
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

The New life

(3rd person POV)

(Swiz)"Good morning!"

(Stranger1)"Morning Vorruck, going out again with Swiz to get some firewood?"

(Vorruck)"You know it!"

Walking down the trail he was with Swiz, thinking about how things changed. It was already a month since the day he was separate from the others back in the abandoned village, during his time here he fully dedicated himself to trying to communicate with Swiz. At first he was quite worried about what would happen, would he be alright separated from them but after so long he couldn't care anymore.

(Swiz)"That looks good"

(Vorruck)"Yea, I'll carry it for you"

Grabbing some twigs and branches he carried them for her, and he never missed an opportunity to speak with her. It was a simple crush, but it washed away all the worries in the world. The two of them spent their time collecting wood going back and forth to the house to drop it off, spending the whole day doing it.

Later that night during dinner like usual, Ben told something to Swiz seriously but Verruck couldn't follow them well at all. So he waited for one of them to slowly explain to him, using what few words he knew from daily life and hand gestures.

(Ben)"We travel, far important."

Nodding in understanding he gestured if he could come with, confused at first they looked at each other until Ben nodded it was okay. He didn't want to really stay in the village all that much since he barely knew anyone, and most importantly he wanted to stick with Swiz.

The next day in the early morning they set off for their goal, walking in a new direction instead of the same path he used to get here. They were a group of 5 in total. Two young guys decided to come along with them since they had a similar destination.

They walked all day, exhausted and tired of moving at a fast pace with them. Vorruck was confused as to where they were going. It was a darker forest, with fewer amounts of sunlight piercing the thicker forest. It had a darkness like fog in the air but it didn't really seem to bother Swiz and Ben unlike the other two guys and Vorruck.

After reaching a new village deep in, they spent the night there until the next morning came and they continued to walk a new path. The two guys stayed at the village and let them spend the night at their place. The forest and dark fog grew far more intense after they left the village and it became harder to see anything at a distance.

But after walking again all day, when dusk was coming around Ben said something and got Swiz excited. Together they picked up their pace and hurried toward something excited, in the darkness Vorruck finally saw it.