
F*ck Humans Are A Bunch Of Psychos!

What the hell?! At first, we were wiping the floor with those four-limbed mammalians! But what is this situation?! What the hell is the human fleet doing in our capital solar system?! The emperor thought as he watched the live video feed of a human battleship ram his empires fleets cruiser after the battleship's canons melted down from firing nonstop from the start of the battle. Only to hear his anxious ministers report. What?! The humans are orbital dropping their ground forces and beginning orbital bombardment during a fleet battle?! What the f*ck are they nuts?!? P.S. This book is inspired by The Strongest Interstellar Commander its a great book I suggest reading it.

50 Chs


As the psionic sword-wielding humanoids charged at me, I together with my death angels moved with incredible speed and precision, our bodies enhanced by the psionic energy coursing through us.

The world seemed to slow down around us even more as we engaged in combat with the attackers.

With each swing of our swords, we cut down multiple opponents at once, the energy from our strikes sending shockwaves that knocked back those who dared to come close and leaving deep gashes in the ground.

The air crackled with the power of our clashes, and the ground beneath us trembled.

I moved with the grace of a predator, my combat instincts honed to perfection over years of battle. The attackers were formidable, but they were no match for my psionic abilities, advanced technology, and combat experience.

Still, they had the number advantage, Death Angel 07 decapitated a humanoid with four arms only for six swords to skewer him from all sides, yet 07 didn't show any reaction at all he just used his level 4 psionic power to crush those incests that dared to injure him into balls of flesh.

As they died their swords blades dematerialized making the grips that lost their power source fall to the ground.

The nanites inside his body repaired his burned wounds in seconds to the shock of the aliens.

As the battle continued, Dracula's Death Angels fought with unwavering resolve and skill, despite the attackers' numerical advantage, Dracula's elite soldiers proved to be a force to be reckoned with.

With each swing of their swords and each blast of their psionic energy, the attackers were cut down one by one, the ground around them was a chaotic battlefield, strewn with the fallen bodies of the psionic swordsmen.

While Genesis, true to her word, had blocked off the area, ensuring that none of the attackers could escape.

But the most scariest existence on the battlefield was Dracula himself if not for the samurai holding him back all the attackers would have been corpses at this point.

The samurai clad in blood-red power armor with black and white stripes stood before Dracula, its psionic katana held in a battle-ready stance. The air crackled with tension as the two formidable beings faced each other, both aware of the danger they posed to each other.

The samurai's glowing red eyes locked onto Dracula's, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. They were both warriors of immense power, and they knew that this battle would be unlike any they had fought before.

Without a word, the samurai lunged forward, their psionic katana slashing through the air with blinding speed. Dracula reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging the strike with a step back, his black lightning flickering around him as he moved.

The samurai's attack was relentless, its strikes coming one after another, each one aimed with deadly precision. Dracula parried each blow with his greatsword, the clash of energy ringing through the air.

Their battle was a dance of death, each move a calculated and lethal strike. The samurai's power was formidable, and it matched Dracula blow for blow, their psionic katana slicing through the air with incredible speed and force.

Dracula's black lightning crackled around him, enhancing his already formidable physical abilities. He moved with a grace and precision that matched the samurai's, his greatsword a deadly extension of his will.

As they fought, it became clear that the samurai was not just a skilled warrior but also a powerful psionic. It used its abilities to augment its strikes, making each blow more potent and unpredictable.

Dracula knew that he had to be cautious. This battle was not just about defeating an opponent; it was about survival. The samurai's power was unlike anything he had encountered before, and he could not afford to make a single mistake.

With a burst of speed, the samurai launched a flurry of strikes, its psionic katana a blur of motion. Dracula barely managed to keep up, his greatsword deflecting the blows with precision and skill.

But even with his skill and power, the samurai was relentless, and their attacks were unyielding. Dracula knew that he had to end this battle quickly, or he would be overwhelmed.

With a surge of psionic energy, Dracula unleashed a devastating attack. His greatsword glowed with black lightning as he swung it with all his might. The force of the strike was immense, and it caught the samurai off guard.

But at the most critical moment the samurai's psionic energy changed from bloodred it became pitch black just like Draculas.

As Dracula's sword connected with the samurai katana it shattered, seeing this the samurai used the opportunity and sent out a massive surge of black bolts of lightning from its palm at Dracula that sent him flying dozen of meters away.




I grunted as I stood up with my AI chip sending countless warning notifications into my HUD view that I completely ignored as I tore off the critically damaged parts of my power armor revealing my burned skin, muscles, and the robotic skeleton that was being rapidly repaired by my nanites.

"Alright, enough playing around..."

I muttered as black angel wings materialized from my back while a pitch black scythe materialized in my right hand while the half of my face with burned skin and muscle showing my mechanical skull got covered in a new skin.


The samurai stood there, its once blood-red power armor now pitch black, a reflection of the dark psionic energy that surged through it. It wielded its psionic katana with deadly precision, ready to face Dracula once more.

With a flap of his black wings, Dracula shot toward the samurai-like a bolt of lightning. The two powerful beings clashed once again, their strikes resonating with power that shook the ground beneath them.

The samurai's black psionic energy met Dracula's black lightning, creating a dazzling display of dark power. Each swing of their weapons sent shockwaves that tore through the air, threatening to shatter everything around them.

The battle between them intensified, each trying to gain the upper hand. Dracula's scythe sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, but the samurai's movements were swift and graceful, evading his attacks with ease.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that the samurai was more than just a skilled warrior; it was a master of psionic energy. Its power seemed limitless, and it used it to create devastating attacks that tested Dracula's defenses.

But Dracula was no stranger to battle, with each blow he parried, each strike he dodged, he learned more about his opponent's fighting style and psionic abilities.

With a surge of determination, Dracula unleashed a powerful psionic blast from his scythe, aiming it directly at the samurai. The blast collided with the samurai's own psionic energy, creating a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield.

For a moment, it seemed like the two powerful beings were evenly matched, their energies pushing against each other in a fierce struggle.

But then, with a burst of power, Dracula's attack broke through the samurai's defenses, engulfing them in a torrent of black energy.

The samurai staggered back, its power armor cracking and splintering under the force of the attack. Dracula pressed on, his black wings propelling him forward with incredible speed.



Just before I chopped the f*ckers head off through the cracks in the samurai's fully-enclosed helmet I caught a glimpse of her face, instantly Aurora's face overlapped with the samurais as it did.

I forcefully stopped my attack as I flapped my wings backward causing a tremendous gust of wind to hit the samurai that quickly got caught by my pitch-black tentacles extending from my enlarged shadow that reached the samurai.

Without waisting a minute I ran to the samurai and tore off the front of her helmet, as I lay my eyes upon the face that was almost identical to Auroras but also had my features I froze in place as I started stammering like a fool.

"D... daughter?!'

I muttered out only to feel a psionic katana pierce one of my hearts, instantly anger surged in me as It did I unceremoniously punched my daughter in the face weakly enough so that I wouldn't obliterate her head but strongly enough that she would black out.

As the samurai blacked out a tentacle from my shadow delivered me a pack of cigarettes from my fourth dimension space, I greedily stuffed one into my mouth and lit it up with my psionic power.

What the f*ck? I have another daughter?! And she f*cking tried to kill me!

I couldn't help but curse inside my mind while greedily smoking my cigarette as my Death Angels who were in no better condition than me finished off the remaining psychics.

Only for pissed-off Genesis to speak up.

"What the f*ck Drac you never said you had another daughter!"

The obviously jealous Genesis said as she stomped her feet in anger after taking one good look at the samurai's face and immediately concluding that I was the father.

I only looked at her with a face that said I didn't know either while continuing to smoke my cigarette.

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