

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs





Xavier tapped his new alarm clock gently with a single finger, he didn't want to accidentally break his new one. He immediately stood up to prep for school, he first did a few push-ups but stopped midway after realizing that it was too easy. He proceeded to take his bath and put on some clothes.

Minutes later, Xavier examined himself in the mirror one last time to ensure everything looked just right. His dark jeans hugged his legs comfortably, and the red T-shirt he'd chosen was simple yet stylish. He adjusted the strap of his backpack over one shoulder, grabbed his black jacket in case the weather turned chilly later, and headed out the door.

A few days had passed since Jayden found out about him being a werewolf. Most of the time they would try to fix up the building which Jayden bought, sometimes they did research on werewolves. Jayden's idea was to compile a lot of info about werewolves and narrow out all the attributes that reoccurs in each of them, it was a long process but it was worth to find out which were credible.

One of Jayden's major worry was the full moon, all of the information they got always mentioned how a werewolf goes berserk and transforms on the night of a full moon. Obviously the thought of losing control over himself and attack or worse killing innocent people scared him. Xavier pulled out his cellphone before looking at the screen.

[25 Days: 8 hours: 9 minutes: 48 seconds- Till full moon]


Xavier sighed as he walked into the kitchen, as usual Mrs. Haley was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the both of them. "Morning mom." Xavier greeted as he sat on a chair at the dining table.

Eating the dish his mom prepared although Xavier could tell it was delicious from the looks and smell he honestly could barely taste his food, probably due to what was on his mind. Xavier had a brief discussion with his mom before leaving, although she had offered to give him a ride but the teenager quickly declined after remembering what his mom yelled last time she took him.

Xavier: (-_-;)


Walking through the hallway of the school had reminded him of his previous experiences in school recently. The first time he entered the school after becoming a werewolf made him feel like his eardrums were going to burst as the overwhelming chatter of the students in school caught him by surprise. He had also been actively avoiding any form of confrontations with Dylan because Jayden had explicitly warned him that extreme emotional state could trigger a werewolf's transformation. She was also absent from school today because she had caught a cold, officially making him a true loner.

What Xavier didn't know was that his best friend had caught a cold after staying up multiple nights doing research on werewolves.

  "Still a victim of my own life." He mumbled with a sigh.

"Hey Heller!" Dylan's familiar yet annoying voice was heard in the hallway.


  Without warning, Dylan threw yet another ball at Xavier. The ball flew at him heading straight and true to its target but unlike last time, Xavier casually caught the ball without stopping his advance towards his class or even facing his assaulter before dropping it on the floor not sparing a glance at Dylan.

He then put on his headphones in response to Dylan's insults further enraging the school bully, surprisingly he didn't stay annoyed for long as he cracked a smile.

"Let's see how well you do in gym class." He mumbled with an evil grin.


Xavier and the rest of his class where gathered in the school basketball court at the moment as their voices echoed off the polished gymnasium walls. Sneakers squeaked on the glossy floor, and the sharp scent of freshly polished wood hung in the air.

They were all there to carry out gym class activities. The school normally used its basketball court to hold gym classes, and this was what he had been worried about.

[A/N: previous description was Xavier's perspective with his heightened senses.]

  He was still having trouble controlling his strength Xavier was afraid that if he used a little bit more force than intended, he could break something or someone. So he had made up his mind to stay out of plan sight.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting teenager, his arch enemy was planning to make things harder than it already was for him. 


The sound of the gym teacher's whistle echoed grabbing the attention of everyone present. 

"Okay fall in line! The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I get to my lunch." The gym teacher yelled, clearly he didn't want to be here but unfortunately it was her job.

"Today we will not be doing our regular exercises, instead we will be playing an exciting game of dodge ball." the teacher announced with an unenthusiastic voice. 


Most of the students groaned in unison as this was bad news for anyone who didn't normally engage in sports activities. But this was especially bad news for Xavier as he was hoping he could just do some exercises and try not to stand out as much as possible.

Moments later, Xavier was seen amongst many other students, they stood opposite each other separating each teams was a white line. Perhaps by mere coincidence, majority of the players in the opposite team where members from various sports team in the school. Xavier wasn't oblivious to what was going on as he gazed at the opposition who were looking at them like hungry wolves who had come across a herd of sheep.

The gym teacher, Mr. Carter quickly went over the rules before they start.

  The only twist to it was that they would be undergoing multiple rounds. "As per the rules, you'll try to hit your opposition with the red balls available to you, a successful hit results elimination, but if the opposition is capable of catching your ball, you will be eliminated. It works vice versa."

The game had begun and everything seemed normal at first that was until a few minutes in the game when he realized that he was the last man standing on his side. 


Multiple balls flew towards him as they all slammed him sending him to the ground. chuckles and laughter were heard all round as Xavier stayed on the floor. His eyes glowed red as he quickly took a deep breath to calm his nerves, Xavier new anytime he felt intense emotions his eyes glowed so he tried his best to keep himself in a stable emotional state. Luckily he was on the floor so no one saw.

'F*ck this!'

He slammed his fist on the floor causing it to crack a little "It's time for round two, you're dead Dylan." Xavier spoke loudly for everyone to hear.


"Did that guy just openly challenge Dylan?"

"What is he thinking?"

"welp he's dead meat."

Xavier could hear all their whispers, but he was too angry to care. The smirk on Dylan's face slowly faded as this was the first time Xavier had openly confronted him.


The teacher blew his whistle signaling the start of the second round. 'Time for some payback.' Xavier thought inwardly with an evil grin.