
The encounter


"Heard things are not working up for Mazenttis." I mused my words to Vlad sitting on my left side. I'm sitting on a large French style pedestal round table with two of my other business associates. We are sitting in a library of one of the properties owned by the organization. From my position on the table I can see the wooden patio through clear glass window, evening sun casting low light in the library while rolling down in its horizon. The property is used by the members for their meetings and is registered under an anonymous name hence nobody can point it towards us. I'm ten minutes early for the monthly meeting of conglomerate which in other words is a crime syndicate. Syndicate whose previously my father was head of before his diagnosis of stage three lung cancer.

"Yeah, if nobody represents Mazenttis in today's meeting too they will lose their control to their part of city and ultimately you'll be ruling over whole city." He replied me while spiraling his metal knuckles on table surface. The red spots on the metallic knuckles are undoubtedly blood of some peasant. Vlad is wearing a black shirt with his sleeves rolled to his elbows. His suit jacket lost somewhere, his hair falling on his forehead giving his thirties more rugged look. Vladimir is one of the five members of syndicate which will be four if Angelo Mazentti doesn't appear today. I have been solely ruling the left side of Seattle for the past two years while Mazenttis controlling the right side. Vitalios and Mazenttis have been rivals as long as I can remember but have been ruling over Seattle due the namely alliance formed by the syndicate. The role of syndicate mainly was to reduce the bloodshed between five most dangerous and criminal families of US from various states. The purpose had served so far to keep the bloodshed minimum but not totally zero. These families do business together benefitting each other for keeping to their territory. And if things get out of hands with other criminal organization the syndicate provides a United front to fight them together. When my father stepped down from his head position two years ago there's been a constant struggle between members to outgrow each other to claim that position. I would be damned if I let any of these egoistical assholes to claim my father's position. He entrusted me with the family name. My mission in life is to protect my family's honor. Just because I was born a woman, doesn't mean I'll let anyone stomp all over me. Vlad is right with Mazenttis crumbling empire it will be easier for me to control whole city and claim my position as head of syndicate.

Two months ago Angelo Mazentti was targeted by one of the cartel and was shoot in his knee cap resulting in his current crippling state. He no longer can lead his men and they have been falling out of line with him no longer able to control them. I have been in this field long enough to know nobody is safe in our world you cannot be ignorant not even for few seconds. You have to be strong enough to protect yourself and what's yours. One moment of weakness and you are a dead meat. My grandfather once told me 'the weak are meat; the strong eat'.

No doubt his attack had played a role in strengthening my position as head of the syndicate . "Think you can overturn the tables with Mazenttis out." Marcus smirks over the smoke of his joint pulling me out of spirals of my thoughts. He's another member who is in his late fifties and is lighter version of Shrek. He's as cunning as they can come with his rimless glasses sitting high on his nose. He's one of those misogynistic pigs who thinks women have no business being in syndicate. They are only to serve one purpose which is to warm their beds, breed and raise their children. With one look on my right I can see Sergei another member has joined us. He's lone wolf and a bit terrifying. You should always try your best not to cross his path. He's like the calm before the storm. Following my gaze Marcus says "Why don't we progress our meeting and get out of each others hair sooner". The old grandpa clock hanging on the far side of library tells it's five minutes past the meeting time . A smirk pulls up on my lips looks like Mazenttis wouldn't be joining us.

"I agree." All heads turn to the voice coming from the open double doors leading to the wooden patio. A tall man with broad build is marching towards us in his black Armani suit. His black suit pants are tight against his strong thighs and complement his long legs. He's wearing a white shirt but no tie. He doesn't looks like the type who do. His hair are jet black somehow darker than his suit and if I knew better I would say darker than his soul. A look in his sinister green eyes and I can tell they are not as soulless as the men sitting on this table. The glint in them matches with the devil on mission of destroying peace.

"And you gentleman? " It's Vlad who asked our intruder the question.

"Miles Mazentti" The intruder introduces himself as he tips his head in a nod. "Son of Angelo Mazentti and will be taking over his position as his hier in the city and on this table". With that he perches on the seat directly across me. A look passes between Sergei and Vlad and am watching the whole scene unfolding dumbfounded. No Mazentti was supposed to be here today. After a long pause we all nod our heads in agreement .

"My, my if it's not the return of prodigal son ." Marcus says in his contemplative tone.

"Had to. Can't leave the city alone without a leader any longer." Replies Mr. Mazentti, an arrogant expression on his face.

"The city wasn't alone I have it all under control." I said adding a little sass to my voice.

"About time, if you have been a little late Raina over here would have taken over your part of city." Marcus finishes and with that Mr. Mazentti's eyes lands on mine for the first time since he's been here and a look passing through them they are soo intense they could have set a person with lighter heart on fire. I can feel his eyes staring into my soul. A shiver runs through my whole body. From this close I can see his sharp jawline that is covered in a five o clock stubble ,a jawline that could cut straight through a heart. A dark mole near is left eye adding to his unapologetic beauty.

I push the thoughts aside breaking the eye contact with a renewed energy I held my head high and glare at Marcus who returns it with a chuckle. Somewhere in the room someone clears his throat, returning my eyes back to the table I see it's Vlad who urges us to start the meeting. One and half hour later we are adjourning our meeting. By the end of meeting I am fuming, the not too handsome arrogant bastard ignored me throughout whole meeting like I'm some invisible dirt under his Italian shoes. Once I tried to discuss our new shipment of arms with him and he replied me in a clipped tone with a "latter miss."

It's me who's angry at him for returning out of blue and messing up all my plans. Who the hell he thinks he is to come back and act like he owns the place ,the irony of this handsome prick. I knew Angelo had a heir but he never had showed up before for any of the syndicate gatherings or previously showed interest on inheriting his father's business. I have heard he was in New York building his own life separate from his father then the question is why is he back now of all the times.