
The first version. (Deleted one and for word count)(not a part of the current story)

<3rd person P.O.V>

Shanro Airn woke up in an unfamiliar place. He looked around and found himself to have woken up in a hallway. The hallway, which seemed to go on without an end, had numerous glass panes on both sides. Each glass pane was separated from the other by thick concrete walls. Shanro walked towards one of them, but before he could get a proper look, a voice called out to him, "Hello, Mr. Airn. I assume you are wondering what you are doing here? Worry not, for I shall clear everything for you."

Shanro instantly turned around to search for the origin of the voice but could find no one around. "If you are trying to find me, don't bother. I possess no body or form to be perceived by you." Shanro blinked in confusion before asking, "Who are you, sir? Where am I?" He asked politely, not wanting to offend the person who was willing to tell him what was happening right now in any way.

The disembodied voice hummed for a while before replying, "You can call me anything you like. Though, I am somewhat of a creator. I am someone who creates worlds and messes around with them for fun. Here is the hallway of creations. You, my boy, are here to be sent off to the world of Marvel."

Shanro just blinked in disbelief before asking, "Disembodied voice of an old man say what?" The voice replied loudly with a dangerous edge to it, "Hey! I am not old!" causing Shanro to gulp nervously. The voice lowered its volume and continued in a calm tone, "Sorry for losing my cool there. That's a bit of a sensitive issue for me. You know, many people from your previous world would readily give up their lives to be in your position."

Shanro calmed himself down and thought to himself, 'The voice is right. I was anyways wasting my life away during the pandemic and was bored out of my mind. Hell, I am one of the people who would willingly kill to be transmigrated. "So, did I die or something which caused me to come here?" Shanro asked. "Oh, nothing of the sort. I just, kidn-ahem- rescued you from your original monotonous fate. You worried about your family or something?"

Shanro replied impassively, "Nah, not really. They will manage without me." "Oh my. Will you look at the time. It's getting late. You should know, you are going to be reborn with a modified All for One. Modified to allow it to work in the world of marvel. Any questions? No? Okay, then. Goodbye," The voice suddenly said to Shanro as his vision got blurry and his surroundings started to fade around him. "Wait! When and where am I am going to reinca-" he managed out before disappearing completely.


A/N: Look, I know this is a very short chapter and I apologize for that. I was working on creating a complete timeline for this fan-fic, including the very beginning of everything in the Marvel multiverse along with each iteration of the multiverse. I will try to daily upload a chapter for this fan-fic. The other fanfics will have a more erratic upload schedule. All I know about Marvel is from the movies and so I have had to go through various pages from the marvel database. I want to apologize if some things are inaccurate in advance.

An advertisement asking people to contribute to the war effort was being played before the start of the movie in a cinema. "Let's go! Get on with it!" yelled a guy impatiently at the movie projectionist, "Hey! Just start the cartoon!"

The rest of the audience members were clearly offended and kept glancing towards the loud jerk. "Hey, you want to shut up?" retorted someone from the audience. The one who had spoken up was a skinny young man. The guy who had been shouting earlier got up from his seat and turned back to get a good look at the one who had asked him to shut up. Looking at how skinny and frail he was, the loud jerk smirked evilly.

The rude guy punched the skinny one straight in the face. The skinny guy tumbled into the trash cans in the corner of the alley. The skinny guy had been forced out of the cinema by the rude one, and both were now in the back alley, ready to fight it out. The skinny guy stood back up only to get his face bashed in again and crash back into the trash cans. He stood up once again, this time holding the lid of a trash can in front of him as a shield.

Unfortunately, the trash can lid turned shield was yanked away, and the skinny man was once again hit squarely in the jaw. Yet still, the skinny guy got back up and groggily assumed a boxing stance. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" asked the loud bully while enjoying beating him down again and again. "*Huff* I can do this all day. -Huff-" huffed out the skinny man and threw a punch of his own.

The man, unimpressed by the unwavering determination shown by the now bruised man, knocked him down once again. Suddenly out of nowhere, the man got pulled from behind by a man wearing a military uniform. The uniformed man continued to punch the man and kicked him away.

The man, terrified at the thought of fighting against a person from the military, ran away. "Sometimes Steve, I think that you like getting punched," said the uniformed man as he made his way to help his friend up."I had him on the ropes," mumbled Steve while dusting his clothes off.

"Sure you did," the soldier agreed sarcastically. He picked up an enlistment form lying on the ground. He looked at the forged details and said, "So you are from Paramus now? You know that it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form, right? And seriously? Jersey?" Steve ignored his friend's jabs and asked his friend after finally noticing the uniform, "You get your orders?" The military man looked at his own uniform and replied with slight pride, "The 107th. Sgt. James Barnes, shipping off to England first thing tomorrow morning."

After hearing Bucky, Steve appeared a little glum. He looked down and muttered, "I should be going..." James wrapped his arm around him and pulled him along for a walk, "Come on, We got one last night. Gotta get you cleaned up." Steve looked at his friend in confusion and questioned, "Why? Where are we going?"

The Sargent handed him a newspaper with news about the Stark Expo as its headline in bold letters. " We, my friend, are going to the future. Shanro will meet us there," He answered as they walked out of the alley.


<Shanro's P.O.V>

I hurried to get to the meeting place Bucky and I had decided upon. I was late and couldn't get a cab. Now dear readers, to answer some of your questions about my new life in the world of Marvel until now.

My new life began in an orphanage in Brooklyn. Unfortunately, I was born on 24th December 1918. This meant the knowledge of the existence of mutants wasn't widespread, and hence I had no one I knew of to copy or steal powers from.

Heck, I wasn't even sure whether mutants existed in this version of the Marvel Universe. I could only hope that I hadn't been reborn in the MCU. The fact that Steve and Bucky resembled their movie counterparts didn't help alleviate my worries. I figured that my All for One ability, which according to the voice had been modified to suit the Marvel world, would allow me to copy or steal mutant abilities since their powers were more or less similar to quirks. One major problem I was facing was that I had no idea how to use my ability. My best guess was that it would activate automatically whenever I touch anyone with the X gene in the future.

Now back to my early life, I was given the name James Robinson by the orphanage. I always introduced myself with my name from my past life, Shanro Airn, and lied to people that it was a made-up name. I couldn't claim it to be my name from a past life, could I?

I went to George Washington High school in 1932, the same year Steve and Bucky went there. Bucky and I had a bit of a rivalry between us, with both being overachievers with the same name. People would always question me about my name, and I would tell them my real name. Some did call me Shanro, while others didn't.

I befriended Steve and Bucky when I helped Steve fight off a few bullies. (Since I couldn't get to steal or copy any superpower nor did I know how tos, I did the best with what I had and joined mixed martial arts classes to at least have a way to defend myself. I basically Kung fued their asses.)

In 1936 I sent the Bodley Head a draft of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone which I had written down from my memory. They accepted the draft and published the first stock in England, in 1937. The following books were published in intervals of 4 months, with the deathly hallows being the last book to be published in 1939.

The fact that the events of the books took place in the future of 1990s had me slightly worried, but the fact was easily overlooked by the readers since the events majorly took place in the Wizarding World, while the Muggle world played a little role. The books had garnered attention as a children's fiction, earning me a reasonable sum at the cost of feeling guilty of plagiarism everytime I thought about it.

I reached the Expo and was subsequently called out by Bucky. Bucky waved his hand to bring my attention to their position. He was standing along with Steve and three other girls. A red head, a brunette and a blonde.


<third person P.O.V>

Steve met up with Bucky in the Stark Expo, and they both walked towards three girls who were excitedly waving their arms at Bucky. "Glad you made it, Steve. Let me introduce you to the three beautiful ladies here. The blonde is Bonnie, your date. The brunette, Connie, is mine. And the redhead, Elaine, is Shanro's," He introduced Steve to the three gals, "Now we just have to wait for Shanr- Hey, there he is. Shanro! Over here!" Bucky called out to a 1.79-meter tall, well built, bearded man with dark hair and eyes.

Shanro joined them and clapped Bucky on the shoulder. "So Buck, heard you are going to be shipped off to war first thing tomorrow morning." He asked while thinking to himself, 'And so it begins. The First Avenger Captain America's journey, and with him everyone else's. I have to decide on whether or not I want to join Steve in Project Rebirth. Steve will leave the strategic scientific reserve to be used by politicians as a mascot. The problem is that all those who are left will have to fight against the forces of Hydra.' He was brought out of his thoughts when a redhead approached him. "Yep, Sargent James Barnes of the 107th," Bucky said before realising the fact that he had not yet introduced Shanro to his date. "Ah! I haven't introduced you guys, have I? Shanro, this is Elaine. Elaine, Shanro," Bucky introduced the two.

Shanro took her hand as they all proceeded further into the Expo. "So, Elaine. I hope we have an enjoyable time together," He said with a smile. Elaine returned the smile and nodded. They continued exploring the Expo while making small talk. "So... James did tell me not to pester you about it, but I can't help myself. If you don't mind, can you tell me more about your name Shanro?" She asked as politely as possible.

Shanro hummed before answering, "Hmm, I don't know why he asked you not to ask me about my name. My real name, James Robinson, was given to me by the orphanage. I simply didn't like the name. It was too common," he said while tilting his head towards Bucky. "So, I made a new name all for myself. Just took some random letters and mushed them together to get Shanro Airn which is not that bad of a name, just a bit unusual," He finished explaining with the fake origin of his real name.

Elaine looked apologetic, "I am so sorry, I didn't know." Shanro just shrugged it off, "It's alright. There is nothing to apologize for anyway. So anyway-" Shanro is cut off in the middle by Bucky, who called out to them from a crowd near the main stage, "Hey! Come on over! There is a demonstration starting over here."

Howard Stark had started his presentation of the flying car of the future. The presentation went exactly as the movie, and even Shanro was pulled in by the impressive showmanship demonstrated by Howard. Elaine nudged him. "Something seems wrong with your friends. You should probably check it out," She said to Shanro. Shanro noticed his two friends missing and made his way to find them all the whilst thinking, 'And so it begins...'


A/N: Sorry for the late chapter and for such a common beginning. I will try my best to write better chapters for the story. MCU or Earth-199999, doesn't have mutants so this isn't the same reality don't worry.

A/N: I apologize for the lack of updates. I have been feeling a little blue.


"Hey, What's got you two all worked up?" Shanro asked as he arrived to see two of his best friends bickering outside the enlistment office in the Stark Expo.

"Well, Steve here thinks that he can't do anything to serve the country asides from joining the army," James informed Shanro before turning back to Steve. "You know that there are other ways to help, right? You don't need to do this."

"I do need to do this. I am not going to be sitting here, collecting scrap while you are out there risking your life. I have as much of a responsibility as anybody else to serve my country. I shouldn't have to do any less than anyone else," Steve replied.

While Steve started to give a speech on why he wanted to join the army, Shanro noticed a certain scientist walk past them.

'Ah! So there you are Dr. Erskine' Shanro thought to himself while he discreetly eyed the old scientist.

It was time Shanro joined the conversation. "You know what? Steve is right. He should get to join the army. Not only him, I am joining the army as well."

This statement from Shanro seemed to greatly surprise the other two. "Wait you too? You were the one who refused to join the army with me in the first place. Now you suddenly want to join the army?" James asked in disbelief.

"Yep," Shanro replied nonchalantly. "How can I not after hearing that rousing speech from Steve . Nearly brought tears to my eyes, man," Shanro added as he wiped away his fake tears.

Steve rolled his eyes, " It wasn't that great of a speech and I don't need a babysitter. I can handle myself."

"Oh I know, but you will need a friend to keep you company, won't you?"

"I mean-" Steve tried to speak, but Shanro cut in between.

"Great. Now, let's go and be all that we can be," Shanro said as he grabbed Steve and dragged him along. "Oh, and Bucky, make sure you tell Elaine that I really enjoyed our time together today, and I hope we can meet again soon."

Bucky sighed, "Fine, as long as you are sure...also, make sure he doesn't gets himself killed, alright?" As he watched both of his best friends enter the enlistment office.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <Shanro P.O.V>

I sat there waiting for my turn. Now, many of you might be wondering why I was joining the army, and the answer was quite simple- It was probably my only chance of obtaining any super powers at all. I could copy the power of the super-soldier serum from my friend if I needed to.

If this world was devoid of mutants, the super-soldier serum was my best shot, and after that I would try joining Kamar-Taj.

A person came to take me and Steve for evaluation. I was told to wait for a while by the doctor, who had to leave to attend to an urgent matter. After waiting for ten minutes or so, someone finally came to check my health. "Geez, it took you a while- huh?" I was surprised on seeing who had come to do the physical check up on me. It was Dr. Erskine.

"You must be James Robinson," said the old scientist as he looked up from the file in his hand. I nodded in response. Erskine proceeded to place the file aside and started taking my Physical exam. "So... Why do you want to join the army? You want to kill some Nazis?" he asked while he wrote down something on a writing-pad.

"I am not joining the army to kill Nazis, I just want to do my part to help bring an end to this war," I replied using the answer I thought was most suitable to get accepted in Project: Rebirth.

"I see," Erskine muttered and looked up from his writing-pad and straight into my eyes. "And how exactly will you joining bring a change to this war?"

I shrugged in response, "Honestly? The chances of me dying on the battlefield without making much of a difference is quite high-" I paused and drank from a glass kept on a table beside me. It was true, if my plan didn't work there was a high chance I was going to die on the battlefield amongst countless others.

After keeping the glass back on the table, I continued speaking, "But I have this friend, he is currently trying to enlist in the army too. As an orphan, I was in a dark place for a while. I had no one to talk too, no one to listen to me. Then I met Steve. When I met him, he was being bullied by kids much bigger than him in an alley. Seeing that there was no one else there to help him, I tried to save the skinny kid. That was the day I made my first friend."

I paused for a second. It was true that I had always kept myself away from people after my rebirth. I had reached out to Steve only because he was going to grow up to be Captain America in the future. However, after befriending him and Bucky, I actually started to open up to people. It was nice to have friends again.

"Now Steve was never the strongest or the healthiest, but he had a willpower of steel, and he has kept proving himself to be a person of indomitable willpower. I want to see how far he is going to reach, and be there for my friend for as long as I can."

At the end of my speech, Dr. Erskine seemed to be impressed from hearing my thoughts. "I have a proposition for you," he stated after placing the writing-pad on the table. "Your friend Steve has been selected for a very special program, would you like to hear about it?" I nodded in response while celebrating internally.


<the next day>

I left for Weschester county and arrived at my destination after a few hours of travel. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to do this, but now it was a matter of now or never. This was Plan A all along, to try meeting a young Charles Xavier and attempt to activate my own power, All for One, by meeting the young mutant. I hoped that he was a mutant, since him having abilities would mean mutants existed. However, The reason I had been putting of trying to meet him so long was because there was a chance that he could read my mind... I guess that was a chance I was going to have to take.

I stood outside the gates of the glorious X-mansion. It felt weird standing there, outside the mansion. It was beautiful. I rang the doorbell and the intercom buzzed and a childish voice answered, "Who is it?" I couldn't believe my luck, the one behind the intercom was most probably Charles.

I cleared my throat, "You can call me Shanro. I am here to talk about a certain Charles Xavier."

The intercom remained silent for a while before it buzzed again. "What do you want talk about? Who are you?"

I replied, "I believe I have already introduced myself. And as for why I am here, I am here to talk about a matter of grave importance."

The intercom buzzed again, but this time the voice seemed different yet still childish, "Have you been sent by the government?"

"No, No I have not. Could you allow me inside, I really have something important to discuss with the parents of Charles Xavier. And if you are listening Charles"- I said highly suspecting that the first voice belonged to him- "You are not the only one who is special in this world."

The gates of the mansion opened after a while and I made my way in. I was greeted by a blonde woman at the door. "Welcome... Mr. Shanro? Please come in," The woman said as she allowed me inside the mansion. "I am Sharon Xavier, Charles' mother. You said you had something you wanted to discuss about my child?"

Ah! so this was Charles' mother. "Yes mam. Though I would prefer to speak about it in front of the child."

"Yes, of course. Follow me please," The woman said as she lead me through the mansion. This was going far too smoothly than I had anticipated. Why was she allowing me, a total stranger to meet her son... Who was that other child on the intercom. There was a small chance that the woman in front of me was Raven Darkholme, but she was supposed to meet Charles in 1944, wasn't she?

The woman, who could be Raven disguised as Sharon Xavier, opened a door. Inside, was a child sitting on his bed. "You must be Charles, yes?" I asked the child before turning towards the woman. "And, you are most probably Raven." The woman eyes widened when I called her Raven.

"N-No, I am Sharon Xavier, his mother." As if to accentuate her point she pointed towards Charles, who was staring at me in shock.

Before I could reply, Charles spoke up, "You... I can't read your mind..." Yes! This 100% confirmed that mutants existed in this world. This opened a whole world of opportunities for me, but first and foremost I had to learn how to use All for One.

And also, Charles couldn't read my mind! The one who was going to grow up to be one of the strongest telepaths ever couldn't read my mind! Sure he was a child right now, but I was basically a normal human and he still couldn't read my mind. The Voice probably had something to do with this.

"You can't read my mind because I am like you and Raven, Charles," I told the boy who was looking at me with an expression of amazement. The woman transformed back into a young girl with blue skin and yellow eyes. She looked at me with a certain amount of fear in her eyes.

I must admit the moment felt pretty awkward to me. There I was standing in a little kid's room with two kids staring at me. One looked at me in amazement while the other looked afraid of me.

"So what is your ability?" asked an excited Charles as Raven's ears perked up in attention for the answer.

"My ability?" I asked with a smile. "Well let's say my ability allows me to know certain facts about the Future."

"Woah! Really?! that's cool!" Exclaimed Charles.

"So does that mean you know everything that's about to happen?" asked Raven.

I knew I was going to have to do things which were morally ambiguous to survive in the world of Marvel, hence I decided to proceed to con the kids in front of me. "Well... No, not really. My powers gives me limited information about the future. Sometimes that information turns out to be incorrect, but that only happens rarely," I answered, lying through my teeth. "I am actually here because of this ability of mine. You both do know that America is currently fighting in a war? My ability showed me a future where America lost against the Nazis."

Charles nodded in understanding while Raven looked confused. "If your ability showed you that future. You surely must know how to prevent it, right?" Charles asked with a grim expression on his childish face.

I took a deep breath and replied, "Yes, I do. But you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone about me. Not your parents, not your teachers, no one at all." Oh God, It felt so wrong saying this sentence to a bunch of children.

Charles looked unsure but he and Raven nodded their heads. I got to their eye-level and said, "I also have an extra ability, it allows me to copy other people's abilities. I wanted your permission before using it on both of you. All I have to do is place my hand on your heads for a few minutes. Will you allow me to copy your abilities?" Although I said I had to place my hand on their head, I didn't actually know whether there were any limitations on how exactly I was supposed to make contact with a super powered individual to activate All for One.

Both of them looked at each other in uncertainty. It seemed that they were having a mental conversation. After a while they both flinched and looked at me. Charles spoke up, "Okay, but I must warn you my parents are going to back soon."

Both children stood side by side. I put my hand over Charles. Nothing happened for a few seconds, so I kept trying to figure out a way to use All for one. After a few more seconds spent like this, I suddenly felt something resonating from within me and from Charles as well.

I focused on this feeling and suddenly a rush of information assaulted me. Do you ever feel that you have forgotten something and can't seem to remember what exactly you have forgotten, and after a while when you remember what it was that you had forgotten. That feeling of remembering something you had forgotten about, multiply it by a thousand. That was how I felt. I suddenly knew how to use All for One

Time seemed to slow down around me and I could see a glowing orb inside of Charles. I used All for One to copy all of his abilities. Another orb appeared beside the orb, passed through Charles' body and entered mine. As soon as the orb entered me There was another rush of information in my head which also gave me a slight headache. The information contained Charles' experiences of using his telepathic abilities.

However, the changes were not limited to that. I could feel myself get smarter, my thoughts faster, my memories stronger.

I shook my head and removed my hand from his head. "Is it over?" questioned Charles.

I smiled and spoke only one word, telepathically, [Yes.]

Charles nodded and replied, [I hope you use my abilities responsibly.]

[Of course.]

I continued to use All for One on Raven and copied her ability to metamorph. The glowing orb merged with the previous orb I had received from Charles. Although the orbs had merged, I could separate them at will.

I turned towards the two children, "Thank you for helping me save the world." I turned around to leave. I paused and added, "And I apologize for doing this to you." I proceeded to wipe their memories of meeting me, it was harder to wipe Charles' memories but I succeeded in the end and put the both of them to sleep.

Before leaving, I instilled memories of them falling asleep from playing with each other. I, myself felt mentally exhausted in the end. It seemed these powers were going to need some time getting used to. I left as soon as possible.

After a few days- days which I spent honing my newly copied super powers- I joined Camp Leigh as a part of Project: Rebirth.

<Shanro P.O.V>

<Camp Lehigh>

I awoke to the sound of horns blaring. It was the first day of training and we were called outside. Camp Lehigh was exactly what you would generally expect a military camp to like like. I had spent every waking hour before coming here training the telepathic and telekinetic abilities I had 'received' from a young professor x(Charles Xavier).

The telepathic abilities were so strong that instead of training to increase it's power, I was working towards having a better control over it. The telekinetic powers were the complete opposite. Unlike Telepathy, Charles always had a very low leveled telekinesis- probably the reason why he hardly ever used them in the movies.

The recruits, including me were standing side by side, waiting for our supervisor, which I remembered was Peggy Carter. As I had expected Peggy walked towards us with a soldier carrying a box of forms, "Recruits! Attention!" She stopped in front of us and introduced herself, "Gentlemen, I am agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division."

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?" asked a soldier who I identified as Gilmore Hodge. "I thought I signed up for U.S Army."

The scene went exactly as the movie and we all got to enjoy watching Peggy punching Hodge right in the nose. Steve, who was standing beside me handed me a form. Colonel Phillips drove over in a military jeep. Peggy and Phillips greeted each other. "I can see you are breaking in the candidates, that's good," colonel Phillips said when he noticed Hodge lying on the ground.

"Get your ass out of the dirt and stand in the line of attention until somebody comes and tells you what to do," Phillips ordered Hodge, who stood up with a bleeding nose.

Phillips continued on to give the speech about how wars were fought by men. He stopped for a second to look at Steve when he was talking about the fact that U.S.A had the best men and stared at Dr. Erskine.

After that we were made to do different military drills, which slowly became a part of our daily lives. It was hard to watch Steve to struggle in every single one of the drills. 'Hang in there buddy. It won't be long before you become the superhero everyone admired for his bravery. I wasn't slacking off either. Not only did I do the drills during the day, I also practiced telekinesis and telepathy during the night.

After a few days of continuous training, came the infamous flagpole scene. All the soldiers scrambled to be the one to ride with agent Carter while Steve and me stayed back. We both nodded and when everyone else fell back in line, we both took took down the flag-pole, we both handed the flag to Sargent Michael Duffy and got into the jeep.

As the jeep drove away I suddenly realized something, "Wasn't only one person supposed to get to ride the jeep?" Not that I was going to get off now. I may be fit, but I still was tired.

"It's quite alright Mr. Robinson," Peggy replied. "I have to ask, do you perchance know about the book series called Harry Potter?"

This really surprised me. I had written Harry Potter in this world- which was fairly easy after writing many Harry potter Fan-fics in my last life- under the name James Robinson because I was going to change my name later on to Shanro Airn.

"Ah, Yes I have. Have you read it?" I asked the beautiful agent.

"Yes I have had the pleasure of reading it on my ride over to to the U.S. Are you by chance the author of the book, because you share the name with him." she replied.

"Yes I am. I am quite happy to hear that you enjoyed the book." The rest of the ride was fairly pleasant, with me and Steve sharing stories of our childhood.

Back in the cabin after another day of training Steve and I were chatting away. "You are interested in agent Carter, aren't you Stevie?" I asked him.

He looked slightly flushed at the comment. "Yeah? and what about you?"

"Nah, not really. She's just not my type. Plus, I am going to be traveling a lot after the war ends-" not necessarily for tourism- "So, I am not gonna dating for a while."

We were interrupted by Dr. Erskine, who was probably here to talk to Steve about red skull's backstory and why Steve was chosen to be the first super soldier. "Should I leave the two of you alone?" I asked Steve. He had already given me the news of him being selected for the first testing of the super soldier serum.

"No, nonsense," Erskine waved away my question. "Join us. I have brought a special drink from Augsburg, my city."

"Can I ask a question?" Steve asked as the doctor sat down. "Why me?"

Then the doctor explained the backstory of Red skull, I didn't pay much attention because I already knew about it. "Ah! James," Erskine called me by my other name. "I have convinced the Colonel for you to be there to witness the birth of a new miracle." I had gotten used to people calling me James rather than Shanro, but I did miss being called by my real name.

"I won't miss it for the world," I replied as I patted Steve on the back. That night, I didn't perform my regular practice of telepathy, instead I chose to completely read the mind of a single man in particular, Dr. Abraham Erskine. After I accessed the memories of the sleeping doctor- I started going through all the knowledge he had accumulated over the years, including biology, physics and most importantly biochemistry. Since I now had a near perfect memory, it only took the entire night to completely assess the memories and knowledge.


The next day I traveled to the secret research base in Manhattan with Dr. Erskine. The man had been kind enough to convince others to allow me to witness the metaphorical rebirth of my friend which only made me feel guiltier over the fact that I was going to let him die.

Having reached slightly before Steve, I got to meet different members on the scientific team including the infamous Howard Stark. "So you are the lucky gerbil who is going to be the first-ever super soldier . You don't look like much," Howard said as he took a good look at me.

"Actually, I am not the selected candidate," I replied before noticing Peggy arriving with Steve in-tow. "He is."

"Good god, I would prefer you over him any day." Stark muttered as he saw Steve.

After greeting Peggy and Steve, and wishing Steve the best of luck, I walked to the viewing room with Peggy. As I looked over the operation starting, Peggy asked me, "Are you nervous?"

"No. I know he is going to come through."

I watched as the entire process went according to the movies and Steve came out way muscular and stronger than before. I immediately left the room along with Peggy- partially to check up on my friend and partially because of the bomb that was going to explode.

Peggy, who was the first to reach him asked, "How do you feel?"

An overwhelmed Steve replied, "Taller."

"Well you certainly look taller," I said as I clapped him on the back. While my hand was on his back I tried using One for All again. My perception of time got quicker. I saw a glowing orb in Steve, replicated and absorbed it into my body. All for One was convenient for sure.

As I took my arm off, time returned to normal for me. All of a sudden my body ached all over. I fell to the ground, as my body started burning up. However, no one noticed my behavior because as soon as I started feeling weird the bomb had blown up and Erskine was shot. My body bulged and I immediately used Raven's powers to turn back to how I was before.

I closed my eyes and invaded the minds of everyone around me. The amount of control I had over abilities like telepathy, metamorphoses and telekinesis had increased. Telekinesis.... had grown stronger, by a lot. I proceeded to scan their minds and change the memories of those who had noticed me behaving erratically.

I released everyone's minds. According to colonel Phillips' memories, this room didn't have any cameras installed which took care of having to clean up the digital evidence.

I waited for the chaos to end as I contemplated my actions-or rather the lack of it. A man had died even though I could have prevented it. Dr. Erskine was genuinely a good man, that I knew from his memories. The guilt was eating me out. I wasn't used to erasing memories of children or seeing men die. I was not some sort of protagonist who could be all bad-ass all the time and didn't feel a thing, no matter how much I wanted to be.

But who could I consult? Who else could sympathize with me? Maybe the Ancient one? Even then that had to wait until I got to Wolverine. I figured that if the mutants existed he must too- and my best chance to meet him was through the Howling Commandos. So I stood there anxiously, awaiting for the day I got Wolverine's powers and basically become immortal.


A/n: sorry for the late update. I apologize in advance for any future delays.

I tested the new limits of my powers as soon as I was alone. I undid my transformation and my height grew to 1.92 meters. My body grew more muscular. It was going to take time to get used to this new body. I quickly meta-morphed back to my original form before I absorbed the effects of the super serum.

I used Telepathy to sense all the people in the building and read their minds. After that I lifted random stuff in my apartment off the ground and moved them around my apartment. I couldn't help but smile from the adrenaline I was feeling from performing feats which I believed were impossible in my last life. I got a hold of myself before letting myself do anything drastic and put everything back where it was.

"I need a place where I can train my powers, and truly let loose..." I muttered to myself before exiting my apartment. I was supposed to meet Steve before I got shipped off to fight HYDRA and he roamed around America to be a dancing monkey for senator Brandt. I got there in time to see Steve waiting at the bar.

"You're early," I commented as I sat down beside him.

"Yeah. Didn't have much to do after they took my blood to reverse engineer the super soldier serum," he had emptied the bottle of wine Erskine had brought to him yesterday night. "Do you know what Erskine asked of me before he died? Well, he didn't say anything- he just tapped my chest. That reminded what he had told me the other night: Steve, no matter what happens after the operation tomorrow, never loose your heart."

"He was a great guy," I agreed. I raised my glass, "To Erskine!"

"To Erskine," he repeated after me.

He clearly seemed lost. He thought the super soldier serum was going to allow him to serve his country to the best of his ability, but now it was the very reason he was being held back from the front lines, and instead had to perform shows all over America. "So... You are going to be traveling a lot. That's something to look forward to," I emptied the glass and ordered the barkeep for another.

The barkeep looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh, That's like the eighth glass you have had since you came here. You okay?" Steve asked reasonably concerned for his friend. "Huh, your tolerance has improved. You remember the first time we had sneaked a few glasses to drink while we were still underage?" Steve reminisced with a chuckle. "You had gotten so drunk that you started spouting nonsense about some guy named Star-lee."

"Stan-lee," I corrected him. "And you didn't embarrass yourself because you were afraid of your mom."

We spent some time reminiscing about our high school days. "Well, I gotta go. I am getting shipped tomorrow with the rest," I stood up and got ready to leave

Steve looked at me guiltily, "You know that I wanted to be there with you guys right?"

"I know buddy," I patted him on the back. "Well wish me luck," I said as I left the bar.



I was one of the soldiers who were selected to be shipped off to Italy. It didn't take long for me to be thrown into the war-zone. It was something I couldn't have prepared for. People dying next to me, the sounds of bullets buzzing past me, avoiding shells being fired from the German troops. I always kept an invisible psionic barrier around my body, something I had gained from my telekinetic powers growing and gotten used to using during the war.

We were being transported to the the camp where the 107th was stationed. I was looking forward to seeing Bucky. according to colonel Phillips we were being moved there because HYDRA had been spotted there.

As soon as we reached, I tried looking for Bucky in the camp. "Looking for someone?" asked someone from behind.

"Yeah, a friend of mine, said that he was a part of the 107th" I replied.

"Then there is a high chance that he is one of the soldiers who had been sent to Azzano. You can check with the Colonel," he suggested. As soon as I heard of Azzano I realized that he must have been imprisoned by HYDRA. I immediately halted in place as I realized where exactly Bucky was. I realized that we had been sent here because HYDRA had not only been spotted, but had already started attacking the allied forces.

A part of me wanted to save my friend from HYDRA while a part of me knew that if I did that Steve would never be able to be anything more than a performer.

It was the exact sense of restlessness that I was feeling that had given the push that was required for Steve to become Captain America: the first avenger from being Captain America: The bonds raiser. I was no different than a time traveler and the changes I brought could have drastic consequences.

"You okay?" asked the man who had suggested me to get to Colonel Phillips.

"Yeah I am fine. Thanks..." I muttered in reply.

My days at the camp went by slowly as I anxiously waited for Steve to arrive. There were posters laid out in the camp advertising his show that was going to take place on November 10th.

The day finally arrived and I immediately wanted to go and see him but I knew I had to wait until after the show so that he could talk with Peggy. I waited till he decided to rescue Bucky all by myself. As Peggy offered to talk to Stark to help Steve get behind enemy lines, I approached them and asked, "You guys got room for one more?"

Steve was surprised to see me and immediately pulled me into a hug. "Sorry I didn't come to meet you earlier, was trying to a way tell you about Bucky," I said after hugging him. "I want in on this plan you have to save Bucky."


<En route to enemy airspace.>

<Stark's plane>

Peggy went over the location of the HYDRA camp as we flew nearer to enemy airspace, "The Hydra camp is in crossbow, between these two mountain ranges." She pointed at the ranges on the map. "It's a factory of some kind."

"We should be able to drop the two of you just around their doorstep," Howard Stark said as he flew the plane into the enemy airspace.

"Look Shanro," Steve called me, much to the confusion of others present. "You don't need to come with me-"

I cut him off before he could continue, "I know, I know. You don't need a babysitter. But, guess what? My friend is about to go on a suicide mission against HYDRA without any proper plan, all to save my other friend. I am coming with you Stevie whether you like it or not."

We started getting shot at from below causing the plane to rattle. "Let's drop off here," I said as I started to get ready.

Steve also started to ready. "I hate to agree, but James is right. If we don't get off right now, the plane's gonna come down with us."

"Wait! I can get you guys closer," Howard protested.

"No! You guys have to turn around and go back!" Steve ordered.

Peggy procured a transponder and handed it to Steve, "Activate it when you are ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."

Steve and I jumped out of the plane with parachutes on our back. I was fucking terrified as explosions loud enough to leave me deaf for hours occurred all around us. I only cursed myself as we opened our parachutes. Although I had a psionic barrier around me but that didn't stop me from panicking.

We reached the ground and immediately took cover behind the trees to hide from an incoming cargo-truck. Steve and I snuck in the last cargo truck, took down the guards in it, and threw them overboard- I made sure they would remain unconscious by putting them in deep sleep. We waited patiently, Steve hid behind his Shield and I hid behind the cargo. Steve took down the guards who saw us and signaled me to follow him.

We hide the guards and made our way into the factory. We also kept taking down a few guards along the way until we reached the prison cells where all the prisoners were being kept. We freed them all and gave them directions to escape. One of them in particular caught my attention. He looked exactly like Hugh Jackman's portrayal of wolverine.

"Steve, you search for Bucky while take these guys outside, alright?" I asked Steve.

Steve agreed, "Okay, then I am going to come back with Bucky as soon as possible." We all left the building and launched a surprise attack on the guards. Me and Logan(Wolverine) commandeered one of the tanks. A quick memory scan of one of the HYDRA soldiers gave me everything I needed to know to drive the vehicle. Logan manned the cannon and was blowing up every single HYDRA soldier in sight while yelling profanities at them on the top of his lungs.


We were marching back to the camp after the entire factory had blown up. In the lead were Steve and Bucky. I was glad that Bucky was back, but I knew from the movies that his mind already was altered a bit by HYDRA. I was going to have to see him fall to his death too afterwards if I were to join the howling commandos.

We returned back to camp with rescued allies, advanced weapons and tanks. The soldiers in the camp stared at us in stunned silence before bursting into cheers and celebration. People were reuniting with comrades they thought they had lost. Colonel Phillips came out of the tents, and the look of utter disbelief on his face was priceless.

Steve walked forward and saluted the Colonel, "Sir, I and James would like to surrender ourselves for disciplinary action." I too stood beside and tried to keep a somber face.

The old colonel gave us a look at before muttering, "That won't be necessary, soldiers." He turned back to return to the tent and passed by Peggy. "Faith, huh?" He asked Peggy.

I excused myself and returned to my cabin. The fact that I had half-baked information about the future was concerning. In fact, I had been giving it some thought on the ride over. Also the fact that mutants existed meant that things were going to be much more complicated than it had been in the MCU.

I couldn't let the cannon dictate my actions. Why was I allowing it to do so in the first place? I let my telepathy loose and concentrate to find Logan's thoughts. It was s quite easy to find since they had a feral edge to it. 'Hell. I am not going to stay in the infirmary after escaping from that shit hole,' Logan thought to himself. Apparently he was supposed to stay in the infirmary for a check-up but had escaped to get fresh air. I wanted to possess him and bring his body here but I still couldn't do the, yet.

I did the next best thing and made him fall asleep. Thankfully, he had gone in the forest. I entered the forest and found Logan's sleeping form lied out on the ground after walking for a while. I had made sure to put him in a pretty deep sleep. I touched his arm and activated All for One. I copied all of his abilities, including bone claws, regeneration, super strength and enhanced senses.

Suddenly I felt even stronger, I could see things more clearly than before, smell things better than before. I let my new bone claws out and admired them. It was pretty cool but I have to leave so I left and woke him back up after getting a safe distance away. The abilities I copied from Logan should've made me more irritable, but I still felt quite normal. Maybe it was one of the side effects of Telepathy?

I wanted to celebrate the fact that I was almost an immortal now. As I was about to enter my cabin again, Bucky called me out, "Oi James, we are going to the city to celebrate, you coming?"

"Sure!" It was definitely a day which demanded a celebration.

Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, or any of it's characters. This is just a Fan-fic.


I returned to camp after having a few drinks. "I guess I bid goodbye to being drunk ever again after copying all those powers, huh?" I asked myself. The morale of the soldiers at the camp was at an all time high, people were celebrating the triumphant return of their comrades. Steve had offered me to join the Howling commandos which I had accepted.

I entered my cabin and all of a sudden I could no longer hear any people chattering or dancing. The only noise which I could hear was my breathing. After absorbing wolverine's powers all of my senses had increased to unbelievable levels. I immediately exited the cabin and saw that the entire camp was abandoned. I tried sensing for people through telepathy but couldn't find anyone.

"Huh... you know, I have been expecting you to come to me for a while now, Ancient One," I said to no one in particular but I guessed that I was currently in the mirror dimension. The only one who would probably bring me to the mirror dimension was the ancient one.

The air a few meters away from me shimmered and a hooded woman wearing a robe appeared. "You know Mr. Robinson- or should I call you Mr. Airn?- I have heard that line many times. Almost always, I am the one who says it to others. It's refreshing to be on the other side for a change," she said.

I was honestly glad that my guess was correct, otherwise it would have been awkward for everyone involved. "I was going to come to you in the future anyways," I said as my claws drew out of my fists. She remained calm and asked, "Please do tell why were you planning to come to me."

"Oh, sorry about these," I awkwardly apologized and retracted my claws. "These are new so I haven't gotten time to get used to them yet."

"I know things..." I tried explaining. "Some about the future, some about the past and some about the present. Like how Bucky is supposed to fall of a train when he and Steve try capturing Arnim Zola, like how Steve is supposed to crash into the artic and wake up years later in the future. He will also fight against Bucky who will be turned into a cyborg assassin, who will be brain-washed to follow HYDRA's orders."

I paused for a second, "I also know that you constantly use the Time stone to look into the future, so who best to take guidance from? I don't want to screw up the timeline nor do I want to piss off some sort of god of time. I wanted your advise."

"I see..." she muttered. "Well this is certainly unexpected."

"What do you mean, didn't you see our conversation through the Eye of Agamotto," I asked in confusion.

"I was expecting you to be a demon from the dark dimension. That would certainly explain why you can't be seen through the Eye of Agamotto," She stated so plainly and calmly that I almost didn't pay attention to the statement.

She opened the eye of Agamotto, revealing the time stone within. "What are you doin-?!" I asked in panic, only for her to disappear right in front of my eyes.

"It seems that even though the Eye of Agamotto can effect you, it is unable to see your future nor past," she spoke in slight amusement. "Well, after seeing you I can safely conclude that you are not necessarily a threat."

I sighed in relief, "So, will you-"

"Yes, I am rather interested in your foreknowledge. How much do you really know?"

I sighed, "Well... I do know a lot. However, the problem is that I know the future of two different universes. One where mutants existed but the avengers didn't and one where the Avengers did exist, but the mutants didn't."

"So, while you do posses knowledge of certain events, they are from other universes, and you are worried about making things worse by acting on the knowledge you have from these other universes," The ancient one deduced.

"Well..." I scratched my head, "Yeah, that's actually correct. I didn't have any qualms about letting them live their lives according to their 'destinies'. But, then Bucky got captured by HYDRA and I started to question things: what if he died before we could rescue him, what if my presence and actions have changed the timeline already and he dies when he falls off the train? I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death, especially my friend's."

The ancient one nodded in understanding, "I can understand the burden of knowing what's to come. At many times I have stayed silent even though I could interfere. Even now I can end the war before more people get hurt, but I won't." She paused and looked into my eyes, "Because I let people make their own choices. As the sorcerer supreme, I protect Earth from inter-dimensional threats, I rarely interfere with it's internal affairs. You on the other hand are not a part of Kamar Taj and- as far as I can tell- are a human. You will have to make your own choices."

I remained silent and processed her words. She created a portal and looked at me, "I believe that you are needed elsewhere. Until we meet again, Mr. Robinson."

I stop for a second before entering the portal and asked her, "How did you know my name if you weren't able to see me through the time-stone?"

Although she was still hooded I could see her smile. "Maybe some other day, Mr. Robinson," She moved the portal and the next thing I knew I was standing in a broom closet of the bar I had visited earlier.


<A few weeks later>

The howling commandos started raiding HYDRA bases Steve had memorized. (A/N: Wolverine will be referred to as James Howlett, or James for short from now on. As a side note, I regret my sense of naming, I really do.) Interestingly, James had joined the howling commandos as well, carrying on the tradition of wolverines throughout the Marvel Multiverse.

This led to the rise of a small problem. Since my legal name was James, and everyone in the army only knew me as James, there were three James-es in the unit. Me, Bucky and Wolverine. This kind of forced everyone to call me Shanro. Although, they always butchered the pronunciation.

On a side note, I had decided to completely throw the cannon out of the window. I was also going to keep my powers a secret, until I was strong enough my battles head-on without any worries.

Currently I was standing on a cliff overlooking the train tracks and very soon a train carrying Arnim Zola would be travelling through here. There was no going back now, I was going to have to be ready for unexpected events in the future.

Steve, Bucky and I were going to infiltrate the train while the others were going to act as the overwatch of the mission. Dum Dum Dugan saw the train approaching through a pair of binoculars.

"Alright, let's hope that information we received was accurate and we find Zola there," Steve muttered before jumping off the cliff. We follow him and slide onto the top of the train.

Fortunately, I had convinced Bucky to be the one who would walk over the train to reach Zola while Steve and I distracted the guards. We entered the train and started to move towards the main-compartment of the train, containing Dr. Arnim Zola.

As soon as Steve entered the next compartment, the doors between the compartments closed, separating us. Steve could handle himself, and me? Bitch, I was immortal- well, at least I would recover from most injuries.

Two armed soldiers entered and started raining bullets at me. I took cover behind the crates and started shooting back at them. "Damn, it's such a pain in the ass that I have to hold back," I muttered to myself as I shot down one of the soldiers.

Steve came in with his shield after taking down the HYDRA soldier with the tesseract-powered cannon, and took down the other soldier.

"Thanks, but I had it," I said to him with a light punch to his shoulder. I used telepathy to take down the HYDRA soldier equipped with Tesseract-powered cannon, who was showing signs of waking up. Thankfully, I didn't need to touch my temples while using telepathy. Nonetheless, it was hard to move around while I was using telepathy on someone specific.

"Hey, Guys. Look what I caught," A smiling Bucky entered the compartment with a slightly bruised Dr. Arnim Zola.

"Hello Gentlemen," greeted a twitchy Zola.

"Hello doctor," I greeted back cheerfully. I was happy to get a chance to go through the memories of one of the smartest scientists of the century- and because my friend was still alive, yeah that too. The dude was able to transfer his consciousness and turn it into an A.I. in the 1970's, and also was the mind behind the creation of weapons with the ability to harness the power of the tesseract.


With Zola in custody, we returned to Base. The Howling commandos did what we would always do after a successful mission, visit the local bar. Due to this, I had started to drink a lot too, even though I couldn't get drunk.

James(Wolverine) came and sat beside me. "Heya bud," I greeted him with a friendly wave.

He seemed grumpier than usual. James spoke in a low tone, "Follow me-" and stood up, and left the bar. Curious, I decided to follow him. He kept walking in the direction of the camp and entered the forest near it. He was walking towards a direction I was all too familiar with.

He stopped after we had gotten pretty deep into the forest and turned towards me. He still had his usual scowl, but today it seemed fiercer. "What happened here?" He asked with a slight growl.

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked with a plain face. This was the exact place I had copied James' powers.

He snarled, "You better tell me and you better tell me quick, dickwad. WHAT.DID.YOU.DO?" He spoke each word with heavy emphasis.

"Like I sai-" I was cut short before I could reply, since James jumped at me with his claws out.


James jumped at me with his claws out. This was the first time I had seen him use his claws. I sidestepped and quickly rolled back to avoid being hit from a follow-up strike from him after he landed.

"Stop! We can talk this out," I tried reasoning with him. He rushed at me again, but this time I avoided his slashes and punched him in the gut.

I had copied the abilities of Wolverine and Raven. Their strengths had somehow merged within me, making me stronger than either of them both. On top of it all the super strength I had gotten from the two of them was boosted by the effects of the super soldier serum I had copied from Steve. I was stronger, faster, more agile than the three of them. It seemed that the super soldier serum boosted all of my powers, and all the powers I was going to copy in the future.

James stumbled back from the punch, then used the distance to launch himself at me. I let my claws out too. Thus, began an intricate dance between the two of us. Both of us dodged, hit and got hit. I was hit far more than him and my transformation had come undone during the battle. I was now standing 195 cm tall. James was not as strong as me but he had been in way more fights and was much more experienced.

It was time I started to go all out. I covered myself with psionic armor, covering my entire body including my claws. I started to get an upper hand. His claws could hardly pass through the psionic armor giving me a chance to heal.

Both of us stopped to catch our breathes. He had deep gashes all over his body which began to heal rapidly. "Do you want to talk now?" I asked trying to end this before curfew.

"What are you?" James asked me while still in a fighting stance.

"I am kind of like you," I said as I showed him the claws that had come out during the fight.

"No you are not," he objected. "Your scent was different when you came along with Steve to free us from Austria. It changed that day itself. That's why I joined the Howling commandos in the first place."

I frowned, "So, why did you wait so long to confront me?"

"I wanted to observe you before doing anything."

"So what changed?" I asked.

"I lost my patience," he responded and charged at me once again. He was almost fully healed. I sighed and smacked him to the side with a psionic blast, knocking him down.

"*Whew*-" I sighed from relief. "How am I going to handle this now?" I questioned myself as I transformed back to my original form. "I guess I can try to convince him to take care of Bolivar Trask."

I was eventually going to get to that little bigot. But, I didn't want to risk letting him experiment with mutants, even though it meant I wasn't going to be able to steal the technical know-how behind building the Sentinels.

It was the first time I had encountered someone with psychic resistance. I sat under a nearby tree and took the time to give my situation some thought.

All of this would have been way easier if I had been reborn in the future. When I was initially offered to be reborn in marvel, I was excited to meet all of the different characters from the movies. It had been disappointing to find out I was reborn in 1918. It was so disappointing that I became slightly reclusive and didn't make any real friends until I met Steve and Bucky.

A part of me still wanted everything to go according to cannon, to see all those characters enact the scenes from the movies right in front of me and interact with them. I always wanted to be this mysterious, cool guy who would intervene in between those scenes and save the world or something. Maybe that's why I didn't simply erase his memories and replace them with fake ones right there and then.

I sighed and delved into my mind to collect the memory of me watching the X-Men run away from the sentinels to send X-Men back to the past, causing him to jolt awake. "What the-?" James questioned as soon as he woke up. "The fuck was that?" He asked while holding his head.

"That... was a vision of the future I had. I shared it with you through telepathy," I said. I had used the same tactic on Charles, no reason to not use it again except for the fact that. I was technically telling the truth.

He looked at me in disbelief for a while and then struck the ground, "You truly believe that you can see the future... You are either a godly liar or a delusional fool."

"I will tell you everything. Though, we should be heading back to camp before that. It's getting late," I replied as I transformed back to my disguise.

"Fine," he accepted with a grumble.


I had somehow managed to stall James till we reached London. The city was in shambles after the blitz. Buildings were in ruins and roads were blocked with debris. Nights were darker due to the lack of proper lighting. It was quite the depressing sight.

"Spill," James demanded angrily. We were standing in the most secure place to have shady conversations, an abandoned alley.

I frowned at the tone, "Look I get that you are angry, but there was no need for you to drag me out here."

James growled impatiently.

"Have patience. I have to make sure that no one is nearby." I checked the surroundings through telepathy, allowing the thoughts of people around me to flow into my mind. After making sure no one was within our earshot, I turned to James, "Alright, You and I are a part of a subspecies of humans called Meta-humans or mutants. meta-humans like you and me are special because we posses a certain mutation which gives us- well, superpowers."

"Okay so there are more people like us. What does that have to do with anything?" James questioned me.

"The thing is one human was -or will be- so threatened by the notion of super powered beings that he will build killer robots by experimenting on mutants and finding out everything he can about them," I stated in a grim tone. "Those 'Sentinels'- as he called them- once activated, killed every meta-human they could get their hands on. Irrespective of gender, age or race. That was one of the many futures I witnessed through my powers."

Upon revealing the future to him, James whipped out his claws and stabbed me in my shoulder. "Stop spouting bullshit and tell me the truth."

"Dude," -I grunted in pain- "You better start calming down or we are going to start attracting attention, and I am sure you don't want our secret to be found out about, right?"

James unwillingly retracted his claws and brought his face close to me, "You think that story of yours is going to work this time? Think again."

"I am not lying, you know that. And, I can assure you I am not delusional. At least, I think...," I replied calmly while keeping the last part to myself. "Anyways, You wanted to know what I did to you, right? I just copied your powers."

"You did what?" James asked me again to clarify that he had heard it right the first time.

"That's my other ability. I can copy other people's abilities."

This angered James, "So, you're telling me that you knocked me unconscious and stole my powers?"

I shrugged, "Basically, yeah."

"You mother fucking bastard," James looked as if he was about start a fight again but he was able to hold back himself and calm himself down. He took a deep breath, "Okay... If you are telling the truth, who were the guys who were running away from those robots with me?"

I answered, "You consider them to be a part of your family in the future, some of them at least. I need your help that's why I didn't knock you unconscious and erase your memories."

The moment I mentioned that I needed a favor, James scowled, "You have some nerve asking me of a favor and threaten to erase my memories at the same time." He started to walk away. "I ain't doing shit for you."

"It has something to do with the guy who will create the robots who will kill around millions of people on the planet."

That stopped him in his steps. "His name is Bolivar Trask. In 1965 or 1966, he is going to found Trask industries. My foresight didn't show much else about him."

"So?" he asked.

So," I started elaborating. "You have two choices. You either prevent the world from an apocalyptic future by tracking down Bolivar Trask and killing him o-"

"Save it," I am cut off before I could offer the alternative. "I am not going to kill someone just because you tell me to do so. You can kill him yourself" He started to walk away.

"That's too bad, here I was thinking I wouldn't have to erase your memories again," I muttered to myself. However, James must have heard it because he turned around with his claws out. Unfortunately, it was too late and I had assumed the stance which every Telepath took to focus on their abilities; meaning I held both of my fingers next to my temples.

"Behold the power of the standard psychic stance!" I yelled and knocked him unconscious with the a strong psionic blast. Then I proceeded to erase all of his memories which lead him to suspect me from beginning, including his memory of how I used to smell before copying his powers. Before he could gain his consciousness, I quickly took control of his mind and body.

I stood up, but not in my own body, but in James'. I turned around and saw myself slightly hunched over, my face scrunched up in concentration, and my index and middle finger pressing against my temples.

"I look like a fucking weirdo..." I muttered. I could feel James' mental resistance push against my influence over his body. I needed to hurry. I quickly left the ally in his body, leaving my own body behind in a very deplorable state.

I didn't have long so I quickly made my way to the whip and fiddle, the wreaked bar where Steve was supposed to try drinking away the sorrow of losing Bucky. I found a few bottles of beer and sat down with them at the table. I proceeded to fill in the gaps in his memory -including the one he would have had from forgetting his recent conversation with me- with fake memories with the last fake memory I created was of him getting to this bar and getting drunk.

I washed his claws, which were stained with my blood, with alcohol and wiped it clean. After making sure there was no lingering scent of mine which would rouse his suspicions, I returned to my body.

I crumpled to the ground from overexerting myself. This time there was no way he would be able to link anything to me again. I guess, I was going to have to take out little baby Trask with my own hands... Huh, it would have been convenient if James had accepted to kill the Bigot himself.


<The next day.>

We were going to be shipped off again to infiltrate the last HYDRA base. I had spent the previous night with a massive headache which had thankfully worn off. This was my last day in London and I was busy spending the day compiling a list of mutants I had to find as soon as possible to absorb their powers.

The list:

Sebastian Shaw, James Madrox, Janos Quested, Azazel, Alex summers and last but not least Magneto.

Sebastian Shawn was a powerful Mutant with the ability to absorb all forms of energy -kinetic being the easiest- and use the stored energy in his cells in various ways.

James Madrox, or multiple man, was a mutant with the ability to create nearly limitless body doubles of himself whenever he was physically impacted upon. This mutant ability would work the best with Sebastian's mutant powers.

Janos Quested, or Riptide. The guy was a discount Storm.

Azazel. With his mutant ability of teleportation, I wouldn't need to wait for Uber in the future...

Alex Summers or Havoc. Scott Summer's elder brother.

Erik Lehnsherr or Magneto. Well he was Magneto....

Although there was one more person whose powers I wanted to copy, I wasn't sure how it was going to effect me. Armando Muñoz, A.K.A Darwin. His powers could be very useful...

Sebastian Shaw, Janos Quested, Azazel, Alex summers, Magneto and Darwin were going to be relatively easy to find, and quick too. I wasn't going to have to wait for decades to copy their powers. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes and started going through the memories of Dr. Arnim Zola I had stolen.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. The Mc has no idea about the existence of Inhumans. He didn't see the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D series but he will find out about them soon.

Word count: 2219

A/N: I would like to start by thanking Akisu, for helping out with grammar corrections by commenting in the paragraph comments.


<The day of the attack on the HYDRA headquarters.>

Dr. Arnim Zola and Dr. Erskine were both geniuses, whose names would echo through the annals of history for decades after their death. I had realized just how much weight this sentence held after going through both of their memories.

The knowledge they had gathered painstakingly throughout the years and their comprehension of their respective fields of study were both made mine, just like that. Moments like these made me realize just how useful Telepathy was.

I could very well take over the White house tomorrow and no one would know. Majorly, because I could simply use telepathy and know everything the president ever knew, transform into him and take his place. Of course, If I did that I would then have to take care of the dead body. It would be far more easier to turn him into a puppet.

On a side note, I could now differentiate between Mutant and Human brain waves thanks to practice differentiating it between Wolverine and the other humans all around us. Unfortunately, the radius of my mutant detection skill was quite small, within a hundred meters at best and I didn't have the time nor the resources to build a cerebro to boost my range to cover the entirety of Earth.

James had left the Howling Commandos and had been transferred to the pacific front, just like he was supposed to have been in the original timeline.

I was lost in my thoughts as I climbed a mountain along with my comrades in the Howling commandos. We were climbing the mountain nearby the HYDRA base as Steve distracted them. The infiltration team included Bucky, me, Jim Morita and Dum Dum Dugan. We ziplined and entered by crashing through the windows and let loose a barrage of bullets at the HYDRA soldiers.

"Steve, you are gonna need this," I call my friend as I threw his shield towards him.

"Thanks," He caught the shield and ran after a retreating Red skull. I resumed taking down HYDRA soldiers.

Bucky radioed the Assault team, "We are in. Assault team go!" after taking down the HYDRA soldiers in the room. We started moving deeper into the facility and were soon met by the Assault team. I needed to hurry. I had planned to join Steve in the Valkyrie to make sure my friend avoided his Icy end. Unfortunately, things didn't always go according to one's plans.

As we kept moving forward, we happened to come across a HYDRA soldier trying to cook Steve to death with his flamethrower. Peggy ran up behind the soldier and fired at the soldier's fuel tank, killing him instantly as the fuel tank exploded, covering the HYDRA soldier in flames.

"You're late," Steve commented as he approached the red head. They were both about to have a moment but seeing as this was neither the time nor place, I decided to intrude on their moment.

"Oi, Steve. Red skull's getting away," I pulled him out of his trance. He nodded and ran in the direction Schmidt had ran off. We followed behind him to be fired upon by HYDRA soldiers. I really didn't want to test my psionic armor or healing factor against a Tesseract-powered weapon, so I had to trudge on carefully while Steve was able to dash past them with his shield.

I noticed Peggy and Colonel Phillips drive off in the direction of the Jet and Steve in Red skull's car. I wanted to hurry behind them but something stopped me. The battle of the Valkyrie was an important moment in history.

I wasn't sure I wanted to mess with it and accidently prevent Red Skull from being transported to Vormir nor was I sure that I wanted the government to have any more access to Steve's blood than they already had, especially with mutants involved. I didn't want people like Bolivar Trask or William Stryker get their hands on the super-soldier serum.

I guess the only regrets I had at the time were not saving Steve and not getting to steal Red skull's memories.

The allied forces took down the HYDRA forces and took over the base. Phillips and Peggy returned after helping Steve board the Valkyrie. We entered the command room and tried contacting the Valkyrie. Knowing what was going to happen, I looked on guiltily as Peggy and Steve exchanged promises of a dance that would never come. I sighed and walked out of the room after communication with the Valkyrie was lost.

I... was still unsure about my choices. I originally didn't want to save Bucky and wanted to let him be turned into the winter soldier but I realized that it would have been selfish of me. I saved him because I genuinely didn't want him to go through all the psychological trauma that came along with being turned into the winter soldier. Steve was going to have to wait until I had solved the issue of mutants.

<Two months later.>

This was hopefully the last HYDRA base I was going to have to invade. According to Zola's memories this base should house artifacts of some kind. It was basically the only reason I was still toiling away and wasting my time in this war when I could be studying magic or tracking down mutants for a power-up.

Plus, Steve had just 'died' and I thought that being there for Bucky for a while was the least I could do. There was little opposition against our march to HYDRA base and it didn't take long for us to burst through the front gates of the base. It seemed like we were just in time and they have been preparing on leaving the base along with the valuable artifacts which had been stored there.

Taking down the guards was laughably easy. I knocked down a HYDRA soldier on the way. Jim addressed the HYDRA soldiers, "Guten Tag, boys. All right, nice and calm. No sudden movements or we will tie a blasting cap to your..." he paused and asked Dum Dum Dugan, "Hey Dugan what's the German word for nuts?"

"I don't know Jim. But tie a blasting cap to them, I'll bet we'll hear it."

"Put it down," Bucky demanded the HYDRA officer who had a weirdly shaped, shiny thingy on a board in his hands.

"Down," Peggy repeated the order with more force. The HYDRA officer kneeled