
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · Fantasy
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179 Chs


After the pope and all his men left, Illnor succeeded in helping Rohn calm down and relax. He was stable again, but he refused to leave his new workshop in the farm they had. So Issac kept visiting to make sure he was okay, while getting ready for the next big plan.

"We must build a tower for the Elemental sorcerers, they would be able to produce far more."

"A tower? That would take half of our profit from the church."

Christopher thought it over, Issac always wanted one now he had the perfect excuse. A sorcerers tower, both for giving a sorcerer far greater strength in it, and it was a major gathering point for all sorcerers. They would travel across the world to see an abandoned one, much less seeing a working new one.

"Alright, we will build one. Even if this all blows over it would still make us money just being here."

They quickly found a spot in a poor district of town and contacted the best sorcerers they knew. The talk spread quickly and soon they had hundreds of sorcerers of different types showing up to volunteer to work, it was unheard of to build a sorcerer tower in a city. The Zotts family was changing everything, and nobody wanted to miss out.

"The church actually is turning a blind to this?"

"Well, the Zotts family must be more connected than we thought!"

The commoners talked about it even, the church who always stated sorcerer towers are places of sin and depravity suddenly turned silent. It wasn't a crime to build one, but it was a unwritten rule to favor the church over the sorcerers. Here the Zotts family, one of the most close noble families to the church building a tower in broad daylight.

"The world is changing, first the cannons now this. Should we close up shop?"

"What's the use, we are stuck here with our fortune."

"The lands southward might be safer, war seems to loom here."

"We already live here, how can we travel to somewhere we don't even know about!"

Merchants, commoners, all people who could speak or hear knew about the world changing. Some chose to ignore reality and go about their business, some planned for safety. They didn't know where the war was coming from or if there was going to be one, but their natural survival instinct built generations of conflict warned them.

Issac worked even harder pushing his scholars and his people to create bigger better faster things, while meeting with anyone he could to increase his chances. He single handley pushed the Zotts forward into this new age, while dragging everyone in the world with him.