
64. Undercover tower

A click sound snapped and the lock on her hand unlocked. She unrolled the chain off of her hand and freed her hands. She stood on her feet, the chain and the lock fell from her laps. She took the piece that worked as a key and tiptoed out of the room.

Cressida came out of the room and looked to her right and left. She only has a day to save them. She needs to free the old man and the girl before sunrise. It could be possible that Lycaon might have only threatening him. She hasn't seen him kill anyone. She didn't know whether he would actually kill him or not. If he does, it would be his loss too for the antidote. Any person with a sensible mind wouldn't just kill anyone with their own loss. During her way to the tower, her mind was running on the possible actions he could take. As much she contemplated, the girl was save for now. As long as she's alive, she's safe. But that is not the place for her to live. She has to take her out too.