
Fallen for the fallen

A sinister night, one that shattered the silence of the surrounding mountain peaks of Olympia. Athena - goddess of horrific tactics in war, and of inhuman wisdom - was brought to the brink of madness. Her dark silhouette flowed down towards an innocent city, not far from the mountains. "Ahh, we're going to die!" screamed the people of the small polis. Chaos had been unleashed. The goddess was furious. But what was the reason that pushed her to such an extreme reaction? What was the source of her anger towards humanity? Human.. human.. human..? Was she even furious at humanity?.. Who else could it be. Definitely not someone from heaven.. Where else from?..

KegaroOzawa · LGBT+
2 Chs

Chapter 1

24th of September 2067

Athens, the capital of the polytheistic country—is suffering from tranquillity. But not for long anymore.

A dark, majestic silhouette, was flying towards the polis. It was Athena—she was the one with a purpose to approach the small town. Suddenly, another flying creature flew in front of Athena. The flying spectre looked very human despite the massive wings with ghastly claws at the end of the terrifying yet beautiful wings. Horrifying horns sticking out of the creature's head, sinister, glowing red eyes with a look of evilness.

"Long time no see, Veliomoure." Athena says confidently with a smirk visible on her pale face in the moonlight.

"What you did to the humanity, is no good and completely unfair and wrong. No one deserves that. Even the ones who did such thing d-.."

Athena shrugs and her wicked laugh echoed through; the air—interceding Veliomoure's explanation "You really think you can stop me, old demon? Humanity means nothing to the Gods. Besides, the Athens disobeyed me, burned down a temple, the temple dedicated to me." Vel's eyes widen 

"That was an accident, a fire sprung up. They didn't mean to." She looked at him in disgust. "What are you even doing here, demon, go back to hell and rot there, this city is mine I can do whatever I want. You have nothing to say about it" 

"No, you can't.", Veliomoure yelled with a sharp voice, "They're living creatures. You can't just kill them all because of a small mistake!," 

"My city, my rules." Athena spoke in a monotone voice, forming a ball of fire in her hand. With a wave of her hand, the blazing sphere flies towards the houses in the city. It grows immensely as it roars with flames, its intensity overwhelming the entire area.

But Veliomoure isn't going to just stand there and let it destroy his home. He chases after the ball of fire, blocking it with his enormous horns and deflecting it back towards the goddess. 

He yells, "Get this, Athena," sending the burning orb back. Athena was shocked and starts trying to fly away. She's getting chased by the ball of fire she created herself. Veliomoure laughed at her getting hunted down by the opponent she created herself.

"Sucks to be you Athena, next time think before you do something." He said with a big smirk on his face. "You'll pay for this later!" Athena screamed at the top of her lungs before disappearing in the darkness of the night…

A burst of energy pulses outward as Veliomoure's wings flex, and suddenly, the demon vanishes into thin air, disappearing instantly into nothingness..

The crowd watching this was flabbergasted; "Did you see what that thing did to Athena, our protector?" "Yeah that hellish creature is crazy we must..-"

Hello my dear reader ^^

As you may have realised, this chapter was really really short.

But dont worry; this is probably one of the shortest chapters in the whole novella :D

Sooo.. please stay tuned for the upcoming parts!!

Usually I will upload every Thursday if i have the possibility :3


KegaroOzawacreators' thoughts