
Fairy tail: the brother of erza

I was born as Erza's twin brother, but I will not be one of the fairies who will fight for the sake of his friends. I will kill whoever comes with the intention of killing me, I will fight against anyone looking for a fight against me, and I will travel everywhere creating problems wherever I go. This is going to make a slow story, in the first chapters they will find many grammar mistakes, but I have been improving in the other chapters, or so I think. I don't own anything from (fairy tail) (one piece)

Sunkenrock · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

chapter 61: Earth-3 True Fairy Tail

Mirajane Strauss, a fairy tail magician who had recently become an S-class magician for her guild, had taken a mission to do it together with her two younger brothers, Elfman and Lisanna.

The mission was simple since they only had to defeat a few beasts that were prowling near a town and that for an S-class mage like her was very easy and almost without danger, or so she believed.

The mission she had taken said that there was a dangerous beast that was terrorizing the people of a town, she had become arrogant and did not listen to anyone from the warnings of other people and that is why she took that mission in order to demonstrate what strong she was and leave them with their mouths shut.

It is for the same reason that she had decided to take her two brothers so that they could gain experience since that mission found her easy to do and if for any reason they were in danger she was there to help them.

At first the mission was very easy because they encountered some small beasts that their brothers easily defeated. But then something unexpected happened and it was when a huge beast had suddenly appeared that was much bigger and more dangerous than the others, and also had the appearance that resembled a demon.

The two younger Strauss brothers did not even attempt to fight the beast because their sister had warned them that it was out of their league, thus confidently and confident of their swift victory, she faced the beast exchanging blows and attacks.

But after a few minutes of fighting, she got tired and realized that the beast was stronger than she had imagined from the beginning. She wasted no time when she told her two brothers to escape to stay safe while doing whatever it took to delay the beast.

Elfman, Mirajane's younger brother in a desperate attempt and to save his sisters, had tried to do something stupid, he tried to take control of that ferocious beast. The result was that when he did, he could not control it. He couldn't control too much energy and his mind went blank when he lost control of his body when he began to act violently destroying everything in his path.

Lisanna, the youngest of the brothers believing in the love that her brother Elfman had towards her, did something more stupid when she stood in front of the fierce demon who was in a state of madness destroying everything.

Lisanna was young and naive for believing that she could try to reason with the dangerous beast in its state of utter madness. The mistake has made when approaching paid for him dearly when the same beast with which she was trying to reason ruthlessly gave him a palm that sent him flying through the air, landing several meters away.

Mirajane seeing how her little sister had been brutally beaten ran quickly to her side and as she hugged her little sister's body she started to sob as her sister was dying in her arms and she could not do anything in this desperate situation.

But it was her despair when her little sister's body began to disappear in small particles of light until her entire body disappeared and she could no longer feel her sister's body in her arms.


Mirajane who was crying over the recent loss of her little sister looked up at her little brother who had lost his mind while still in his beast form. "Elfman please come back." Mirajane only whispered a few words.

She was badly injured and with one of her arms hanging and broken, she did not know what to do next, she wanted to stop that beast to return her brother to normal but she did not have the strength or the magic to do something like that.

Resigned, sore and sorry for the stupid decision to bring her brothers with her to the mission that everyone was telling her was too dangerous and too soon for her, she could only look at the ground with a blank look with tears that kept coming out from his eyes because of the sadness he felt at that moment.

Suddenly a strong and powerful light could be seen in the sky illuminating everything around her, she slowly lifts her head to see where it came from when up in the sky she could see a man falling directly towards the place where her brother was. At the moment he was uprooting trees from the forest with his hands.


The first thing that entered Yuujiro's field of vision was a dark night with the stars and the moon high in the sky, and then he looked down at where he was, so he could identify a kind of monkey or demon, since that you could see a huge horned creature on its head that was tearing apart the entire forest, plucking trees from the root and crushing huge chunks of rock with its hands.

It didn't take long for Yuujiro to descend when his body crashed into the creature's head, causing his head to bury itself in the ground.

When falling, Yuujiro had hit the beast and made his head to be buried deep in the ground, while he sat lazily on his head looking from left to right to see if he could identify the place where he had fallen. .

'Mm ... where in the world would I have fallen, that girl if I am not mistaken is Mirajane ... then this beast I am sitting on must be Elfman.'

Yuujiro took a short time to identify the two people since he had seen Lisanna before, so it was not very difficult to say that his brothers would be close.

'But who is that man, he just knocked down that powerful beast in one fell swoop' Mirajane looked at Yuujiro with her eyes wide open as he had defeated the huge animal with one blow when she was barely an S-class mage if he had hurt her when she attacked with all her might.

Mirajane emerged from her state of surprise when she saw his brother slowly return to his human form, she slowly began to approach where they were both, his brother and the strange man who had appeared.

Yuujiro stood next to the two brothers as he watched as Mirajane hugged his brother tightly and began to sob quietly.

After checking that her brother was fine and with only a few injuries, Mirajane looked back at the man who stood next to them. "Hey, excuse me, but thanks for knocking my brother unconscious without hurting him much." Mirajane said sincerely grateful, but her tone of voice showed regret and guilt.

"It's nothing, don't worry, you don't have to thank me for something like this." Yuujiro said as he stared at her making Mirajane slightly nervous when he looked at her with those strange and dangerous eyes.

"In any case, as the little lizard has been, I can see that they managed to escape safely from the island, how long has it been." Yuujiro asked as he cracked the bones of his body as he was somewhat stiff after fighting Acnologia.

Meanwhile Mirajane looked at him with a confused face without knowing what they were talking about, so she carefully told him. "Excuse me, but what are you talking about, lizard, of whom you speak, island."

"Mm ... of course I'm talking about Erza and I'm asking you if they were able to escape safely from Tenrou Island when Acnologia attacked, you don't remember that I stopped him so that you could escape, you don't remember my face, when I remember perfectly yours, clearly I saw that you were in that place that time too. "

"I really don't know what you're talking about, you won't be confusing me with someone else ... besides how you know Erza and the island of our guild." Mirajane asked with a serious look on her face. Meanwhile, Yuujiro was now very confused since Mirajane did not recognize him when she should already know who he was.

"Girl, you don't recognize me, if I'm not mistaken Erza should have already told you who I am." Yuujiro insisted on trying to remind Mirajane of his face since he was sure that Erza had already explained everything to the members of the guild, as well as Mikumo and Irene were also there to explain everything.

Yuujiro looked at Mirajane while waiting for an answer, but only saw confusion and vigilance on her part.

"As I say, because I should know who you are, you have also said that Erza knows you or that you know her, but she has never spoken about you." Mirajane replied.

"Mm, this is weird .... girl, you know Mikumo and Irene." Yuujiro asked to be sure while he had a hand on his chin as if he was thinking of something. 'This is even possible, it's just a theory, but if that were true now I would be in little trouble

"I don't know those people." Mirajane replied again with a confused look. That man who had saved her was asking her some questions that she did not understand, she heard that she knew Erza and maybe she also knows this man, but she has never heard Erza talk about him, also the man looking at his appearance seemed to be a strong man and something dangerous.

Her demon instincts told her that this man standing in front of her was really dangerous, Yuujiro was over 1.95 tall and was completely naked from the top showing his well-worked body with huge bulging muscles making veins all over His body could be seen with the naked eye, and he could be seen injured with some cuts and covered in blood.

Mirajane was seeing a demon in person, Yuujiro's hair fluttered in the wind and when he looked at her with those strange eyes, she felt goose bumps rise and her blood ran cold, but she was a little sure since that man seemed to know Erza and most likely was a friend of hers so he was not afraid and waited for the man to finish thinking since he could clearly see the man distracted while thinking about something deep.


With the little information he had obtained, Yuujiro had quickly understood, understood the situation he had gotten himself into for doing one of his stupidities.

*sigh* ... 'I knew I was going to regret what I had done, it was crazy what I did ... so, in other words, I was supposed to go to Edolas which is a parallel world to the one I was in. But since I did not want to go to that place, I tried to hit the tunnel wall and luckily or badly I was able to open a second hole through which I entered, so ... I, who should now be in Edolas, ended up opening a hole in the tunnel and I ended up in a second parallel world'

'This reminds me a bit of Flash, if the world I came from was earth-1, and Edolas was earth-2. I made a hole in the tunnel and ended up in some kind of earth-3'

* Sigh * damn, this time I have messed it up big, how am I supposed to go back now ... the only way I can think of is through Anima. But what if afterwards I end up in some other land 4 or 5 ... arrrgggg .... this is getting too complicated ... first let's help the brothers and then I will think more calmly about everything that is happening to me.

After thinking for a few moments, Yuujiro turned his attention to Mirajane who was staring at him.

"Hey can you get up, I can see you're hurt." Yuujiro said trying to help the brothers a bit, Mirajane upon hearing what she said was momentarily surprised until she said. "I'm fine, the one who needs help the most is my brother and maybe you, also look very hurt and you're covered in blood, you were in a fight recently."

"I had not noticed that, thanks for pointing it out, now come, let's look for a house or a hotel to rest, you can rest assured that my intention is to help and not hurt, do not be intimidated by my appearance, since I will go with you." Yuujiro said after seeing himself and realizing that he was covered in blood, then he lifted Elfman's huge body and started to walk with Mirajane by his side looking for a place to rest.

"I wasn't intimidated, you just seemed very suspicious, plus you said you knew Erza so for now I'll count on your help, but if you do something weird to me, I'll tell her to beat you up." Mirajane replied when she started walking slowly following Yuujiro who had put Elfman on his shoulder.

Mirajane was still sad about the loss of Lisanna but she also knew that she could not be crying all the time since she saw how her brother and she also needed help. What saddened him the most was that later his brother was going to wake up and find out about Lisanna's death who had killed her with his bare hands.

Just thinking about it, she clenched her fists tightly and clenched her teeth in rage, she blamed herself for being too arrogant and weak, for not having enough strength to protect her two younger brothers. But after a while she looked back at her brother's face and decided that now she had to protect him since she couldn't lose him like Lisanna.

Clearly what happened to Mirajane was painful and hard to believe. But, those are the consequences of her actions and she already knew it, now her mind was not working very well, she was confused and disoriented as if everything that was happening to her was just a horrible nightmare from which she wanted to wake up as soon as possible.

Slowly her eyesight blurred as she hung her head and gradually lost consciousness, she was very tired and hurt and it didn't take long for her to completely close her eyes and fall forward, but just before she fell to the ground she felt like if someone grabbed her before she fell and the last thing she saw was the man take her with his other hand and place it on his other shoulder like a sack of potatoes and keep walking very calmly.


"Bad time to pass out girl. How do you want me to enter a city full of people? I mean, I'm covered in blood while I carry two bodies on my shoulders that look like corpses, I just got out of one problem and I don't want another, I need to rest and I'm sleepy ... *sigh*"

'Luckily I already know the address of your guild, so I will only fly there, that will do the best since I do not want to have to deal with the explanations that I will have to give to people, and your guild will know what to do with you two'

Yuujiro flew off to where he remembered the Fairy Tail guild, to be to deliver the two brothers who were currently injured.

"Hopefully, maybe they'll give me a good place to rest and clear my brain of what I'm going to do from now on".


Next Chapter 62: Fairy Tail VS Yuujiro