
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


Finished with their small airport tour they got in the carriage with a suspension, it was nice and smooth the ride unlike the others. The trio didn't even talk once about it tho, instead something else was being discussed with complete seriousness.

"We pioneered something groundbreaking, even Rohn was shocked stating it was pure fiction in that world. A cape with a magic circle on it, while the user of the cape is shot at with firearms, artillery and arrows the cape is consumed, with it being a quick refill to keep the effect going."

"This cape, is it reused? Or is it a single use?"

"We would like to display it directly to you instead, please come this way."

Issac was pumped, he knew once the pope saw it he would probably commission from them a million of these capes. They were cheap to produce and he could sell them in bulk to his entire army, it was going to be a gold mine!

A hundred knights all lined up in the distance, they were their elite men. They stood on opposing sides one armed with guns, while the criminals stood a bit away from it. The men pointed the guns directly at the criminals with a calm expressions, pulling the trigger smoke filled the air on one side. The pope stared intently at it, the bullets were fired he could see them whizz by but nobody was hurt!

"The capes sir, look at the capes."

"What is happening exactly?"

The capes were being burned up, like it was somehow on fire on the inside. They didn't leave ash either, as they lost their edges only. The next round of attacks commenced right after, and they burned even more of the cape. The bottom was gone but it wasn't even half up the cape itself.

"The cape is consumed, protecting the person it is connect to. Completely from shrapnel, bullets, however it is not a invincible shield. It only works against ranged weapons, the principal is to essentially let the object pass through them without stopping."

The pope remained silent as they handed him one, he touched and felt it. Obviously it was high grade, he turned to a bishop that silently followed the trio and nodded. The bishop grabbed the cape and cut a hole in it first then released his spirit power on it destroying it. The test proved what he wanted to know, how to destroy it.

"I want to know how many you can produce."

The pope looked directly at Christopher, he looked calm without any change. The cape was shocking, but he knew several techniques himself to survive being shot at for days. Guns were not frightening to him, instead it was just a new toy. The same couldn't be said of his armies, and some of his people tho.

"I can get you about ten thousand of these capes by the end of the year, that's it. After that we will share the technology with others, since we are approaching you before anyone else."


Ten thousand of these capes could be given to all their men and hold a complete advantage over others, also with early access to the tech they were far better trained before them in its advantages and uses. After that, they went over to a new display area. It was a single new cannon, it was covered in magic circles and had a long thin barrel.

"The newest magnetic cannon, it can fire successfully at a rate of four shots a minute. It is gravity fed so there is no need to reload until the fourth shot, the rounds also are far safer. They are using an unstable magic array mixed with an air compression array, causing a controlled explosion on impact."

The lightweight cannon was a shocker for the pope and his group, they wanted to touch it and see its every secret. The weapon was leagues above the current cannon in every way, both range and fire rate were above it. It even had a new maneuvering mechanism that aimed any direction by spinning wheels on it.

"The base that aims it is from Rohn, he said it was a method of anti-air gun. It was added for this display model to showcase what it can fully do, normally we wouldn't sell it with it. The cannon is also a quarter of the weight of the royal hammer being easy to move with far more destructive power, however range is still outmatched by the Royal hammer."

The weapon was sold near instantly, the total production of a mere hundred a year was taken by the church paying double to ensure the world didn't know either. The Zotts got more money in one day then a full year of business.