
236 War

V.34 War

War was probably one of the ugliest words in the human dictionary for there's no pretty way to describe it.

And the war with Ganesh is exactly that (ugly), the war involves many things contrary to what many believe the war with Ganesh wasn't just being fought in space, many planets around the Red line are constantly being subjected to war. After all the Ganesh is not just a single force. Many races who were once subjugated by Ganesh have been reconditioned into fighting for Ganesh, using Ganesh technology and weaponry.

And those forces are constantly waging war against the GFA and other free forces.

On planet C-dar one of the planets near the Red Line. The once beautiful city has been reduced to nothing but rubble and dust, the former inhabitants of the planets have long been relocated to a different planet.

The war on Ganesh on the ground level and this planet is the front line, countless lives are being lost here on a daily basis.

Sky, one of the captains of the mercenary squad sent by Oda, He looks around the once beautiful, now nothing but broken rocks and steel, a cold wind can now be felt because its near winter, this kind of weather would be unbearable to normal people, but for an enhanced human like him its nothing, in fact, he likes the cold especially with snow covering everything it's almost beautiful.

The whole city used to be protected by a powerful shield that protects its inhabitants from the harsh elements, but now all of that is gone, and all that remains is ruins and smoke and dried blood.

This outpost is just one of the many footholds the alliance was protecting, to protect the important supply bases on the planet.

Sky has been on this planet for quite some time after graduating from training and completed several missions. He thought he was already a good soldier, in fact, he always considered himself one of the best until he got here.

In here he learned what it means to be a true warrior when they got here there where hundreds of them now there's barely a dozen of them left, some died fellow soldiers like him who were on a disguise as a mercenary, some of them who he bonded well have died some are injured and have to be shipped back. They are the lucky ones able to escape this hell, and then there was them. The last few remaining who are still honing themselves up.

As a captain of the group, he felt responsible for everyone he lost, some of them died because he made the wrong decisions, some because he was too hot-headed and he felt like he had to prove himself. But despite all that none of his men blames him.

The only one who blames him is himself. In Fact, he already fulfilled his objectives here and can go back anytime but he chose to remain because he felt like he wasn't ready yet and that there's still so much to learn here. Of course, he didn't make that decision alone. His men agree with him.

He looks around at the dancing snow, the smoke that never seems to disappear no matter how much the wind blows, and most importantly the smell. The smell of melted steel, and burnt blood.

They are under commission to protect this broken place. Against the race under Ganesh.

His group along with several other mercenary groups have taken a commission to protect this place.

When he first arrived here a few months ago there are still intact buildings left. Now, none of that remains.

And because of smokes one can barely see with their naked eyes, so using enhanced goggles is a standard equipment here, otherwise, you would be fighting blind.

Suddenly a man came up to him.

"What are you thinking about captain?"

He didn't look back, "what we lost, and what we have to gain still" he looked up seemingly looking at those stars hidden by thick fog.

"I'm thinking, did I make the right decision by staying here?"

The man walked up and stopped beside him. "We all made those decisions captain. It may sound hypocritical but we need this battlefield, we really do if we want to be the best of what we can do"

Sky didn't answer he knew he was right, if they want to survive in the future, then this battlefield is crucial in building those foundations. To be the best soldiers they can be then this battlefield is the best proving ground for them. After all the moment they agreed to become part of the Grand Army they already cast aside the probability of living a normal life.

They all know that this war with Ganesh in this galaxy was just a start soon they will be fighting soldiers from the other Galaxy or even the main universe, so in order for them to survive in the future war, they must build a solid foundation. And this is the perfect place to build those foundations.

Suddenly another man can be seen running to them. He was quite young probably around in his early 20's.

"Captain there's been a movement in the east, captain Kirlo has called for a captain's meeting."

Sky nodded at the youngest member of his group. This young man volunteered to be sent here as soon as he graduated from training. Normally fresh graduates would never be sent here, but this young man insisted to be sent here.

At first, he was half the mind to send him back, but after a while, this young man has proven himself to be quite capable. And now he was their group top Marksman.

The kid is an absolute beast when he is in battle mode with a GT sniper rifle at hand he never once misses his target.

Of course, the sniper rifle he is using is not the standard GT sniper rifle but one that is prepared for the Grand Army, it's a rank higher than commercially available. Of course to avoid suspicions the rifles look exactly like those available in the market.

The kid has made a name for himself on this godforsaken battlefield, using his sniper rifle he has saved many lives not just those part of his group but even more so those from other groups.

When Sky reaches the so-called command center, even though it's nothing more than a broken house that's been covered by a tarp with a table on the center with a map of the area on top of it. All the captains were already present when he got there.

"Good your here let's start." Sky nodded.

Kirlo pointed at the map, "our scouts have seen (Kampon) here and here, apparently they are determined to take over this place."

Sky, nodded. Apparently (Kampon) is what they call those races under Ganesh, according to them it's a local word for Minions.

Sky pointed at the map. "This place would be the front for this attack so it needs to be heavily defended." Everyone nodded; it means that would be the most dangerous place for this attack.

"So who would be responsible for this place?" Ask Sky.

The last time it was Sky group who took the front, this time it will be mine, said the burly captain.

There was an agreement that for every defense one team would take the most dangerous position, and to prevent any disagreement they would rotate on who would take those dangerous roles.

Actually, Sky and his team don't mind being on the front line as it's a good training for them, but since this rule has been in effect long before he and his team arrive here, he won't be the suicidal Hero who would break those rules.

Everyone nodded. And because Sky team took the dangerous role last time, they get to relax on this one in other words they will be on standby as a backup.

Sky didn't argue with it, since he is used to it already and besides a little rest won't hurt.

On the other side of the city, the Kampon are the collections of races who have been brainwashed by Ganesh scientist are getting ready to once again try to take over the city,

The planet is in the middle of the Red line, another half of it is under control of Ganesh while the other half is under control of the Alliance and being used as a supply base.

And so the planet who once one of the most prosperous planets on Bright Galaxy has been reduced into a battlefield, this planet along with other few planets are now the perfect staging ground for a ground-level battlefield.

These few planets are very important because they are very close to the front line. And perfect to be used as a supply base because with this the Alliance will be able to quickly supply any forces within the Frontline. And therefore those planets are highly contested, since the closest planet besides those in the middle of the red line is hundreds of light-years away, and so it is unsuitable for being a supply base for the front line, where the slightest delay could mean life and death.
