
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs

Future path

After she was done she picked up his robe on the floor and put it back on him, opening his eyes he put back on.

(Mereth)"Your in in perfect health, now sorry about making you go through that but it was necessary."

(Vorruck)"It's fine"

Sitting back down he was humiliated, never before was he treated like a animal at the zoo.

(Mereth)"Look at me, don't keep your face down in shame."

Looking up he saw her seriously staring into his eyes, it made him flinch a little thinking about how she saw his everything including privates.

(Mereth)"I only have your sake in my mind, so for your future let's discuss your education. You will be taught by me personally in necromancy and your lodging will be nearby mine. Also, since you're growing your diet has to change, and you need ample sleep."

Nodding he agreed and tried to focus on the fact he was going to learn more magic, over what just happened to him.

(Mereth)"Necromancy can be taken as a form of more advanced dark magic, so you won't need to relearn basics and just expand on what you know. Now, Quela show him to his room."

(Quela)"Follow me"

Walking behind Quela he went through a different door then the one he came through and eventually reached his room. Opening it up it had no windows, a bathroom with running water but cold only, a bathtub and a king sized mattress. After seeing the place he went to sleep, forgetting the long day of travel and interview's.

Back at Mereth's office Quela came back in after closing the door and went over to the desk sitting down, and waited for Mereth to finish writing.

(Quela)"You picked him for that didn't you."

(Mereth)"So what if I did, not like he has any other option here."

(Quela)"But he doesn't even know, and he signed his life away."

(Mereth)"He didn't sign his life away, it will just change a little."

Waking up to his door being pounded on, he got out of bed and quickly got to the door.

(Quela)"Good morning, now let's go."

Following behind Quela he caught up with her as she began to walk away, he had the feeling he should ask where to with her. After they left his room they entered a hallway it was connect to and went to its end that had two double doors instead of the average single.

(Mereth)"Welcome to your new home, so how do you like it?"

(Vorruck)"It's great, feels a lot better than sharing a room like before."

Sitting down Mereth was eating on a long table obviously for far more people then the three of them, on the table was countless cookies, cupcakes, and sweets of every kind filling the table. The room was wide and grand with three different doors in the back of it. He walked up wanting to try one but also waiting for permission to try it.

(Mereth)"Don't worry you can have as much as you can eat, take a seat next to me."

(Vorruck)"Um, okay."

Sitting down next to her she began piling on different sweets on his previously empty plate, she then poured some milk into his cup to drink.

(Mereth)"A growing body needs its nutrients, so eat it all."