
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


(Andrew)"We can put you with the other vampires in the refugee area, I'll carry you."

(Girl)"No, I don't want to be with them."

He didn't know how to handle her, she wouldn't talk much and was making him stay by her. She didn't want to be with the other vampires, and was glued to his arm.

(Andrew)"I have to finish working so I can go home, I am a busy man you know."

(Girl)"Take me home."

He was startled at the comment, but got shy quickly. He never brought a girl home before, not even back in the old world. Today he was the connected person with first person on and honestly nobody cared about that system anymore, it helped nothing for anyone ever.

(Andrew)"I am a man, you should stay with a woman."

(Girl)"No. Take me home."

He didn't know how to argue with her, she was insistent on it, honestly his new faith said he should open his doors to her. But it was still a girl going to a guy's house, he felt it was wrong. Reluctantly he picked her up and she clutched closely to him, her hands were shaking but she wouldn't let go.

(Andrew)"Relax, we are going to my house like you wanted."

A quiet voice whispered after his voice, and she stopped shaking so much.

(Girl)"Thank you."

He walked home and none of them stopped him, a few followers were jealous even. After entering his house he used his free hand that wasn't being used by her to shut all the lights, and lit a small candle.

(Andrew)"The sunlight is gone now, you are safe here."

She didn't respond but still holding his one arm she came out of the thick blankets, and he saw her true appearance. She had half of her face gone with blood red eye pupils staring at him, the side that was missing didn't have an eyelid and was just an eerie eye staring at him. She had tight fitting clothes that looked dirty and picked off the floor on her with slashes all over her, she had burn spots all over her body gauging out flesh in her.

(Andrew)"I'll get a doctor, or someone who can help. Wait here."

She didn't let him go, and kept holding his arm, he caught the hint sitting back down.

(Girl)"Stay, please just stay."

He never was in this kind of situation before so the two just sat in silence, with her holding his arm. She raised his wrist to her mouth, and looked at him. Her teeth were smashed apart, like someone took a baseball bat to them. There were no iconic vampire fangs, just a sad looking girl holding his wrist up to her mouth unable to bite. Her silver hair was a mess, and her hands were hidden under cloth mittens.


He pulled out his pocket knife a cut a small incision on his wrist, she greedily held onto his wrist and the two remained in silence. She had a look of gratitude, and held him softly while her tongue licked his wound.