

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Payback (2)

Silence, absolute deafening silence was what filled the gym hall. On a normal day for Xavier that's if his days were still considered normal, this would have been good news mainly because he hasn't still gotten used to the extremely vivid noises coming from people around him. But unfortunately, the cause of the silence was because of him everyone stared at Xavier who stood over the groaning bodies of Dylan and his buddies on the floor.

(A few minutes earlier…)

Xavier had made up his mind to payback all the trouble he had suffered but was now having second thoughts as he felt maybe he had acted a little bit impulsive. At least those were his thought until a ball had unexpectedly flown directly to his face. Xavier who was fast enough to evaded the ball, although the person behind him wasn't so lucky. The ball slammed squarely at the unsuspecting girl's face also smashing her glasses in the process as she fell to the floor. Laughs and giggles were heard all coming from Dylan's team and all the spectators who supported him.

"I'm so sorry, it's my fault I didn't know you were behind me." Xavier quickly apologized as he helped her up, he somewhat felt bad as the ball was originally meant for him.

After making sure the girl was okay, he picked the ball that had hit her as the whistle was blown for them to commence since the coach had paused the game to make sure she was okay. Another ball immediately flew to Xavier's direction, but this time he was ready.

He immediately stepped to the side, causing the ball to completely miss him he then proceeded to throw his ball at one of the opposition's teammates. As expected, the ball hit its target squarely on the gut sending him to the ground as he was immediately eliminated. Everyone was quite surprised as they never expected Xavier's ball to meet its target. Xavier had made sure to control his strength as much as possible in that throw although he was mad, it didn't mean he threw caution to the wind.

After a series of throws between both team, not surprisingly Xavier was the last man standing in his team while on the other side four players where still left, one of them being Dylan. Everyone had expected this outcome since Xavier had openly challenged Dylan although they were still surprised that Xavier had somehow managed to eliminate most of the players on Dylan's team as each team originally consisted of ten individuals.

Xavier took in a breath of fresh air before immediately jumping backwards to dodge a ball thrown at him. Not wasting the opportunity that had presented itself since they had been having a hard time hitting Xavier, Dylan immediately threw a ball at Xavier who was sill midair from evading the previous attack.

Everyone watching had thought this was where it would end, but unlike his previous display of evasion he had unexpectedly caught it, before proceeding to fling the ball back to the assaulter.

The ball which flew faster than his other throws, flew towards Dylan who quickly moved away to prevent getting hit as a result, the person who stood directly  behind him got hit squarely on the face which sends him tumbling backwards and eliminating him in the process.

This scene somehow seemed familiar to everyone who had witness this as they could have sworn they have seen something like this earlier. 

"Come at me…" Xavier said in a teasing tone.

This had clearly enraged Dylan as he and the others threw balls relentlessly at him, but he had managed to somehow evade all their attacks while retaliating by returning attacks of his own.

Finally only two people were left as Dylan and Xavier stared at each other with intensity. Dylan immediately picked a ball hurling it towards Xavier but he didn't stop there, he kept on throwing balls at Xavier without stopping, his aim was to overwhelm Xavier who for some reason had suddenly gotten good at sports overnight.

Xavier on the other hand, wasn't actually faring any better like you'd think. Although he had demolished Dylan's team singlehandedly he had to admit that Dylan was a really good athlete.

'It's probably his only good quality.' Xavier thought as he did a backflip in other to dodge another ball that had almost hit him.

He had noticed another thing while he they were playing, obviously he had the advantage in physical capabilities due to his powers but Dylan possessed  something he didn't, experience Dylan was somehow able to predict the trajectory of Xavier's ball regardless of the speed behind it.and Tthere was also the fact that the loud cheering from his classmates was making his ears hurt in return distracting him.

'Not good, the longer we draw the out the more I'm likely to lose.' Xavier thought as he threw another ball at Dylan who still somehow managed to dodge it which surprised him.

'Time to end this!' he thought.

At that exact moment Dylan threw the ball with all his might but Xavier had caught it this time, his fingers dug into the ball slightly as his eyes flashed with their usual red hue and then with a little spin midair to further increase his momentum… he threw the ball.

Xavier had moved so fast that before Dylan could even realize that he had caught the ball, the ball was already back at his face as a cracking sound reached everybody's ear indicating that it had broken Dylan's nose.

Dylan was thrown backwards about ten feet away from where he stood initial as he held on to his nose which had inevitably started bleeding.

"You pr*ck, you broke my nose!" 

"What are you idiots standing there for, get him!" Dylan screamed fuming with anger. At that moment Xavier had long realized that he had failed completely on the instructions Jayden had given him, but it was already too late for regrets.

One of Dylan's lackey who stood directly behind Xavier sneaked behind him as he attempted to grab from behind. But Xavier's hearing wouldn't allow that as he took a step to the side then proceeded to trip him using his leg causing his assailant to fall miserably face flat.

Two of them had decided to take him on at once as he flung his fist at Xavier's face while at the same time the other aimed for his gut. Xavier immediately caught both fist with precision before flipping them over with the full brunt of his strength causing their head to slam on the floor.

Before the fourth person could get a chance to attack, he immediately sent a slap across he's face knocking him out cold.

Now, in a normal school setting Dylan and rest who had attacked him where supposed to be punished but it was no secret that Dylan's parents where the highest donors for the school. 

"So much for keeping a low profile." Xavier thought.