
Fallen for the fallen

作者: KegaroOzawa
連載中 · 1K ビュー
  • 2 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is Fallen for the fallen

WebNovel で公開されている、KegaroOzawa の作者が書いた Fallen for the fallen の小説を読んでください。A sinister night, one that shattered the silence of the surrounding mountain peaks of Olympia. Athena - goddess of horrific tactics in war, and of inhuman wisdom - was brought to the brink of madness....


A sinister night, one that shattered the silence of the surrounding mountain peaks of Olympia. Athena - goddess of horrific tactics in war, and of inhuman wisdom - was brought to the brink of madness. Her dark silhouette flowed down towards an innocent city, not far from the mountains. "Ahh, we're going to die!" screamed the people of the small polis. Chaos had been unleashed. The goddess was furious. But what was the reason that pushed her to such an extreme reaction? What was the source of her anger towards humanity? Human.. human.. human..? Was she even furious at humanity?.. Who else could it be. Definitely not someone from heaven.. Where else from?..

3 タグ

Di Belakang Suami

KHUSUS DEWASA Semua teman dan sahabatku pasti tidak ada yang percaya, jika sampai 4,5 bulan usia perkawinanku dengan Mas Yoga, aku masih tetap perawan suci yang belum pecah selaput daranya. Andai saja teman dekatku ada yang tahu, mungkin akan bertanya seraya berkelakar. "Apakah selaput daramu terlalu tebal, terlalu keras, atau terlalu dalam hingga senjata andalan suamimu tak sanggup menembusnya?" Tentu saja itu hanyalah kelakar. Selaput lambang kesucian wanitaku sepertinya sama saja dengan semua wanita. Kekerasannya, ketebalannya juga kedalamannya dijamin tak jauh berbeda dengan punya mereka. Hampir semua wanita pecah selaput daranya saat pertama kali melakukan hubungan badan dengan seseorang. Entah itu suami, pacar atau orang yang tak dikehendakinya. Sangat wajar jika banyak yang mengatakan, selaput dara atau keperawanan adalah lambang kesucian seorang wanita. Hampir semua selaput dara teman-temanku dirobek oleh suaminya pada malam pertama, karena itu sebagai bukti bahwa sang istri mampu menjaga kehormatan diri dan mempersembahkan yang terbaik untuk suaminya. Sangat tidak mengherankan jika malam pertama dianggap sebagai malam yang spesial dan sakral. Malam yang sangat mendebarkan. Pembuktian suci atau tidaknya seorang perawan. Bisa juga menjadi malam penentuan bagaimana kehidupan rumah tangga pasangan itu selanjutnya. Mengapa keperjakaan seorang Ndra Irawan Cogan Jones Permanen tidak pernah dipertanyakan atau dijadikan patokan kesucian? Mungkin karena para lelaki tidak memiliki selaput jaka. Mengapa selaput daraku baru pecah setelah sekian bulan menikah? Apakah suamiku langsung pergi atau menghilang sesaat setelah menikahiku? Tidak. Sejak aku resmi menjadi istrinya, jarang sekali berpisah apalagi sampai berbulan bulan. Dan Inilah kisah hidupku. Kisah yang dimulai dari susahnya selaput daraku dipecahkan oleh suamiku sendiri. Bermuara dari urusan selaput dara itu lah cerita hidupku jungkir balik. Banyak peristiwa yang belum tentu dialami oleh wanita lain. Banyak pengalaman dan petualangan hidup yang sangat mendebarkan sekaligus menakjubkan. Romantika kehidupan rumah tanggaku menjadi sangat berwarna. Ada yang memilukan, menyakitkan, menyenangkan, membahagiakan, menggelikan dan banyak pula yang membuat jantungku hampir copot ngeri-ngeri sedap.

Ndra_Irawan · 都市

I'll Definitely Change This Time

Hashten Empire the wealthiest and largest empire to have ever existed was the place Ha Eun previously lived in with the identity as Anastacia. Ha Eun the reincarnation of Anastacia, having been caught in a crossfire, met the end of the tunnel at the youthful age of 16. But as luck would have it, she now has another chance to live her previous life. Neverthless, only doom awaits her in her new life, as she Transmigrates back as to when she was Anastacia. But, the biggest death flag (the duke) is slowly showing some developement that astray from the past. Nonetheless, there's still three more bulldozers leading Anastacia to her doom! As she tries to keep her body and soul together, misunderstandings are unravelled and anguish's are buried. "The next time you make the same mistake it'll be your tongue next." An unexpected change of heart. "Our miss is surely the most adorable child to have ever existed!" Loving servants. And... "Huh?! What are you saying? My sister said she wanted that!" "What nonsense are you uttering, my sister is crying." "A bug who tries to scrounge for my sister only has death awaiting him." Doting brothers...? Why are things circulating this way?! Not to mention... "Just the fact that you can make a pact with me, means your the perfect vessel." Who's this rando?! As Anastacia meets opportunitist and struggles, will she be able to change her fate? I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PHOTO COVER PHOTO BELONGS TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER (I Only Edited My Title In)

RianMeli · 歴史

Devil's Possession

SYNOPSIS Zaitan Dwellinhell. A man who used to be called 'Devil' because of the name he possessed. A man who can make your head bow just by simple existence. Feared by everyone. Love by no one. Yes, he have EVERYTHING. Wealth, power, looks, body, everything that can simply capture a girls attention. But he lack of one. Heart. He's a heartless. Well, that's what people think of him, but was he really is? And there this woman, Rebecca Lozano. With her dazzling beauty with curvaceous body and luscious lips, captured his attention. Hell, not just his attention but his wholesome. And then, before he knew it, he's already desperate to get her attention. He know everything about her. Stalk her. Secretly giving her a gifts. Then the next thing he new, he was already head over hills with her. So he do everything just to have her. To possess her. To own her. And then one day, his day comes. Rebecca need money, a lot of money. Her mother is in the hospital for almost a month, and she need to be operated to prolong her life. But she has no money. But Zaitan has. He saw that opportunity so he claim it. He offer her a help. But there's a catch. A big one. Her mother's life in exchange to hers. He want her to be his Mrs. Dwellinhell. Badly. So with his desperate catch, he want her to sign the sheet of a marriage contract in exchange to her mother's life. Would she going to sign it? Without knowing the person behind it? Is she desperately enough to bite it? Is she ready to be selfless? But what if, she sign it and know her husband real persona? Would she going to accept him? Or just run away?

Daoist755023 · 若者
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

dear athor, i really adore this storyline, keep up your work and don’t worry to take a week or two off, afterall were all human ^^ is there going to be a flashforward??


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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating