
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · Fantasy
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179 Chs


(Vorruck)"Yeah, can I ask a question tho."

(Mereth)"Sure dear, ask away."

She smiled softy and quickly raised her hand to interrupt Quela from stopping him, and pushed up her breast catching his eyes again.

(Vorruck)"Will you teach me magic?"

(Mereth)"Of course dear, I will teach you that and oh so much more."

(Vorruck)"Alright I agree, thank you"

(Mereth)"Oh no, thank you. Come here and give me your left hand, and expose your signal for me real quick."

She smiled and grabbed his hand, instead of the searing pain of last time getting the mark he felt a stabbing instant sharp pain that went away instantly. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth to deal with it, meanwhile she was smiling deviously at his hand.

(Mereth)"We are now bonded for life as teacher and apprentice, now let's sit and chat to get to know each other."


(Mereth)"So are you a virgin?"

Almost falling over at the question he flopped down into the chair with a blank face.

(Mereth)"Any first kiss yet? Still a no? A crush ever?"

Embarrassed, he recalled Swiz and explained how he followed her to the camp to learn magic. Then later on just pursued magic instead of speaking with her, and eventually grew distant.

(Mereth)"You did all that for her, then just left her for more magic? You got a strong head I will say, don't worry I like that in people. So tell me about your appearance and why you let your hair grow out, better yet just disrobe for a minute for me."


(Mereth)"Oh don't worry I have seen plenty of men and their bodies, one more won't count neither will it bother Quela at all."

She was too aggressive and he knew it wasn't a good time with her constantly pushing up her breast for him to see, so he tried to whisper in response.

(Vorruck)"But I am naked beneath it…"

(Mereth)"I am ordering you as your teacher stand and disrobe now."

(Vorruck)"But teacher, I do-"

(Quela)"Do it, don't argue with Miss Mereth! She is your teacher, she has every right to see your body, as much as you do yourself!"

(Mereth)"Quela not so rough, but Vorruck she is right I need to see you and see if you have any hidden injuries or scars. You cannot expect me to believe you are in perfect health without seeing you first hand right?"

(Vorruck)"I get it."

Defeated, he stood up and began to disrobe, Mereth stood up and walked up to him as if inspecting.

(Mereth)"You can close your eyes, it won't take long."

Nodding he finished taking it off and closed his eyes as she began looking at him seriously, then looked everywhere on him like a researcher.