
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · SF
274 Chs

143 First Encounter II

"Ganesh? What are they doing here?"

"We don't know Boss, one of the patrol drones encounters them and with their trajectory, they are heading straight in our direction. So the mother drones have no choice but to engage them." Said Eve.

Arc looks at the Ships of Ganesh it is nothing like looking at the pictures they are very big the smallest is almost the size of the Island and the biggest is several hundred kilometers long.

"That's quite a huge armada, I'm pretty sure they are not here for me, so where are they going?" Ask Arc curiously.

"I calculated their possible destination base on the trajectory they are going." Said Eve, she then displayed several possible destinations.

"Only one of them is a human settlement. This one" Eve enlarge the Area.


"That's right Liberty," said, Eve.

"But that's impossible in order to go there they will have to pass several danger zones if they want to bypass the Human forces protecting it, and it wasn't just human forces many Alien races are protecting Liberty." Said Arc frowning.

"Surely they're not planning on waging war with many races!" Arc continues.

"This is only speculation," said, Eve.

"I know, but a possibility is there, and I can't allow that at least not yet. Liberty is very important for us at this stage." Said Arc.

Arc shakes his head "WTF. I'm getting a headache thinking about this. And we can't inform the GFA about this as we can't explain our presence here, what's more, we're in a situation where we can't move yet." Said Arc.

"Eve, send all our forces here including all unmanned Mecha and Ship I'm heading out! And order the mother drones to divert all power in producing combat drones for now." Arc ordered.

Yes Boss, but why are you joining the fight Boss? Ask Eve.

"Because it's a good opportunity for me to improve my skills. And besides, if it becomes dangerous I can always retreat."

"Relay my order, I'm going out."

"Yes, Boss."

Arc summon his personal Mecha, he has been designing a mecha for quite some time and 3 months ago he finally has it build, and just 2 days ago he asks the Builder droid to upgrade it.

A Jet Black Hulk-like Mecha appeared before him.

(imagine Gantz Hard suits with Iron man like flight capability and at the size of Mecha)

The tentacles like hair that can fire powerful laser and huge arms perfect for swinging huge sword and shield and flight booster integrated into many parts of its body making it very nimble and fast. It's a Rank-9 mech and with its upgrade, it's on par with any 1-Star mecha.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to mass-produce with their current list of materials so Arc uses the Energy Unit to build it and many of its upgrade components and equipment.

Arc merge with it, that's right merged it doesn't have a cockpit but instead, it functions as extended armor or suits when Arc opens his eyes The Mecha also open its eyes that are like a glowing Darkness. It's not the first time he tried the suit, so he was very familiar with it. He names it Diablo as it is very menacing to look at.

With a thought, he teleported near the battlefront. Diablo is equipped with short-range teleportation. And with the coordinates transmitted by Eve, he easily blinks there.

The fight entered a stalemate, as even with the huge firepower of the Ganesh Ship, they can't push forward because of the number of drones blocking their way. Over 3 million combat drones are engaged in combat and even though the drone's firepower can't penetrate the Ganesh huge ship shield, but with the number of Drones attacking it is a matter of time before its shield is depleted.

But what surprising is that despite the disadvantage the Ganesh is not backing out but instead they are attacking more aggressively.

Arc didn't watch for long the moment the first batch of unmanned Mecha arrived he joined the fight, five huge mecha at least 2-3 times bigger than Diablo blocks his path.

"Looks like the enemy figured it out I'm the Boss." Said Arc smiling.

"Boss, that's not exactly hard to guess," said Eve.

"Haha, I'm just making a speech here, to remove some nervousness it's my first real battle after all." Said Arc. He was indeed a little nervous even though he has been to many battles in the virtual world it's different in real life as a possibility of real death is there unlike in a virtual world where he can be fearless as he knows he won't really die.

He instantly engages the enemies his giant black sword it is almost as tall as Diablo he was swinging it in front of his enemies, and even though it looks encumbered the way he swings his sword it is still very fast, and the edge of the sword glinted red as it was laser edge, his opponent is surprised by how fast the sword was swing, but it was too late to dodge so using its four arms it tried to block the Arc sword slash.

But alas they underestimate the sharpness and the strength of the sword, and before he can react he was cut in two. The other four Ganesh Mech was stunned and immediately back away, but before they can get away the tentacles like the hair of Diablo suddenly fired a laser beam and the four were cut into pieces.

Diablo wasn't just controlled by Arc alone many of its weapon is under Eve's control like those hair tentacles. The greatest feature of Diablo is the synchronization of Eve and Arc. Arc only needs to think and Eve will know what to do without any lag making the battles very smooth.

Arc didn't linger the dash forward he was like a god of death everywhere he goes his enemies are falling one after another. Soon he becomes the target of the enemy's battleship's main canon but every time he found himself at a disadvantage he blinks somewhere else in the battlefield leaving his enemies helpless.

He didn't know how many enemies he defeated he entered a sort of trance-like state where all his reflex and decision-making improves a lot as they say the fastest way to grow is in battle.

The battle lasted for hours and before Arc knows it the battle is over he looks around and saw the remains of Ganesh Mech and warships as well as a countless number of destroyed combat drones and unmanned Mecha and ships. He too didn't leave unscratched. Countless damage can be seen in Diablo's body the most fatal damage is in the right Arm when the main canon fires grazed his right hand destroying his giant sword and almost destroying Diablo's right arm. But other than that he was relatively unharmed.

Whew! He was soaked in sweat, but he has a huge smile on his face,

"Eve status report!"

Boss, over 2 million combat droids are destroyed another 1 million heavily damage 59% of unmanned Mecha and Ships are destroyed and about 20% heavily damages, in return the enemies lost over 80 battleships and over 100k mecha and combat ships the rest was able to flee when over 50% of their power is destroyed, said Eve.

"Haha, then it's a good result for us, for as long as we can recover the debris we can recycle them back into new ones. Begin the gathering processed I want to know the real reason for humanity's war on Ganesh." Said Arc.

It's a good experience for him this battle is very beneficial for him, but he was mentally and physically exhausted. So he immediately went back to the specter and went straight into his chambers to rest he left Diablo to Eve and the Builder Droids.

sorry for the delay.. just so tired this past few days or maybe weeks, but ill be sure to release chapter every now and then ?.. as I can't promise a daily chap with the work I'm going through this day.. but don't worry about it being drop as I don't plan to do so. so please stick with me.. ? enjoy the chapter..

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