
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · SF
274 Chs

242 Downfall

V.40 Downfall

Few hours after the Attack from Ganesh. Major Organizations are gathering in the temporary defensive line.

But many also noticed that GFA and The Coalitions. The forces they have are fewer compared to the forces of the Merchant Consortium.

Merchant Consortium Grand Elders are trying to connect to the Elders of GFA and the leaders of The Coalitions. But none has managed to talk to any of them.

The only answer they got is that they are still in the meeting.

The original forces who were ordered as reinforcement have already arrived.

But despite that, the bulk of the GFA and The Coalitions forces remains on standby. Waiting for their orders to move out.

Admiral Sheila Jones, are the only one who moved her forces without orders because she knows time is of the essence.

GT, seeing the current situation can no longer remain on the sidelines.

So Oda ordered GT Armed forces the 1st and 2nd Fleet. To mobilize raising the flag of GT. That way other forces would be able to recognize them.

For the 1st and 2nd fleet this is the first time they are fighting under GT officially. Using the most advanced ships from GT they made their way to the defensive line.

Every soldier of the Grand Army is excited, this is what they are training for.

Meanwhile in the temporary defensive line. Adventurers guild, Merchant Consortium, along with other forces are waiting for a battle that will decide the fate of the Galaxy.

Commanders of all major organizations along with the representative of many independent forces, such as the Adventurers guild and mercenary guild along with the leaders of independent human and Alien forces are gathering in the temporary command center.

Admiral Ford thinks he will be relieved of duty as temporary commander of GFA forces, but unfortunately, the forces that were sent as reinforcement don't possess admiral higher than him, as senior Admiral, he remains the highest-ranking officer on GFA forces.

"Admiral what is going on where are the rest of your forces!?" Asked the commander of the Merchant Consortium Army.

"I would like to know as well, but unfortunately I cannot contact any of the Elders." They are in the meeting for hours now.

The commander of Merchant Consortium then looked at the commander of The Coalitions.

"So what is your excuse then!?"

The commander of The Coalitions just shakes his head. "I have been trying to contact any of our leaders but so far all attempts remain unsuccessful."

Something is not right.

The commanders nodded.

If only GFA elders remain silent it can be seen as a coincidence, but even the Coalitions Leaders are also cannot be contacted. That's no longer a coincidence, especially during this time where the Ganesh is about to lunch a massive Attack.

Beep! Beep!.. Admiral Ford looks at his communication device, it seems like there's an emergency call.

When he was about to answer it, one by one the commanders receives emergency calls.

They all look at each other, they all have a bad feeling about it.

"Report" answered Admiral Ford.

"Sir GT, have sent a huge Force!!"

"Eh, what!? Did you say GT?"

"Yes sir!"

"Show me!"

A holographic screen appeared in front of him. There he saw two massive black ships followed by many other black ships. And GT logo was etched on the front and on the side of the Ships.

He then looks at the commanders in front of him.

They all have a look of shock and happiness on their faces. It looks like they all received the same report.

"They all look at each other, looks like GT can no longer remain neutral." Said the commander of The Coalitions with a wide smile on his face.

"Let's welcome them then." Said Admiral Ford with a grin.

Everyone nodded.

A few minutes later, three individuals appeared.

"Commander's, Admiral. Allow me to introduce ourselves, my name is Sora, commander of GT 1st fleet, and this is my Sister Haruka, commander of the 2nd Fleet, and this is Marielle advisor and strategist of GT, Armed Forces."

Everyone was surprised by what they are seeing, as all three of them are looking very young.

But none of them mention it, with GT's vast resources they would not send an incompetent commander.

"Welcome," it was Admiral Ford who first reacted. He has some connections to GT. He knows that the people managing GT are all very young, even Dianna cant be more than 40 years old. And even the so-called owner of GT's. Arc is only about 20+ years old.

"Thank you, Admiral Ford. we're glad to be here." Said Marielle.

For none system personnel to received a very high position in the Grand Army, that alone speaks for her capabilities.

During the meeting, Sora and Haruka, remain passive, all strategies and planning were all left to Marielle.

After an hour of meeting, the commanders and Admiral Ford were stunned by Marielle her judgment, and the strategies she proposed are all flawless.

They couldn't find fault in any of it.

"As Expected of GT strategist, she's a genius, no GFA have many that can be considered as a genius but non can even come close to her capabilities, she's a prodigy. Where the hell did GT find all this talent?." Admiral Ford said in his mind.

By the end of the meeting, they all acknowledge Marielle as the temporary overall commander of all the forces in the defensive line.

After returning to their respective ships, there's nothing else to do than wait for their enemy to attack.

(In the Ganesh command center.)

Karou is looking at the surveillance footage of GT's 1st and 2nd Fleet.

So GT can no longer standby, in a way he was expecting it. He knew sooner or later GT would join the war. Unfortunately, he has no idea what is the capability of GT ships.

In fact, the moment GT sent the 1st and 2nd fleet his spies already informed him about it.

Grand Army has a total of 5 fleets under them, each one is being commanded by system personnel. In fact, Oda doesn't plan on sending Marielle, but as soon as Marielle found out about the 1st and 2nd fleet being sent to reinforce the forces fighting the Ganesh, she volunteered and insisted to be sent there.

Oda seeing that there's no harm in it, so he agreed and so he appointed her as the overall commander of the Fleets.

Sora and Haruka have no problem with it both of them knew how capable Marielle is.

Karou smiles, "well then let's find out how capable they are…"