
Fairy tail- Give me space

A guy dies a tragic death and is reincarnated into the fairy tail world. English is not my first language so do excuse the poor grammar

1TOUCH_ME · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 12

We walked around the town enjoying the view and eating food, eventually, it was evening.

"Jin we should head home now!". Lesse said.

"Ok". I replied and followed her.

She led me towards a big gate located at the centre of the Town. The gates opened and a big Mansion came into view.

I was awesome struck but I guess that's what the house belonging to the President of the biggest trade guild in the country would look like.

We entered and an old man in a Butler's uniform came up to us And greeted us.

"Lady Lesselote, Young Master Jin. welcome home".

"We are back Sebas...Jin this is Sebas!". Lesse said.

"The Master has returned and is waiting for you two, the clothes belonging to Young Master Jin have also arrived and I took the liberty of placing them in a room assigned to him". Sebas said.

"Thanks, Sebas, Jin let's go meet Father". Lesse said.

"Lady, may I speak with Young Master Jin in private?". Sebas asked.

"Hmm..ok but don't bully him, he is my little brother". Lesselote said and Sebas who looked like a Stoic man smiled.

Lesselote hopped on humming a tune towards the second floor while Sebas took me to a side.

"So Mr Sebas..what do you want to talk to be about?". Although I asked this I completely expected him to say how I am a dirty rat or I should get out or know my place or something along those lines but his next words and actions shocked me.

"Thank you!, for saving the Master and Young Lady Lesselote!". He said bowing 90 degrees.

I was shocked and simply looked on.

"I was a good-for-nothing man saved by the Madam of this house, I promised her that I would protect Young Lady Lesselote from harm..but when she was in danger I couldn't do anything, if it wasn't for you I would have lost everything I hold dear. So Thankyou verymuch. It might not be much but I will always help you Young Master".

"Are you sure you wanna trust me that much?. I could just be a guy trying to garner Favours from this family".

"If a young man such as you who from my knowledge, bought clothes but not any inner garments for himself is a master manipulator then I guess it is what it is".

"Oh, sh*t I didn't buy the essential things".

"Haha..do not worry, upon hearing your situation and knowing Lady Lesselote I already had a hunch so I bought all essential things for you in advance".

"Wow, that's amazing". I said remembering that Sage didn't warn me about my needs.

"I haven't been a Butler for nothing. I believe you should go to the Master's office or Lady Lesselote will think I am bullying you". Sebas replied.

"Ok". I replied as I went upstairs and into the office.

"Ah Jin you are here, Lesselote told me about the adventure you two had". He said smiling at me.

"I was the one who was in her care". I replied to him.

"Come on let's have dinner". Hugo invited.


At the dining table, I was currently sitting with a lot of food presented before me. Lesse sat in front of me while Hugo sat a few seats next to me.

"Um..Mr Hugo isn't this a bit too much food".

"Hmm..of course, it's all for you. I know how much mages have to eat to keep up their physique and magical power". Hugo said.

"My uncle is a mage and he eats double this in each sitting". Lesselote said.

I wanted to deny them saying that not all mages were the reincarnation of gluttony but I had a feeling I could eat all of this.

To not decline the hospitality I started to eat and within 30 minutes I finished everything and damm was it good..like everything was so flavourful and I had never really had a good meal until now after coming to this world.

After the food I was led to my bedroom and it was as one would expect, big and luxurious.

I eventually lay on my bed and started to think.

'Hey sage, you there'.

[Don't ask dumb questions].

'I was trying to start up a conversation'.

[I know but that doesn't mean the question wasn't dumb].

'Why am I different from the dragon slayers shown in Fairy Tail?'. I asked.

[... Depends on what you consider different about yourself].

'I don't have enhanced Smell or Sences all of my abilities are external influence type and don't follow the normal Slayer type categorisation'.

[It's because you aren't flowing your magic throughout your body] Sage replied.

'What do you mean I flow magic to my body all the time, it's the theory behind reinforcement'.

[That's different, what you do is take a small amount of magic and send it into the part which you wanna strengthen, however, what I am talking about is for you to create a flow of magic throughout your body all the time, this will reinforce your body as well as cells will absorb the Ethernano making your body stronger and changing your body to that of a Slayer].

'So. I was doing reinforcement wrong all this time?'.

[No what you used to do was the first step, the full body flow of magic power is the second step].

I taking in the information started to feel my origin. It was a warm feeling. Then breathing slowly and Sitting in a meditating pose I gradually started to release the magic and make it flow through my body, after 1 hour it stabilised and I felt like I was reborn. My senses awakened and I was able to see, smell and hear better. I also felt physically a lot stronger.

[I will keep your magic flowing through your body all the time, it will make you stronger].

Thank you I said as I was now also a bit tired and laid down to sleep.


Give me power stones and review my work if you like it.