
The Contract

Kenta's eyes became two enormous wet puppy eyes in front of him, and Haruki glanced sideways, checking the cramped studio and poor living conditions Kenta was facing.

"Okay, I am convinced you are a talented artist that's doing a good job drawing a character after me. Or I wouldn't accept having my image in an otome game. I will give permission to use my image. And yes, the payment for this job is yours," Haruki's face was probably showing all his awe and respect for the work of the old acquaintance who, since their reunion, became a new friend.

In fact, this was only happening because Haruki took advantage of the holiday to return to his country and his hometown.

He met with his former schoolmate Iwata Kenta at the airport, by chance. They ended up talking about their current occupations. And days later, Kenta phoned him practically begging to draw him for a project.

It wouldn't be a sacrifice and it would help a budding artist, so why not?

He continued flipping through the conceptual arts to pass the time while the illustrator drew him in various poses. Some shirtless, others just underwear.

Haruki showed no discomfort.

Part of his adolescence, he played team sports. He was used to other men looking at his body. Haruki was aware of his exotic beauty, athletic body, and youthful face.

At 15, Haruki was discovered by a talent agency. And today, at age 20, he was about to debut with the Caption-Z boy band.

"Let's go to the next one," he announced,

" 'ARTIST - RIKU, MAEDA,'" next Haruki saw the drawing of a character with sensual lips and a rebellious look. His pastel pink hair was the longest among the characters, reaching just above his shoulders, and he wore eccentric clothes. " 'Purpose: Create a memorable masterpiece,'" he turned to the illustrator, "Hahaha, he's your 'masterpiece', don't you think, Kenta?"

"He's handsome, but he's not the most handsome in this group," Kenta said, sounding uncomfortable.

It was Haruki's turn to present him with a little heart of two hands put together, but the designer's cheeks turned red,

"Hey, it's not you! Don't be so full of yourself!"

Haruki pretended not to hear and continued reading,

"'Bla bla and bla bla… Work: Composer, actor, singer, novelist, dancer!' Wow, he's a multitasker! I bet he wasn't credited for his work as costume designer and makeup artist!"

Kenta stopped the stroke and started laughing, "Frankly, these girls have no idea. Keep reading, it's fun to hear your opinions," the illustration artist asked.

" 'CUTE BOY - YUUTO, KAWANAMI,' " he checked the drawing. The youngest of them had light hair and eyes and a big smile, which contributed to his innocent appearance. It was also the smallest of them.

"Clothes: luxurious school uniform, with kawaii accessories to further customize his look. Features: cheerful, sweet, playful, indecisive, and immature.'" Turning to Kenta, Haruki spoke knowingly,

"This one is going to have a legion of fans, the girls love the baby faced innocent guy."

The illustrator shrugged and asked him to make several facial expressions, which Kenta recorded with his cell phone, to use as 'reference material', as he said.

As soon as it was possible Haruki went back to reading the last character profile, because it was fun,

"Well, let's go to the last one before the best, which will be me, hahaha. 'NERD - SATORU, HONDA.'"

This character seemed the tallest and most slender, and had an arrogant expression. His hair was a little long, but of all of the drawings, it was the one that caught his attention the least.

"'Objective: Create an android with feelings. Work: Scholar, Ph.D. in computer engineering.' This is ridiculous, how did the guy get his Ph.D. so young? Of course, he is a kind of precocious and antisocial genius. At least that's how it is in real life," the singer ranted.

This time Kenta just shook his head, seeming to disagree, but Haruki paid no attention, "'Clothes: brown cardigan, thick black glasses, plaid shirt, dress pants. Characteristics: rational, calm, dedicated, pedantic…' Argh, you wasted time making the nerd's drawings. Girls don't come to them for romance_ they are boring. Not even being so tall. He's the loser. "

"In real life, nerds make a lot of money and get all the girls, while illustration designers just draw hentai and otome for a living. That's what I know," Kenta replied. Haruki blinked. He never had thought about it. It was worrisome!

After a while, Kenta finished his drawings, "It's over. As I explained before, I just need your written permission. There will be no legal problems with your agency, right?"

"No, I still have a right to my image. Don't worry. Let me see the contract again. If it's just what you sent me by cell phone, there's no problem."

While Haruki was getting dressed, Kenta picked up a luxurious box, which somewhat clashed with the poor environment of the one-room apartment.

He took from it a simple contract, of just one page where it was read that Takeda Haruki authorized the use of his image and voice in the digital game "Covet and Temptation", with a clear and objective language.

By the contract, he would receive a smartwatch programmed to access a specific application and would be asked to record his voice as needed. The contract specifically mentioned the date and time for access. And on another sheet, a document saying Takeda Haruki waived the payment in favor of Kenta Iwata, the illustrator.

The smartwatch, Kenta said, was the latest generation recording device and its only purpose was to record his voice remotely, without the need to interrupt Haruki's schedule. As the contract said, the software would be activated by scanning its retina, allowing in the future only it to enter the system for possible new recordings, if agreed on contract additives.

The game company, Gamekoi, wasn't famous enough and Haruki never heard of it before. But as his friend had explained, it was a small company that couldn't even pay much. Like most game companies in this business of otome games.

The old schoolmate handed Haruki an exotic pen to sign. His stomach clenched as he held the pen. He hesitated to sign. He looked twice at the object in his hand,

"Ivory? Isn't that forbidden nowadays?"

"Oh, I don't know. They sent and asked for it to be signed with it. It must be some superstition," Kenta replied dismissively. He just seemed concerned that the singer would go back for such a silly detail.

A bad feeling hit Haruki. But, he had given his word. The illustrator had dedicated himself to making his drawings. These, in his opinion, were the most meticulous in the details. There was no justification for not signing.

Ignoring his instincts he signed, feeling a strange taste in his mouth. The feeling was so strong that Haruki said goodbye without giving Kenta time to thank him properly, with dinner.

Back at the hotel, Haruki made sure that everything was ready to leave at dawn. 'It's my D-day tomorrow,' Caption-Z would make its first appearance on a TV show in K country. And he needed to travel early in the morning.

He, who was looking forward to the next day, now only thought about the character designs for Covet and Temptation, the otome game for girls.

'My God, what a ridiculous title. How girls spend time playing with virtual 'Kens' when they could easily be 'playing' with actual boys. They don't know that we're not that hard to get!' With this mocking thought, Haruki decided to start the program right away, ignoring the guidelines.

The smartwatch scanned his retinas with a potent flash, making him flinch in pain.

Momentarily blind, Haruki felt himself falling into the void.

OH! Poor Haruki!

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