
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · SF
274 Chs


"Boss… we found a city!"

Arc who has been lying on his bed he just finishes taking a bath he does it every day after he is done with his daily workouts, and as soon as he heard Arielle's voice he got up and went directly to command center.

As soon as Arc entered the command center he saw footage of a city. the city is a combination of both old and new. The buildings are old like the medieval style but the people are completely different cyborg and robots walk the streets flying vehicle and high-tech equipment are all over the city and most importantly humans. That's right they saw humans, regular humans, not like Graff who is a giant...

"Where was this located?" Ask Arc.

"Two thousand miles to the north at sector b6..." Said, Arielle

In order to systematically explored the planet, they divided it into sectors. It's an old but effective way of exploring and map making.

"B6?... But that's..."

"We know empty." Said Arielle.

When the specter entered the planet it automatically scanned the planet surface. Even before Arc can stop it because Arc was afraid of what kind of beings living on the planet. And scanning the planet is like telling the other party where here come to attack us.

So Arc stops Specter before it can finish the scan. And the few places it was able to scan were sector B6 and according to Specter, the area is nothing more than mountainous area.


"That's right shield camouflage it protected itself from Specter scan. The reason we manage to find it is because of Gideon. They felt something over the area when they are close to it during their recon mission. We celeste are sensitive to magic or energy similar to it. Gideon said they felt strong magic or mana on that area and because they didn't know what to expect they sent drones to check it and this is what they found."

Arc continues to observe the city and to him, it looks like one of the city on one of the VR games he use to play. The more he observes the more he likes it. "Continue to send drones. Eve sends one of your droids and disguise it like those droids in that City."

"Yes, Boss."

"Boss send us." Said Jem. Who already recovered from her previous wounds.

"No, not yet not until we know more..." Said Arc.

Jem nodded.

"Call back Gideon and the rest of the scouting party. In exchange release the scouting flies... And make sure they cover every ground of this planet."

Scouting flies just like its name its ultra-small drones smaller than the actual fly. The scouting flies can't do anything else besides scouting. And Arc has billions of it stored in Specter... It was actually one of the features of the original Specter, Arc just improved and modified it the original scouting fly is the size of a baby fist it's not big but not small either Arc saw potential on it, so he modified it and when he upgraded Specter all its features was also upgraded the scouting flies is one of them. Originally arc wanted to attach small explosives to the scouting flies but eventually give up on it. One i reduces the speed of the scouting flies and second it reduces its range. Unless he makes it bigger.. And eventually, Arc decided to give up on putting explosives on it. Not until he finds solutions to the two problems.

Billions of scouting fly were released from Specter luckily they are on the thickest haze part of haze jungle as releasing billions of flies it attracts attention as it covered a wide range of area if it was released in the city the whole city would turn into night. The scouting flies immediately dispersed and in just a few minutes the area around Specter is devoid of scout flies.. Despite the small size of Scout flies it was very fast it can even reach Mach 1 if needed be but it can only maintain that speed for a few seconds before it entered hibernation to charge power.

Specter and Eve were jointly monitoring all the scout flies because of the number its impossible for anyone besides powerful AI to monitor all scout flies.

Eve also follows Arc orders and sent ten transformed droids into the city.. Unfortunately, there's almost no information about the cities of this world in the Graff data terminal. 99.9 percent of it was about his experiment and the rest are useless data at least it is useless to Arc.

3 days have pass and the scout flies have already scanned 1/10th of the planet and Arc and the rest have managed to get a lot of intel the manage to discover over 10 cites and many small-town and 1 super city…

Eve was also able to gather a good amount of intel using the droids.. Apparently, the name of the first city they found is Trade City Groma... It's a relatively midium size city under the Traders Associations.. All materials and trade goods that came from Haze jungle and the surrounding area need to pass through Groma to go to other cites and Groma is taxing anyone who passes through..

It's also a relatively peaceful city probably because of the remote location and the nearest kingdom is over 10,000 miles away that one of the reason no kingdom tried to invade it. And probably because the city is full of a warrior after all Groma is close to one of the forbidden areas on the planet the beast forest. It's a never-ending forest west of haze Jungle the two are actually connected and only a small narrow river is dividing its border but despite so the two areas are so different.

Haze jungle is considered a peace full area and there's almost no wild beast in it only herbivores and grazing beast but the Beast forest is different because of the strong mana in the area beast forest has become the home of the most powerful and territorial beast in the planet there are even rumors of pure blooded Dragons living in it.

Dragons are a product of Elementals and Primordial Space beast making Dragons one of the most feared creatures in the ancient world even gods fear it. But it was also said the gods using their many powerful weapons hunted down all primordial dragons except for one the king of dragons who they lock up because they are unable to kill it. All this information comes from Adam...

So when Arc heard there's Dragon on Beast Forest he was shocked. Because according to Adam the Dragons hated Adam and his kin. Mainly because they are the ones who hunted the dragons.. And it was Adam who locks up the king of Dragon with the help of the gods.

So if there's really a dragon here Arc must be very careful as he carries the blood of Adam the sworn enemies of dragons..

Shit lets hope what I'm looking for is not in there because there's no way I can fight a Dragon that even gods feared.

Finally after a few days of scouting and monitoring and careful deliberation Arc decided to visit Groma with Ruby and the rest..