
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · ファンタジー
179 Chs


(3rd person POV)

A knife came fast at Vorruck so he dodged to the left, and shot out his arm with one too at the attacker. He wasn't quick enough and a punch hit his forearm and threw the knife away.

Panicked, Vorruck released his shadows and launched at the attacker's face, but before his shadows came and hit the attacker their knife reached his neck.

(Teacher)"Good, but you need practice."

(Vorruck)"Thanks teacher"

The wooden knife pulled back and he relaxed again, since they figured out how to use the shadow a month ago they practiced knife combat, it was difficult to do but he treated it like gym time. Everyone took it seriously despite using wooden knives, they were all told to do anything to win but only limited with their abilities and the wooden knives.

So far it was pretty rough but after getting the basics down they also learned how to make the shadows cover their body and disappear in darkness with it, it only worked at night but it was so cool he would often do it in the dorm. The shadow ball and shadow shield were still far off for him but he kept training with it as a goal.

After living here in this world so long his appearance changed too, with clear blue eyes and long black hair like a woman he lost all muscle he had even making him look slender. His shoulder length hair was usually hidden by his hood, but all the people here did the grow their hair out so he followed suit not wanting to stick out.

(Teacher)"Vorruck, Rick, you two work spar no chatting."

Rick was his new friend he made in the dorm, they both had far different personalities. He was a taller thin guy with blonde hair and brown eyes who had a glum, but clever personality. They both often practiced sparing together and hung out often, Vorruck was really proud his capacity to understand was near fluent now.

After the sparring they all went back in the dark pit and laid down enjoying the dark fog filling them, after understanding more of the language he learned it was called dark energy. It was in a pure visible form so they could enjoy its benefits.

It not only made him stronger in controlling the dark energy but also made him feel far stronger, it got rid of the soreness that usually happens after work outs too. After getting out the teacher flagged him down with a hand gesture.

(Teacher)"Go to the elder, he wants to speak with you."

(Vorruck)"Did I do something bad? Me and Rick were just kidding around, we didn't mean anything bad."

(Teacher)"Relax, just go."

The teacher was always short with words but friendly, never really forcing anyone to follow orders. The elder was never seen again by Vorruck since his first day with Ben dropping them off here, not understanding what the reason was he went to the house and knocked at the door.

(Elder)"Come in."

Sitting down with a book on the table was the elder, he had a soft smile on his face and gestured to sit down on the opposite side of the table. After sitting down, the elder looked into Vorrucks eyes and spoke softly.

(Elder)"We need to talk about your direction in life."