
the devil


A beautiful brunette sitting across me on the table is staring daggers at me, as if I murdered her family and ate their remains. She's wearing a white suit jacket with a white scoop neck . She looks like an angel fallen from grace into this hellhole. Her face contours are sharp, there is something about her eyes they are blue but not like a calm ocean but like a storm rising in the ocean. Her hairs are in a ponytail showing her slender neck which is quite lickable. I frown on my intrusive thought. Her whole demeanor speaks of confidence. The photo I have seen of her before coming to this meeting doesn't do justice to her beauty. She's not some docile you would guess her from the picture, she's quite the opposite. I know for a reason she's sitting on this table because of her father's position otherwise these wolves would have torn her apart a long time ago. But I can see other men on this table are wary of her, looks like I don't know everything about the current situation. The file Igor handed me after my return from New York had the information on all the members of syndicate. He is my father's second in command or more like was because now he works for me. The thought of my father left a bitter taste in my mouth, I had my own reasons for leaving everything behind and now coming back but nobody fucks with my family and live to tell the tale about it. My eyes fall on all the members of syndicate it could be one of them who planned the attack of my father and blamed it on the Irish cartel. My main doubt is on the siren sitting across me after all she had the bigger benefit with my father out of the picture. I tilt my head to the side to get a better view of my little mafia princess. I would have to keep a closer eye on her we can't leave her alone if she is the one who planned the attack. And if she had, I would take my time playing with my prey and making her life miserable and eventually giving her death. I can see the fact that I left for years doesn't sit well with her or any of them. They are all looking at me with malice in their eyes. But they know well not to question my position it's our internal matter and all that matters to them is a Mazentti's presence. I couldn't care anymore less of their opnion than I already do. The syndicate is all about the power play and soon they all will know whose the biggest predator here.

In New York I have been making my own way to the power by running a small yet powerful gang of assasians contrary to what everyone thinks that I was there for spending money, drowning in alcohol and making my way fucking through every pussy available. I wanted my own power, the need to destroy everything visible in my sight pumping through my veins wasn't making things easier for me here back then. When I had to fight daddy dearest for every bit of control but now the coast was clear my father no longer in charge. Now having no other option than handing all the power to me.

"With Mr. Mazentti being back who would be monitoring the new shipment of arms." Marcus asks adjusting the rim of his glasses.

"That would be me." Raina answers before I can.

"And why is that?" I frown. "As far as I know it's Mazenttis who handles all the arm dealings."

"Where were Mazenttis for past two months while I have been handling all these deals?" She asks with one raised brow. " I was doing fine managing them and will continue to do so." She cross her arms on her chest pushing her breasts together.

"You are getting ahead of yourself, princess." She frowns on the nickname like it has personally offended her.

"Well, someone has to."

"Last I checked, this is not some kitty party it's grown man business. I wonder what you are doing here, princess." Marcus snickers beside me . I can see the fight brewing in her eyes.

"It's Miss Vitalio to you. And if you had checked better you would have known I am the one who provides the biggest funding to the syndicate, not you or anyone here." She is leaning on the table by the end of her speech and half heaving, her face red from the outburst.

"Raina, it's Mazenttis job to deal with arms now that Mr. Mazentti is back he would be taking over." Vladimir states, his eyes soft looking over to Raina . She doesn't object to him calling anything other than Miss Vitalio. "I don't doubt your abilities but it's for the best."

She visibly relaxes back into her seat. "Fine and if there's not anything other to discuss the meeting comes to the end." With that all of us stand in unison, before I can stand fully she is marching out of the double doors. I smirk she should know better not to challenge the devil. Her ponytail swishing with every angry but confident step she's taking. There's a little sway to her hips , her heels adding few more inches to her already tall height but still smaller than me. My gaze follow her all the way to the doors.