
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · SF
274 Chs

001 Beginning

01 Beginning

A young man can be seen walking in a busy street with a tired look on his face, and all around him countless people can be seen, some are celebrating, some are dating, and some are just having fun and too drunk to even stand up with their buddies laughing around them.

Neon lights and 3D holograms can also be seen everywhere on top of many shops inviting and enticing people walking in front of their shops, sexy girls with revealing outfits are standing in front teasing and soliciting customers. Looking around, he can see young men walking and laughing as they talk to those sexy girls on the sidewalk. There was a time he was once like them living a carefree life and his only problem was if he has enough money to spend around.

Radial City is one of the busiest cities in the world, but it was during nighttime the city really comes to life. Colorful lights and holograms are literally can be seen on every roof in the center of Radial City. Many tourists and locals roam the busy streets, especially the red light area, where many rich people hung out every night.

But the young man continues to walk without any care for what's going on around him, he was in his own world. With earphones on his ears listening to his favorite music, he continues to walk with a single goal on his mind, HOME.

His name is Arc D. Grand, he was once considered a genius during his younger years, but because he hung out with the wrong people, he has been led astray. Drugs and parties used to be his daily life.

Because of that, he barely graduated from high school, and even his grades were below average. But back then, He didn't really care no matter what his parents or his teachers said, he just ignored them all.

As long as he was enjoying himself, nothing else mattered to him, until a tragedy struck.

His parents were caught in a massive accident, though his parents survived they were in a coma, and the doctor said they might not wake up again.

That's when reality hit him, and it hit him hard without his parents. His family no longer had an income, and as the eldest of the three siblings, his two younger sisters who are still in high school were now depending on him to survive.

And without his parents, there will be no one to support them; their parent's pension can barely cover the hospital bills.

That event changed his life, and he went from an arrogant and misled youngster to an adult almost overnight.

Two years have passed. Since his parents had an accident, his relatives have all abandoned them. His sister Anne will be graduating from high school this year, and his youngest sister will graduate two years later.

As for himself, he was doing two to three jobs at the same time just to support his sisters and his parents, who were still in a coma. He matured a lot since that fateful day, not only in thinking but in his appearance as well.

He regrets a lot of the things he did but also knows that he can only move forward now, for there's no use thinking about the past.

"Damn that son of a bitch! He keeps making me do overtime, but never pays me for it". He cursed in his mind.

Arc knows that the owner of the factory is taking advantage of him, but there's nothing he can do about it as he needed the job, plain and simple.

He just couldn't afford to lose it, and his boss knows it too. So no matter how angry he was, he can only swallow it all.

"Fuck! I'm so tired, I only slept for about four hours in the last two days, working three jobs at a time is taking a toll on my body". Arc mumbled as he stretch his arms and legs.

He worked in construction in the morning for about four hours, then went to the market to carry products for the shop there, and lastly, he worked in the factory till late at night. That's how his life had been for the last two years. His only consolation is that in these past two years, he has gotten very close to his two younger sister sisters.

"I'm home!" Arc said as he enters the house.

"Big bro, welcome home, how's your day going?" Ask Anne with a smile on her face.

"Oh, well, you know same old, same old. That Jackass is still making me do overtime without paying me" replied Arc with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"You know, you should really look for a new job, that factory is killing you," said Anne with a concerned look on her face.

"Taking a deep breath he sighs, I know, but what can I do? It's not easy to look for a job that accepts a dropout like me, and besides, I can still take it." Arc said with a beaming but tired smile on his face.

Looking at his sister that is full of worry and concern, he thought all the pain and sacrifice were worth it.

"Why do you look like that? I'm fine, so study hard and don't be like I was in the past. Don't worry about anything else. Where is Amy?" says Arc, changing the topic.

"She's upstairs doing homework."

"Call her, I bought dinner, let's eat together," said Arc smiling

"Ok, I'll call her," Anne replied, She still wanted to say more but decide not to. How can she not tell how tired is big brother was, she just made a mental note that she needs to keep studying hard so that all the sacrifices his brother did would not go to waste.

The dinner is not much, but no one complains about it. In fact, it is a fun dinner as the family jokes about many things and never goes on any depressing topics.

It was only at this time that Arc forgets all the burden he was carrying. After dinner, he went upstairs to rest, as he still needed to wake up early.

He only has about six hours before he goes to work, meaning he only has about four hours to sleep. He travels on foot to save money from transportation, and he keeps telling himself that he's doing exercise.

Arc lay on his old beaten bed, but for some reason, he can't fall asleep.

"F@#k! So tired, I need to sleep." He mumbles.

He kept rolling and changing positions in order to fall asleep, but to no avail.

"The f@#k is going on!" Arc cursed feeling annoyed.

Usually, the moment his back touches his bed, he's knocked out. But today he can't seem to fall asleep. He opened his cell phone Andro35. It's an old model, and it was a gift from his parents before the accident.

Many times he wanted to sell it, but changed his mind every time.

"Sigh, I wonder what's the hottest game right now?" Arc said to himself.

"It's been a long time since I played a mobile game."

The year is 2556, more than 500 years since the so-called World War Ⅲ happened. According to historians, it was the most brutal and economically devastating war, no country was spared, as more than three billion people died.

Historians call it The Apocalyptic War.

No one knows exactly how or who started the war, as all records about it are either destroyed or kept hidden from the public. But everyone knows how it ended, as more than a thousand super nukes were used, and it changed the world forever.

After the war ended, countless more died because of radiation, and most animals have been changed or mutated; those mutated animals are now simply called Beasts. Many scientists have studied how the Beast to being. Many argued that mere radiation is not enough to produce a creature known as Beast. But as many records of the war have been lost, no one knows what kind of biological weapons are used to mutate animals into Beast, and why it only affects animals and not humans. After all, humans are also part of the animal kingdom. Although many would say otherwise.

Over the years, the Beast are called by many names a lot of people called them demons or mutants, but over time they were universally called (Beasts).

Beasts are divided into two categories: the mindless and the intelligent.

Intelligent beasts are mainly called Beast Lords, and Beast Lords are not your typical mutated animals, as they are very intelligent, some even surpass a human genius.

The Beast Lords built a vast Kingdom in the center of the Deadland. It was a land that has very high concentrations of radiation that are very fatal to humans. Ordinary humans will die within seconds in the center of the Deadland without proper equipment.

A long time ago that place was called "Hell", but 500 years have passed since the war and humans have come a long way since then. Humans who were once powerless against the Beast have managed to take back their dignity.

And the second type of Beast is called Brutal Beasts, and they are mindless and only know how to follow their instincts. The Brutal Beasts are very territorial, and every time someone crosses or trespasses in one's territory, it attacks every time, Brutal Beast may not have the intelligence of the Beast Lord but their strength and Brutality are second to none. But because of their low intelligence, their action is predictable as long as you stay away from its territory it will not attack. There are countless guides on how to look or spot Brutal Beast territory are posted online and anyone can look for them.

As for Beast Lord, there's no predicting them as they have the same intelligence as humans, they can lay ambush and trap to lure their prey. They use weapons and tools like humans. Many can even talk or control Brutal Beast, nobody really knows how the mind of Beast Lord functions, many studies are directed at them but as far as they can tell the brain of Beast Lord is no different from a Brutal Beast.

Editor: King of mortal

Discord: GraveDagger#6135, #factory-worker

Editor: King of Mortal

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