

What would you do if everything you ever fought for betrays you? What would you do then? Would you fight for revenge? Or would you leave it be, and continue to suffer in despair? Our protagonist, Jonael was betrayed and hunted down by all those who he had protected. Now he has a choice. Continue to suffer? Or take the bulls by its horns and take his revenge? This is a epic coming of age story about a lowly angel who acquired the strength to fight equally against a True Dragon. Who had won, and in his weaken state, was killed by does he tried to protect. Through endless reincarnation, he had once again been reborn. But upon his reincarnations he has been weaken. Now, he must find a way to retrieve his lost power before the Guardians locate and destroy him once more. An epic coming of age story begins! [["We are FALLEN!!"]]

Trigger_Black · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Revenge! (sensitive content)

Chapter 7: Revenge! (sensitive content)

Let's Rewind

"Well, well, well, how the tables turn. Now you both beg for mercy, l unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to grant that", said standing up confidently with eyes as emotionless as a brick wall.

"The deaths you will die won't be painless at all, you love torturing someone right? Let's see how much you can endure." He continued, moving towards Tenkai and taking multiple shots from Tenkai's minion.

"Who the hell is this guy, why won't you die!". Then

the man said frantically walking backward. He was now left with one bullet. He fired his last shot, a point-blank headshot. Tilting Jonael's head backward.

"Finally gotcha boy". "Hahahaha you think so dude". Jonael laughed as he raised his head.

"what the! (*splurt*)". "Ahhhhg! *huff huff*",

Ishidou screamed as she saw his hands pass through the man's chest. His heart is on the other side of the room. Blood everywhere.

He turned and faced them. Blood dripped from one hand, a pistol on the other. Staring coldly at them with blood dripping from his emotionless face.

"Get the hell away from me motherfucker I'll kill your ass stay aw AAW RGGH!" Tenkai screamed as he was shot on the knee before he could finish his pathetic threats, meanwhile, Ishidou was at a corner scared to death, her face white as snow, pale lips, and clothes soaked in tears of fear, you could almost hear her heart beat as though it wanted to leave her and just run.

"Ishidou, I trusted you, I thought you were not like other whorish hoes out on the streets, but you turn out to be even worse than them. Watchu got to say for yourself. Ishidou just sat there staring at the floor, tears dropping down, shaking frantically.

"Answer me!"

Jonael screamed. Ishidou could only say in a small pitiable voice "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

"Don't hurt you hahaha!" He replied maniacally, grinning.

"I know what to do," He said as he shot Tenkai on the other knee.

"Drag him out."

"Argh!, bitch! don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare!", He screeched as he shot again this time on the elbow.

"Be fast bitch! it's gonna blow '' said trying an Italian accent.

"Can you see that," he said pointing up in front of him.

"See what?" She replied fearfully.

"The boxy square kinda image with words on it."

"No," She replied, looking confused.

"So I'm the only one seeing it then"

"Yeah, I guess so".

"Name: Jonael kendo

Race: Fallen/True Dragon

Skills: Regeneration and ….,

Skill level: Ordinary skill

Mission: 1: Destroy the Black snakes' mafia group 2: Find and collect the mystic artifact they stole

That last skill seems pretty impressive though"

He thought to himself as he read the image in front of him before it disappeared.

"Hurry up, the bomb is about to explode."

They were now outside the building. Ketsu and Yakumo were waiting very impatiently outside.

"The idiot's arrived," Ketsu said in a silly voice as though he were a narrator for a dum Disney show.

"Why is there so much blood on you, and why are they with you?" Yakumo added "one, two, shut up and help me put these guys in the trunk," He said pointing at Ketsu.

They drove quietly for a while.

"Ketsu, Yakumo we are going to take down the black snakes."

"What the fuck! Why the heck would we do that?"

"I dunno, it's my mission or something."

"Who the fuck gave you this fucking mission!?"

"I don't fucking know."

"How can you have a mission and not know who gave it to you."

"I don't know if it just appeared."

"What do you mean?"

"Shut up both, Yakumo I agree with

Jonael Ketsu interrupted.

"You're just saying that 'cause you wanted to do it now Jonael's forcing me to join".

"Okay shut up we'll discuss this later but for now we take these guys to their new home."

"Where's that?" Asked Ketsu.

"Outskirts of town are surrounded by a large field and few people."

"Whatcha wanna do with me anyways?" Jonael just kept quiet.

*A few minutes later.

They arrived at an old warehouse surrounded by grass fields on the outskirts of town.

"That was a pretty accurate description"

"Kay, let's bring them out. Be careful with Tenkai though, I don't want him dying on me too." Tenkai and Ishida were brought out and tied up.

"It's quite lucky you had a rope in your car," Ketsu said quite suspiciously.

"I know right, I always carry a rope on me, always help when I need it."

"I've never seen you with a rope your whole life," Yakumo replied.

"You're behaving kinda sus Jon..." Ketsu said again.

"I told you to stop calling me that. But look, I know you guys are getting suspicious I'll explain everything later now I need supplies."

"What supplies?" they both asked.

"Supplies, now let's go."

"How long are they going to stay there?" Yakumo asked.

"I dunno, as long as I wish," Jon answered.

"Isn't that, like kidnapping?" He asked again. Jonael just kept quiet and continued moving, they kept asking lots of questions, some of which he answered some he just ignored.

Ketsu and Yakumo were puzzled beyond words.

By the time they arrived home, they were even more confused. And concluded within themselves to ask him the next day.


Days passed. The midterm breaks were over, they all came to school and attended their classes. They had tried asking him throughout the midterm breaks but to no avail. They tried to ask him during their recess, but he just dodged all their questions.

Other classmates also started asking about Ishidou when they noticed she didn't come to class, he simply denied he knew where she was.

At the end of the school day, Yamoku and Ketsu tried talking with him. Again he dodged their questions and told them he won't attend school for the next two days.

Adding that they should not come to his house for the next two days, and he just needs to clear his mind and take care of some things.

Immediately after that, he went to the warehouse where he kept Ishidou and Tenkai with some food, a box of supplies, and some plastic buckets.

Without saying a word he gave them the food untied; and left the room for thirty minutes.

The room only had one exit and no windows were accessible. It was empty so there was no place to hide. Jonael just sat outside thinking about what he should do next.

He then came inside, and they continued begging him not to hurt them. The normally arrogant Tenkai was pathetically begging not to be hurt.

Jonael just ignored them and walked straight to his box, he then brought out some things and poured some liquid into the bucket. He brought the bucket where Tenkai was tied up and then went back to his box and collected a knife from it, put on some hand gloves and a nose mask, and then wore an apron.

He then brought a chair in and placed it in front of them. And asks Ishidou,

"How many times have you slept with this bastard?"

"I- I don't know," She said stuttering

"Oh, so you've done it so much you lost count. Wow, you very much deserve what's coming to you," He replied in an angered tone.

"No, no, please, please don't hurt me!" She begged.

"Hush, I'll start with your stupid boyfriend over here." He said as he slowly pushed the knife into Tenkai's chest making sure he didn't kill him.

"You like torture right? You gon love what I have planned for you hahaha." He laughed maniacally, grinning as he spun the knife in Tenkai's chest.



"Hush. First I'll… No no… I won't spoil the surprise. Well then let's get started." He said as he carefully ran the knife down Tenkai's shin, cutting only skin. Then started peeling the skin off it.

He paused to hear the shrill cries of both Tenkai and Ishidou. He raised his hands as though he was a conductor of a heavenly choir.

"Like music to my fucking ears, hahaha," He laughed energetically as he struck the knife through Tenkai's leg.

"Aurgruuu!!!" He screamed in pain.

"Please don't do that to me, please don't! Hurt me, please!! I'll do anything, please. I'll do anything!!" Ishidou suddenly screamed.

"You are selfish aren't you". He said as he put Tenkai's mostly skinless legs in a bucket of acid.

"But there is something you would do," He replied, walking slowly towards her with a perverted grin.

"What's that? I'll do anything."

"Open your legs."

"What?" She replied with a mixture of surprise and despair.

"I said open your legs!" He replied, getting a little aggressive.

"Noo!" She managed to reply, her body ever shaking, nodding, and moving backward. She looked very scared, sweating profusely, tears rolling down her cherry-red face, to her pale skin, and onto the ground.

"No please." she pleaded as she wiped her face with her palms and frantically moved further from him.

"What do you mean no? You've done it before, haven't you, what's so different now?" he said angrily and marched towards her faster.

"Please don't. I don't want to". She said,

Jonael then paused. "I loved you so much so, my dumb ass planned to marry you. Cause I thought you were a virgin and I didn't want to ruin that. I esteemed you better than other girls but it turns out you're even more rotten than them. Now we're in this situation, and you sure as hell ain't coming out of here alive. So instead of letting your sexiness go to waste, I figured I'll do it before I kill you. Does that make sense to you, do you understand?

Ishidou could only look in tearful disbelief. Was this how she would end?

"Whhhyyy!!" she said in a muffled broken voice, "I don't deserve this. Have pity, when did you become like this?" She continued in a more subdued tone.

"I became like this when you took a turn to torture me and my friends. He said almost jokingly. "But that I should have pity, did you PITY us when your foolish friend was torturing me or when you were playing with my feelings? You Must Be Mad!" he added shouting as he dashed towards her and pushed her to lie on the floor. Tore off her clothes and forcefully opened her legs. "Leave me alone! I said leave me alone you pervert! Leave me alone now!" all her pleas fell on deaf cold ears. And then an idea struck her: "Do you want your first experience to be forced?"

Those words left him cold. He froze dead in his tracks "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean do you want rape as your first sex experience, and with someone who isn't a virgin as well. You are that lonely and pathetic, huh." She said, displaying a certain amount of bitchy confidence.

"Argh how dare you…!" Jonael replied, somewhat depressed…

Ishidou, seeing this, became pleased. That was on till…

"Got ya bitch!"

"Fool, you think you're so smart. Hey, I'm Ishidou and I'm a smart bitch. Fucking hoe," he mumbled in an audible mocking voice, visibly annoyed, as he walked towards Tenkai.

Meanwhile, Tenkai sat restrained on the other side of the room screaming in agony as his legs dissolved in a bucket of acid.

Not even noticing what's going on. Normally he would be able to knock the bucket down and spill the acid but he was just too weak. "Well, I guess I'll have to take this out on this poor guy," Jonael said as he pulled him up by his hair. "Or maybe you should leave him, Tenkai, can you hear me? Are you still sane?" He asked l, as he removed his legs from the acid and washed it.

"Ugh disgusting, Ishidou take a look at how disgusting he looks. I don't know how you prefer him to me, like look at us. But don't worry you'll look like this soon enough". He said, "I give you a chance to survive. Tell me all you know about the Black Snakes and you might live. Tenkai looked at his legs and said, "I'll tell you everything."

"Nice, good boy."