? One day, I promised to fuck you like a slut. I did, however, never forget my pledge." Ethan was speaking directly from his emotions instead of his reasoning.

His statements were unfiltered because he was under the direct impact of drugs. He took the hand covering Sophia's mouth off of her and locked it down with both of her hands. "Scream as loud as you want, they can't really hear you anyway." He completely dominated her, grinding as he pressed her down.

He took hold of her enormous breast with his free hand and caressed it. "You have the largest breast in the group, I must say. It follows that I always go for them first."

Sophia tried to scream, but she got no reaction; obviously, something wasn't right. She was aware that Leo could not possibly be this slept. Something had to have been done to them by Lorzark.

*Tear* Ethan violently tore off her shirt, taking advantage of her moment of reflection. Her only remaining clothing was her white underwears, which revealed half of her breasts. Ethan raised her head and gave her ears a licking. "Get away from me, you fucker!" She managed to successfully remove one hand and struck Ethan many times, but he was just too powerful.

Ethan ignored her blows and reached for the remaining piece of clothing she had on. He tried to take it off. *Bang* Liam slammed the tree branch into his rear from behind. Eloise was lying on the ground behind Liam, her body weak but not dead, blood streaming down her forehead. All she could do was stare in agony and silence. She was in this state because of Liam, she didn't drink much of the substance so she wasn't much of a problem to deal with. Hitting her on the head with his full strength was enough to render her half dead.

Ethan got up, leaving Sophia alone, and stormed angrily in Liam's direction. He exhaled heavily and his eyes became redder as he gained momentum with each step.

Liam yelled, "Run Sophia," converting his panic into rage. He hurried to Ethan while bracing the tree branch. When Ethan suddenly sprung up and attacked Liam with his claws while they were only three meters apart, he hit the floor and quickly moved to his right to avoid the blow.


Liam wondered how Ethan's claws got so strong and keen, but he didn't waste too much time wondering after he managed to dodge the attack and only a piece of his cloth was sliced off.

He rammed the tree branch hard into Ethan's chest, using all the might in his body. The impact caused Ethan to slip and fall, and the tree branch broke as well. Taking up a sharp object, Sophia was unable to leave Liam fighting by himself because of her. She patiently waited for Ethan to get up before jumping on him and stabbing him in the back. The jagged wood penetrated deeply, but Ethan, who was experiencing the effects of an unidentified chemical, hardly changed his countenance and felt very little. He took Sophia off his back and the jagged wood away with his hand. Liam and Sophia witnessed something that will live on in the darkest recesses of their memories forever, as the moon shone overhead.

Ethan's horrific back wound began to mend; the muscles and tissues blended together, and in five seconds, he was completely restored. With a chilly expression on his face, he turned to face Sophia holding the stake.

"Go, Sophia, quickly, he's going to kill you!"

Sophia attempted to get to her feet, but it was too late; Ethan had moved ahead of her and the stake was ready to stab her. Her life passed before her eyes in the blink of an eye, but Liam suddenly leaped in with a perplexed look. He had the stake buried in his own chest, the one that was originally intended for Sophia.

"What am I doing?!" What made me jump right in? Is this how I die? As he became limp, Liam's mind raced with a lot of ideas. The last sound he heard as his eyes darkened were Sophia's screams and tears.

Ethan stood over Liam, his demeanor unaffected, and when he lifted Liam's body, his hand fell limp. He no longer showed any signs of life. "Oh dear friend, you died a meaningless death." He threw Liam's body aside and turned his attention to Sophia.

"If you don't want to become like him, I advise you to comply."

*Spit* "I'd rather die than let you use my body." Grabbing a broken mirror, Sophia slashed herself and spat at his feet.